Entering The World Of High School DxD

Chapter 61 - After Affects

I didn't remember much of what happened after the Divine Damnation. All I could remember was healing myself before eventually losing consciousness. After that rather than waking up normally, I once again found myself inside the black void.

Yu - They seriously need to decorate this place it honestly feels depressing every time I come here... Oh! I actually have a body this time.

Different from my last few visits here I actually had a body this time. However, while I had a body it wasn't completely physical. This body was transparent but I could still see outlines of my body. Giving this some thought I came to the conclusion that this was my astral body since I could see multiple types of energy taking residence in it.

In the center of my ċhėst was my yin yang core, surrounding the core was red, blue, brown, green, and purple colored auras. They represented my fire, water, earth, air, and what I ȧssume lightning since it was the smallest aura there. Besides that, I also saw four strands of crimson black energy slowly traveling around my body.

Yu - ...Strange.

This was the first time I actually saw my astral body, and while I didn't feel uncomfortable or anything it did feel strange seeing that crimson black energy making its way around my body.


Hearing a gong-like sound I stopped examining my body and turned my sights towards the thing in front of me. It was the same stone tablet I saw when I was on the train from Kyoto but this time rather than looking rusty and old it looked polished and new.

Seeing it now I could start to point out many different details I couldn't before and as I did this the tablet started to shrink as it made its way towards me. This action was neither fast nor slow but when the tablet touched my forehead I felt like I had been hit by a truck. Disoriented and confused I felt foreign knowledge enter my brain engraining itself into my memory.

Yu - ...[The Ruler]

While I couldn't yet filter out every last memory I just received I was able to say the name of what I just received. It was an authority by the name of [The Ruler] and while not something I can use for myself I could use it to strengthen my soldiers. Unfortunately, when I tried to probe further on this authority I felt a sharp headache and stopped.

Yu - I'll have to try that again later.

After repeating this process 2 more times I decided to hold off on that and instead focus on the new tablets in front of me. Before I left this place besides [The Ruler] there was another tablet behind it but, now instead of 1 tablet, there were now 3.

Of the 3 tablets, 2 were in the far back of the void so I could only bȧrėly make out their shape but the third one was closer and I could see what was on it. Similar to how [The Ruler] was previously it was cracked and looked old but rather than a man on a throne this tablet showed a man face his back towards me while he stares at a barren wasteland before him.


Yu - Guess it's time to go.

Since I already saw what I wanted I didn't resist the mysterious force forcing me out of the void and left willingly. Ironically even though I was willing at that moment I immediately wished I could return after I regained control of my body.


A high fever, aching bones, a sore throat, and slightly blurry vision was what I woke up to when I returned from the void. I had been so long since I experienced something like a sickness so this feeling bothered me more than it used to. Even my stamina which was, in the beginning, was stupidly high dwindled down greatly in light of this sickness.

Forcing myself to use my mana I examined my body and found that lightning was flowing through my body at a tremendous rate, messing with my normal bodily functions. When I tried to control it with my newly acquired lightning manipulation I found that instead of helping me it just made things worse. Facing this plight I gave up on controlling the lightning and rested my head against a pillow in hopes that this sickness will pass soon.

Yu - [Wait a minute? Aren't I in my room back home. Shouldn't I still be in UBW, how did I get here?]


??? - You're awake.

Yu - Hm?... Shirone?

When I turned my sights towards the voice that called out to me I saw Shirone, but rather than her anime counterpart my Shirone looked more grown up. She still had her silver-white hair and golden eyes. However, if I was to describe the difference I'd say that she's 155cm instead of 143cm, and compared to the anime my Shirone has an hourglass figure. {A/N: In case people were wondering what she looked like. It's basically Koneko's Shirone Mode but permanent. s2.narvii.com/image/3yjyymlzskd5pbfggwuq2a3fzqz5kf4f_hq.jpg}

Shirone - En. How are you feeling?

Yu - I'm fine but...how did you get into my house?

Shirone - We snuck in after your family left.

Yu - What happened where did they go?

Shirone - Last night there was a huge storm that damaged a part of town, cause multiple houses to lose power, and flood some nearby parks. You parent's wanted to go and check on their friends around town, while Issei wanted to check on his girlfriends.

Shirone - No, before they left they asked a neighbor if they could check on you every hour when they saw you were sick. Apparently, your parents went out of town and won't be back till tomorrow. As for Issei, he left shortly after them.

Yu - Then where are my caretakers?

Shirone - Oneesan used mind magic to keep them away.

Yu - Wh-!... you know what I'm not even going to ask. What I do want to know is how did I get back into my room. I thought I passed out in my reality marble?

Shirone - Last night Seriyuu and the others felt something strange going on and rushed to your side only to be locked out or your reality marble. It was also around that time that the storm happened and only after the storm passed were they allowed in. From what they told us you were found unconscious on the floor surrounded by a pool of blood. They contacted us after making sure you were alright and we got here around the time your family left.

Yu - Where are Seriyuu and the others?

Shirone - Genbu, and Byakko went back to Haven to help out Yasaka. Apparently, Haven formed another sun last night but it was only a quarter of the size of the other suns. Along with that an ocean formed around Haven causing Genbu to survey the sea, while Byakko searched the land in case anythigng new popped up. As for Suzaku and Seriyuu, Suzaku is currently monitoring the sky since he felt large amounts of lightning energy there, and Seriyuu is currently resting on the roof monitoring the surrounding of the house. I also had the usual platoon of shadow clansmen monitor your family to make sure nothing happens so you don't have to worry about them, they'll be fine.

Yu - Thanks...

Receiving all that information I calmed down a little knowing the situation outside, but there was 1 more question I had.

Yu - Hey besides you and Kuroka who else came over.

Shirone - Valerie also came and Yasaka wanted to come but with what happened last night in Haven she's pretty busy if not she would have already been here...you know we were all worried after we heard you were found unconscious.

Yu - ...Ya sorry about that.

Even though that was totally out of my control, I could only show a bitterly smile as I apologized to her while pulling her into my embrace. She showed no resistance and even gave me a hug as she lay down on the bed next to me. When she did this I could feel her body trembling and when I looked at her face I could see small tears in her eyes as she rubbed her face against my ċhėst. This caused my heart to feel a slight pain, as I held her closer to me and gave her a short kiss on her forehead.

Yu - I must have worried you guys a lot, I'm sorry I'll try to be more careful in the future.

She said nothing but I could feel her head nod up and down before she held on to my body tighter than before. Feeling this all I could do was continue holding her while I waited for her to calm down.

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