Entering The World Of High School DxD

Chapter 68 - Eating by the Campfire



??? - *Bite* So you wanted to talk to me? *Gulp* *Bite*

Yu - Ya *Gulp* I needed your help with something that I'm having trouble with *Bite* This is really good!

??? 2 - I know right *Bite*

Currently, I was sitting by a giant campfire with skirt steak in my hands, as a short man with a visor and a stick sat beside me eating the same type of steak. Across from us was a giant Chinese Dragon eating a much larger skirt steak. Because it was covered in bit marks I couldn't really tell what kind of animal it was but from the look of the dragon's expression, it was pleased with its food.


Many might wonder how this event came to be but it's actually very simple. Not long after leaving Haven I made my way to Mount Sanqing and was expecting to spend a couple of hours searching for Sun Wukong but to my surprise, he found me or his friend did. The moment I entered Mount Sanqing I was welcomed by Yu-Long one of the Five Great Dragon Kings. Thinking that I might have to fight Yu-Long I was about to attack he asked me a question I never would have expected him to say.

Yu-Long - Are you hungry?

Yu - ...Come again...?

Yu-Long - The old man told me to come and get you.

Yu - You mean Sun Wukong

Yu-Long - Yes, we're having barbecue do you want some?

Yu - [He came to Mount Sanqing to have barbecue?!... Do Buddha even eat barbecue?? Must be some really good barbecue.]

Yu - Lead the way.

Yu-Long - Hop on.

Not wasting any more time I leaped into the air and landed on Yu-Long's head, then without saying another word Yu-Long made his way up to the peak of the mountain where I instantly noticed the tantalizing smell of grilled meat. As we got closer to the peak I say a large fire that could possibly set fire to the whole mountain range if not for the small formations keeping the fire from spreading further than where it is meant to be.

Then standing next to the fire was Sun Wukong, although from what I could see from his body language he wasn't paying much attention to me and was putting all his focus on grilling the large piece of meat in front of him. To this, I could only look at Yu-Long and ask:

Yu - Is he okay?

Yu-Long - Ya we've just been preparing this dish for the past couple days if he suddenly messes up right now all our work will go to waste.

Yu - [Your fixation of food and the way you said that made me wonder if I traveled into the world of Shokugeki no Soma instead of Highschool DxD.]

Moving my gaze back towards Sun Wukong's direction and looked at the dish he was cooking only to see it look like a normal skirt steak. Many questions ran through my head but seeing as Sun Wukong was busy cooking and Yu-Long had started taking a nap I decided to sit down and wait for Sun Wukong to finish.

From reports my subordinates gave me Sun Wukong stopped getting involved in any unnecessary conflict since becoming a Buddha and mostly wondered the three realms as for what he did during his free time, I don't know. Not knowing how long he will take cooking his food, a part of me wanted to just ask him for help right then and there but, in the end, I just sat down on the ground and waited for him to finish.

Ever since I started indulging in the delicacies in Gates of Babylon whenever I caught wind of new rare delicacies I start to become a little gluttonous until I've tried the dish. So seeing as how even one of the five Dragon Kings was eager to try Sun Wukong's dish obviously I couldn't let myself be left out.

{2 hours later}

2 hours passed and besides his short comments on how well the grilling was going Sun Wukong was silent. As for myself, I was leaning against Yu-Long's mane playing with a small handheld game console I bought a long time ago while a bottle of Persian wine lay beside my feet.

Sun Wukong - FINISHED!!!!

Yu/Yu-Long - !!!!

Alarmed by Sun Wukong's sudden shout Yu-Long and me were a little startled before we turned our attention to Sun Wukong who was carrying 2 normal sized plates in his hands while behind him was a much larger plate behind him.

Yu - [Where did he get such a large plate.]

That was the first thought in my head before I suddenly fell on my back since Yu-Long whose body I was leaning against suddenly charged towards the giant plate faster than my eyes could register. Whether that was his natural speed or just the influence of his hunger I didn't know.

Sun Wukong - Sorry for the wait.

Yu - Nah it's okay.

Sun Wukong - Come and eat I left you a portion.

Yu - Okay but how did you know I was coming to find you?

Sun Wukong - Back when I was a Youkai I ran away from a lot of people *Bite* along the way I became really good at masking my trail *Gulp* Obviously if someone tried to find me *Bite* with my years of experience I can make it so they'll *Gulp* never find me unless I want them to find me. *Bite* You know the meat will go cold if you leave it alone *Gulp*

Yu - [Oh right he was known for being a very mischievous and reckless going as far as going against the heavens while also angering a Buddha before getting imprisoned under a mountain. It actually would be surprising if he didn't pick up a few skills.]

Remembering the previous tales of Sun Wukong I started to wonder what other skills and abilities he has. Thinking about it now I was very tempted to ask him about his skills to see if I can "borrow" some for the future. While my mind preoccupied with my current thoughts, my hand had already picked up the skirt steak and taking a bite.

Yu - ...

Words could not describe how good this tasted, all I could say was that my mind stopped functioning leaving me stunned as I tried to savor the flavor of the meat.

Sun Wukong - Hahahaha look at your face.

Yu - !!!!

Startled by Sun Wukong's laugh I brought myself back to reality only to find myself still bite into the steak while drool started falling from my mouth. Embarrassed by the fact that I was drooling I started wiping my mouth with my jacket sleeve.

Yu - [Damn, I don't even drool when I see a sėxy woman how can I drool because of food?!?!?!]

Sun Wukong - Hahaha *cough**cough* Ahem sorry. It's just that the first time anyone takes a bite out of Leviathan steak is always priceless.

Yu - Leviathan! The endangered sea dragon in the Atlantic?!

Sun Wukong - Ya, Yu-Long found a Leviathan corpse when raiding an enemy base 4 months ago, and well. It was already preserved and it would be a waste to just let the meat rot away.

Yu - [So you just decided to cook up and eat an endangered species!?!? But it is pretty good meat......Wait a minute that's not the point here!!!!!]

Feeling a headache build up inside my head I stopped thinking about the Leviathan and simply started seeing it a normal food and continued eating in silence.

Sun Wukong - *Bite* So you wanted to talk to me? *Gulp* *Bite*

Yu - Ya *Gulp* I needed your help with something that I'm having trouble with *Bite* This is really good (for an endangered species).

Yu-Long - I know right *Bite*

Yu - [If the Leviathan race goes extinct I'm blaming you Yu-Long.]

Sun Wukong - ...So you going to tell me what you needed me for or what?

Yu - I needed some help creating a cultivation method out of some techniques I already have. Unfortunately, I don't have much knowledge when it comes to creating a cultivation method.

Sun Wukong - Cultivation methods usually have a special function or benefit applied to them when created out of multiple skills. What's the purpose for you wanted a cultivation method.

Yu - I need a way to refine and absorb energy without my body exploding from taking in too much energy...actually while I say energy I really mean lightning.

Sun Wukong - Hm~...You're the one that caused the Divine Damnation a few months ago?

Yu - Um ya

Sun Wukong - Okay I'll help you.

Yu - [The hell!!! That was easy!!!]

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