Once Shirone was able to calm down we both made our way downstairs, to meet Kuroka and Valerie who were in the kitchen. I didn't try to mask my presence so when I walked into the kitchen both of the girls saw me and before even letting me say one word tackled me to the ground with tears in their eyes.

Similar to what I did with Shirone I held them close to me for a while calming them down and eventually making my way to the dining table. Once there I sat down while looking at the backs of the 3 girls cooking some food. This moment would have been so much better though if I didn't feel like s***. In order to try and alleviate the symptoms, I was feeling I manifested a golden sword in my hand and let its aura wash over me.

Just like I predicted I felt a little better but I wasn't cure lightning still ran amuck in my body but the sword made sure it didn't affect my body too much. As for the sword, it was actually the [Fractured Excaliber] I received from the system's gacha. Just like Lost Blood, this was also a growth type weapon but, rather than devouring items in order to get stronger this sword developed abilities through my own growth.

The more I progressed in life the more abilities I received from the sword. As of right now from what I could remember the skills of this sword were:


[[Fractured Excaliber]

- A sword fetus that has been a bath in holy light, and will grow along with its master.

1st - Purification: A passive ability that coats the blade of the sword in holy light purifying and evil spirits weaker than the sword's master that has been cut by it.

2nd - Avalon: A passive ability that heals the user of any external, internal, or soul related injuries over time. (Drains mana equal to the amount of damage caused by the injury).

3rd - Vorpal Slash: An active ability that takes the hope the subject's of the user and uses it to fuel an attack beyond that of the owner's capabilities (Can only be used once every 2 months).

4th - Peaceful Mind: A passive ability that clears the mind of the user allowing their thoughts to be clear and devoid of distraction.

5th - Safe Departure: An active ability that purifies the souls of the user's fallen subordinates so that they may pass on safely towards the afterlife.

6th - Ruler's Authority: A passive ability that only allows people of power equal to or greater to a king in order to wield this blade.

7th - Integration: An ability that allows the sword to reside inside the user's body for future use.

Remembering the [Avalon] ability I poured my mana into the blade and slowly felt the wounds my soul received heal themselves. Enjoying this filling I looked at my other hand and remembers my first sword fetus [Lost Blood]. Over the years I participated in my fights and in turn feed it many different types of material. However, even with all of the materials I gave it, it allows gained abilities opposite to the ones I got from [Fractured Excaliber].


[[Lost Blood]

- A sword fetus that has absorbed high-quality blood and mana improving mana conductivity, strength, and sharpness. As well as being granted several abilities.

1st - Devourer: A passive/active ability derived from multiple previous abilities that eat at the target it cuts, whether it be blood, flesh, or a soul.

2nd - Miasma Aura: An active ability derived from the demon blood found inside the blood diamond, allows the sword to produce miasma for either defense, attack, or intimidation. The more souls the sword eats the stronger the miasma.

3rd - Dimensional Strike: An active ability that allows the sword to cut into space opening a path towards the dimensional gap. (Can only be used twice a day)

4th - Soul Prison - An active ability that allows the sword to capture the souls of those who have fallen at its blade turning them into a puppet for the user. (Maximum capacity 100 souls)

5th - Madness - A passive ability that slowly eats away at the user's mind turning it into a mindless killer.

6th - Integration: An ability that allows the sword to reside inside the user's body for future use.

7th - Bloodline Owner: A special ability that allows the blade to be used only by those who have the mixed bloodline of the primordial azure dragon, white tiger, black turtle, vermillion phoenix, demon, pure spirit, and ancestor.]


Relaxing in my chair time passed I closed my eyes and when I opened them again I saw that the food was done and the table prepared. Turning my sights toward my left I saw Kuroka with a look of confidence on her face.

While it was true that she couldn't cook, or clean she was great at arranging the dinner table a skill that wasn't much of a household skill, but a skill she liked to show off whenever she could. Her fastest record at the moment was 3 seconds for a table of 10 people.

Giving her a small pat on the head I saw that there was a bowl of soup, 2 sandwiches, and a small salad. Each of them looking completely normal actually had lots of medical herbs mixed into the recipe, most likely the work of Valerie who studied in medicine under me.

We all ate in silence and eventually made our way towards the living room where we watched T.V. Even though what we did was just casual living I enjoyed the time greatly since I got to spend time with the girls something that didn't usually happen often with all the work we had on our hands.

Hours passed and the sun started to set but, we still stayed in the living room. I was laying down on the couch resting my head on Valerie's ŀȧp, Kuroka had left it upon herself to lay on my ċhėst and Shirone sat on a cushion on the floor below me. I still felt terrible from the effects of the lightning but, because I was content with reality at the moment I didn't pay much attention to it.


Valerie - So are you going to tell us what happened?

Kuroka/Shirone/Valerie - Yes!

In truth, I knew the girls wanted to know what happened by the way the acted today so I wasn't too surprised when they all replied enthusiastically.

Yu - Long story short, I did something reckless and almost got killed end of the story.


To my words, I received a light smack on my forehead by Valerie while also earning a frown from the other girls.

Valerie/Kuroka/Shirone - Be serious!

Yu - Hahaha okay, let's see where do I start...


I told them everything, from the fact that I felt restless the night before to the time I was struck by the divine damnation. They all listen quietly from beginning to the end.

Yu - So ya that's what happened.

Kuroka - So were you able to rank up?

Yu - *sigh* no, but I did feel my body get a little strong after my physical wounds were healed.

The Divine Damnation didn't only cause drawbacks, it also gave some benefits even to those who failed. One such benefit was the purification and strengthening of my body. It wasn't noticeable at first but after examining my body beyond the lightning I noticed that all the impurities in my body from using [Life and Death Spiritualization]. Alongside that, I felt my skin become a lot denser than it was previously.

Yu - [Looks like all those wuxia novels knowledge on receiving a baptism of lightning weren't all wrong.]

Valerie - I'm a little confused how can somebody tell when they ranked up. There shouldn't be much of a difference when compared to a normal person right?

Yu - Well the process is different for certain races, for Angels it's getting 6 wings rather than the usual 2, the same thing can be said for devils. For Yokai it's getting wielding spirit energy in their body rather than borrowing it from the world, and for humans, it usually strengthens there body while increasing their lifespan and magical abilities. But there is 1 thing that all Ultimate Rank fighter and above have, it's an aura.

Valerie - Doesn't everyone have an aura, what makes that one different?

Yu - Its sort of gives an oppressive feeling to those of the lower ranks. It's something that can either be bottled up or let out but everyone who has ranked up to ultimate has it.

If it was any of those abilities I could also mimic them with my own skills but, it seems that the only way for me to advance is to go through another Divine Damnation. In the past, I've been pressured by others aura but in the end, I still came out on time. The aura while the concept of it sounds nice it's really just an exaggerated ability used to scare away the weak, having no effect on those equal to or stronger than the user.

Yu - From what I can tell it'll take me about 2 weeks to completely heal myself, after that, I'll have to find ways to bypass the lightning if I want to rank up.

Shirone - You still want to challenge that storm?

Yu - It's not like I'm going to go in unprepared this time, besides it's not like I won't gain anything even if I fail...don't worry I'll be careful.

When I mentioned fighting the Divine Damnation again everyone tried to talk me out of it but could only reluctantly agree when they saw I wasn't going to budge from my decision. Seeing that I won our little argument I was planning on taking a nap but before I could the door to the living room opened.

Issei - Hey Aniki I brought over the guys--

Standing at the doorway of the living room was a frozen Issei and behind him were Matsuda, Motohama, Kiryuu, Katse, and Murayama who were also shocked at what they saw. As for us we just looked at them with confused expressions. In the end, I just ignored them and started watching T.V again since I no longer felt like taking a nap.

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