Entering The World Of High School DxD

Chapter 69 - Working with a Buddha and Playing with Lightning

Sun Wukong - So what skills do you want to use as the foundation for the cultivation method. Let me tell you first Divine Damnation is much stronger than the Divine Punishment I received in the past. If we're going to do this I recommend we create something along the lines of a devouring technique and those usually need to be specifically created for one individual if they want to be master quickly.

Yu - Devouring Technique.

Sun Wukong - It's one of the more extreme cultivation methods that let the user eat everything within the margins of the method's parameters. In the past, I used one to try and devour Heavenly Energy straight from the Jade Emperor's treasure fault except because I was reckless in its use I almost died hahaha good times.

Yu - You are one crazy Buddha ...... you should join me and my drinking friend I'm sure you'll fit right in.

Sun Wukong - Sounds interesting-

Yu-Long - Ahem aren't you guys in the middle of something.

Yu/Sun Wukong - *Cough**Cough* he's right to let's get back to work.

Yu-Long - *Snort*

Showing each other an awkward smile we returned our focus on the task at hand. Sun Wukong waved his hand and multiple parchments, and I pulled out four separate files.

Each file had the physical copies of how to use my previous skill [Mediation] which was used to refine mana and other energies from the air into my body, the skill [Energy Furnace] which refilled my energy reserves almost instantly, [Life and Death Spiritualization] which uses external items and energy to refine and strengthen my body, and the [Devourer] ability from Lost Blood which states allows my sword to eat physical matter.

Sun Wukong - *Whistle~* Haven't seen methods like these in a long time.

Yu - They were the only ones I felt could help me when going against a Divine Damnation.

With these four skills, I'd use the ability from [Meditation] to refine the lightning adding to my own reserves, [Energy Furnace] speed up the absorption process, [Life and Death Spiritualization] will refine my body while I absorbed and refined the lightning into my own energy, and [Devourer] would eat away the lightning I couldn't absorb. That was the original plan when choosing these skills but since I still had no clue of the final result I couldn't be certain yet.


Sun Wukong - Okay! If everything goes well we might be done with this in a years time but at most, it might take 2 years. Now let's get started!

Sun Wukong - At the most year 2 years

Yu - Sorry to say this but at most I planned to stick around for a month or 2 but 1 to 2 years will cause my family will get worried [especially my lovers]

Sun Wukong - Obviously I have a meeting with one of my descendants in a few days so I don't have the time to spend 2 years here. I'm not as free as I was in the past after all.

Yu - Then why did you agree to help me if you didn't have enough time?

Sun Wukong - That's because I have this!!

Pulling a large alter from what I expected to be a personal storage dimension. The alter was around 8 meters by 8 meters with a formation inscribed on the surface. What surprised me was that even with my advanced knowledge of formations I could tell what this function actually did,

Yu - What is this?

Sun Wukong - Something I ... found in a certain individual's vault in the past. I don't know the name but I do know that 1 year in the altar is around 1 week outside.

Yu - (0o0)......Your kidding right.

Yu - [Maybe I should work on my time magic when I have the time, and maybe my formation techniques too while I'm at it.]

Sun Wukong - Hey you getting on or what?

Yu - Oh wait up.

Losing my train of thought while I was studying the formation on the alter I didn't even notice Sun Wukong already preparing a workstation on the altar. From what I was able to understand along with Sun Wukong's hint I saw that it did have the basic foundation for a time formation but that was all I could get from what little time I got to see it. Only after getting called out by Sun Wukong did I jump onto the altar as he started up the formation.


[9 months worth of time later]

Sun Wukong - Um this looks good enough, why don't you try it out.

Yu - How will I do that?

Originally I wanted to use the altar to get a few hours of sleep but, turns out Sun Wukong had other plans. The moment we finished he jumped out of the altar with a smile full of expectation on his face. Working on my cultivation method wasn't the only thing we did in the altar we also drink a few bottles of wine together and talked about our lives. Along the way, we went from simple guys looking to pursue one goal to close friends similar to how I was with Azazel and the other guys.

So when I saw the expectation in his smile I knew that whatever he was going to do it was going to be A) Funny, B) Stupid, C) Reckless, or D) All of the above. Deciding to go with the flow I didn't even ask him what he was doing and simply watched as he set up Illusion, Defense, and Soundproofing formations around the mountain.

Sun Wukong - Okay it's ready.

Yu - You seem pretty satisfied old man, is there something about formations that makes you feel that way.

Sun Wukong - Ha~ Yu right now I'm about to show you one of my favorite games I like to play when I get bored. People might think it's crazy but I think it's fun, I call it lightning tag.

Yu - You have my attention. Could've come up with a better name but you have my attention.

Sun Wukong - Okay wait here for a minute.

Saying that Sun Wukong flew up into the air with his flying nimbus until he was roughly 12 meters above the ground. From the way he spoke, I knew that this was going to be stupid and reckless but seeing as how this was my friend's favorite pass times I didn't want to spoil the fun and tell him to stop.

Sun Wukong - Yu are you ready?!

Sun Wukong - Okay! *Inhale* @@*^$%!*&%#[email protected]&%^[email protected]*&%$^!!!! @^@^%$*$%&@!!!

After giving his confirmation to me Sun Wukong took a breath looked to the sky and spouted multiple curses that even I who wasn't at the receiving end of the curses shuttered just hearing them.


Following Sun Wukong's curses came a loud boom as a purple storm cloud started forming on top of us. Even though to normal people this may have seemed dangerous to me all I felt was a small chill down my spine before returning to normal.

Sun Wukong - ...It's smaller than what I expected it to be...

Yu - Divine Punishment right?

Sun Wukong - Of course, it's not like I can pull out a Divine Damnation without proper preparations. Haven't been able to either since I became a Buddha after all.

Yu - So~ should we get moving.

Sun Wukong - Originally I wanted to mess around have the Divine Punishment chase us around but if I had to rate this on a scale from 1 to 10 I'd say it's a 5.8 at best. It's no fun if it isn't at least a 7 or higher, but I guess this is decent if you want to try out the new cultivation method. You've survived a Divine Damnation so Divine Punishment will be no problem for you.

Yu - You know you're playing with my life right?

Sun Wukong - Don't worry it'll be fine~.


The moment Sun Wukong's last words left his mouth the first bolt of lightning crashed down on us. Following the methods Sun Wukong and I created I let the lightning hit me while also chanting the cultivation method starting up the formula within. The moment my body came into contact with the lightning it was divided into 3 sources. One went to refining my body while the other went to add to my energy reserves, and the last one was forced out of my body thrashing the area around me. Besides the fact that I couldn't take in everything yet what made it worse was that I didn't feel much change in my body even after taking in 2/3 of a Divine Punishment.

Yu - [Maybe I'll need to absorb a Divine Damnation if I want to see any clear results.]

Sun Wukong - Hmm~ Looks like we still need to work out a few kinks but it's all good- ...Hahahahahaha look at your face hahaha

Yu - Hm?...... Oh, come on.

Wondering what Sun Wukong was laughing at me for I pulled out a mirror and what I saw caused me to want to laugh and cry at the same time. My hair was standing up like I went full Super Sayan and my body was covered in soot.

Yu - [I look like a cartoon character that had a bomb go off in their hands]

Yu - Old Man let's get back to work perfecting this. If we're lucky we can get a stronger one next time.

Sun Wukong - Pfft! *Cough**Cough* Ahem sure let's get back to work.

Forcing myself not to lash out on my laughing monkey friend I cleaned the soot off of my body and tied my now stiff long hair down so I no longer looked like I was zapped by lightning.


After that, for the next 7 months in the altar, Sun Wukong and I would continuously be causing Divine Punishment to rain down on Mount Sanqing. While the amount of force behind each Divine Damnation wasn't always the same something I heard from Sun Wukong we were able to eventually perfect my new Devouring Cultivation method to the best of our current abilities.

Unfortunately, something both of us didn't realize at the moment was that Divine Punishment can't be completely hidden by simple illusion formations. So the result of this oversight resulted in us frightening most of the nearby inhabits around Mount Sanqing within a 30 miles radius. That was something I found out only after returning home.

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