Entering The World Of High School DxD

Chapter 67 - I Will Return

After finishing my talk with Ddraig I left a few formations in the dreamscape of the boosted gear before leaving. These formations were fail-safes in case the worst happened to Issei while I wasn't around. Along with that I also planted some martial arts techniques I took from some enemy factions into Issei's mind so that he can build a better foundation for himself.

One of the cons I had about the anime Issei was that he was pretty weak without his balance breaker. Without it, he basically couldn't do anything and this was something I didn't want I wanted him to be strong enough to the point where he might not even need the Boosted Gear but even I knew that was a long shot.


{2 Months Later}

2 months since my deal with Ddraig and other than having our regular meeting documenting and recording Issei's progress nothing much happened in my daily life. In the mornings I'd go to school with Issei, and in the afternoon I'd hang.

Actually, over summer I forged some school documents for Shirone so she can transfer to Kouh High, and when Issei and I entered our sophomore year of high school she became a freshman. In addition to that Shirone also became a hot topic in school for the guys who were interested in her looks but sadly any hopes they had were instantly crushed by her.

From what I heard it seemed that some of her classmates tried to confess to her during their break between class, but the result they got was an instant rejection. Added to the fact that Shirone's expression to people other than family was expressionless and the fact that her tone was ice cold only caused the damage those freshmen received to multiple. This also seemed to be the way she talked to others who tried to get close to her with ulterior motives.

Because of this by lunchtime, she received the title of Ice Queen from her peers. Sadly some of them didn't learn and even tried to find her at lunch only to find me consoling the annoyed Shirone in my arms. They probably couldn't understand how the expressionless girl in their class could show such emotions with me. In the end, all of them were forced to leave after I glared at them with a sliver of killing intent since they were ruining my time with my girlfriend.

After that while, there were still some pursuers hoping to get Shirones attention most of them were gone and Shirone was finally able to make some real friends in school. As for me I finally understood what it felt like to be Kiba, originally I had no interest in the girl in my school and this let the guys in my grade feel relieved since honestly with my looks I could seduce most of the girls in my grade hands down. Since I didn't I was never made public enemy #1, however, after announcing the fact that Shirone was mine some of the guys around me (minus Kiba) started to see me as a public enemy. They probably thought I was finally going to chase after girls leaving their chances of getting a girlfriend slimmer than they already are. As for my answer to this:

Unfortunately, teenagers are teenagers and some of them are impulsive and immature. 1 day while I was leaving the school with Shirone to meet up with Kuroka and the others we were stopped by a big group of people. In front of that group was a freshman who I beat up when he demanded I stay away from Shirone. Apparently, he had a brother who was pretty influential in the cities underworld and that day he decided to bring some of his friends over to scare me away.

Unfortunately, I was in no mood to deal with them and simply told them to go away, but they saw my words as arrogance and decided to attack me. If this was the supernatural world my first response would be to kill them, lucky for them since we were in public surrounded by students I decided to simply beat them black an blue before they eventually begged me for mercy.

I did that for 2 reasons: 1 was to give those guys a lesson for attacking me, and 2 was to give a warning to my peers showing them what happens to those that try to take what is mine. After that, I give the crowd a small smile and waved goodbye as Shrone took my arm and we left the campus.

Seeing this some of the students who knew me from primary school remembered my previous title of [Smiling Tyrant] coupled with my recent show of brutality the fear that they once had of me in their hearts resurfaced and I got a new title [Demon King]. When I heard this the first thought I had was of a certain red-haired sis-con before eventually shaking my head in denial, rejecting any claims I had to the title and simply continued to live life without giving it a second thought.


{1 month later}

It was currently Friday night and because there were some tasks that needed my approval I decided to spend the night in Haven. Apparently, besides some major city reconstructions, Grant and the Western Tower wanted to use the desert in the north to practice some of their more destructive weaponry and magic.

In total most of this office work took about 4 hours and by the time I finished, it was already past midnight. Fortunately, I wasn't too mentally exhausted since standing to my side was a sėxy big brėȧsted fox maiden. Ever since our union under the moon, Yasaka has taken it upon herself to be my personal maid whenever I spent the night at Haven. This change was something I liked since her presence had a calming effect on my mind, this could also be said for Irina, Valerie, Kuroka, and Shirone in fact just having anyone of my women around me made me very calm.

Yu - *Yawn~*

Yu - A little but not so much that it'll affect me.

Yasaka - If you're tired you should get some sleep.

Saying this she walked behind me and started to massage my shoulders relieving them of the tension the built up.

Yu - *Sigh~*

Releasing a relaxed sigh I enjoyed the sensation for a moment before eventually pulling out a file from Gates of Babylon. Opening it I spread the content on my desk examining each one.

Yasaka - Is that your recent report on your brother's improvements.

Yu - No this is something related to my own improvement.

Yasaka - Hm~ let me see.

Taking her hands off my shoulders she started looking through the pile of paperwork skimming through each page.

The files she was looking at was actually the research I conducted on some of my abilities, [Magic Furnace], [Life and Death Spiritualization], [Lost Blood]'s Devour ability and my original [meditation] skill. As for why I was researching them it was to alter and fuse their functions together to create a cultivation method. I did the same thing when I tried altering the previous [Life and Death Spiritualization] Body Refining Technique but that was with the systems help and it made the whole process so much easier than it actually was.

However, because the system is not available right now I had to do this all by my self and it was pretty hard. My main goal in doing this was to find a way to endure and absorb the divine damnation by using [Lost Blood]'s to eat up some of the lightning lessening my burden while using the absorption ability of [Magic Furnace] to bring any leftover energy into my body. Following that, I'd use the energy refinement ability of [Meditation] and body refinement of [Life and Death Spiritualization] to increase my strength using Divine Damnation as it's core.

The only problem was that I had to alter these techniques in order for them to be compatible enough to give me the result I want. While I wasn't deeply afraid of the Divine Damnation I didn't want today by fighting against it unprepared.

Explaining all of this to Yasaka allowed her to see why I was doing this but just like any other time I mention the Divine Damnation Yasaka and the girls try to talk me out of it. While I could feel the love, and concern for me I wasn't going to stop now if I did I wouldn't be me.

Consoling the dejected fox I placed her on my ŀȧp while I pulled out a brush and started brushing her nine tails something I found out recently that she was very fond of. An just like that Yasaka and I enter our own little world together and this went on for a while until it was interrupted by the sudden appearance of a communication magic circle. Resisting the urge to destroy it I connected the call and replied coldly:

Yu - What do you want?

??? - Whoa! From your tone, it seems like I just interrupted something.

Yu - Ya you did now what do you want.

??? - What was it were you about to-

Yu - Azazel! I'm going to hang up if you don't get serious.

Probably knowing it wasn't time to mess around Azazel's tone turned serious.

Azazel - I heard you've been looking for Sun Wukong?

Yu - Ya you got any leads?

Azazel - I heard from some of my friends that he was camping out over Mount Sanqing.

Yu - Okay thanks I'll check it out, what do you want for the info.

Azazel - Give me some of those wines you have. Baraqiel's been acting very out of it lately and I think he just needs to have a drink in order to get his mind off of it.

Yu - [It probably has something to do with Akeno.]

Yu - Sure meet at the same place next week.

Azazel - Sure!

Azazel - Later.

Hanging up the call with Azazel I stood up from my seat and was going to get a coat but before I could Yasaka had already gotten one for me and even helped me put it on. This an all would have been very sweet if not for the fact that she looked sad after hearing my talk with Azazel. She was a smart woman so she probably knew I was searching for Son Wukong in order to get his help with my cultivation method.

Yasaka - Do you really have to go.

Yu - ...Yasaka I know that you and the girls don't want me following this path of mine, but for me, it's the only path I find myself taking. Yes, it is dangerous and I know that all I'm doing is worrying you guys but what can I do. I can't just run when things get dangerous what if it gets to the point where I can't run away, if that happens I won't have the strength to protect all that we have built...

Seeing Yasaka get even more depressed after hearing my words I continued.

Yu - I plan to live a long life, and I also plan to build a family with everyone but, in order for this to happen in order to keep myself from worrying I have to get stronger so that I can protect all of you.

As I said this I pulled Yasaka into my embrace and lifted her chin up so that she looked into my eyes.

Yu - I won't lie the feeling you all had when you heard I was injured is the same feeling I have when all of you go off and fight. I honestly don't want you guys to go out and fight because I don't like the thought of you guys getting hurt. But I still let you go because I believe in you, I believe you will be safe and that you'll come back to me.

Stopping for a moment I gave Yasaka a short kiss before speaking once more.

Yu - You see, one of the main reason's I can fight without worry is because I have all of you supporting me. As long as I know that all of you believe in me and have faith that I'd return there is nothing that'd stop me from returning him. Do you understand what I mean?

Yasaka - ...Yes...

Yu - Good girl.

Smiling at her response I gave her another kiss before I brought something out of GOB.

Yu - You know I originally planned to give everyone this in the future but if it'll make everyone feel better I might as well give it now.

Placing one hand over Yasaks left hand I slipped the object on her finger and watched as Yasaka showed me a shocked expression as she entered a daze like state.

Yu - Keep this a secret from everyone until I get back. But let this represent my will to you all that no matter what I will return.

Giving the dazed Yasaka one last kiss I instantly teleported out of Haven.

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