Entering The World Of High School DxD

Chapter 70 - To Defying The Heavens

After spending around 16 months inside Sun Wukong's time altar it was finally time for both of us to say good-bye to the place. While for us it felt like months only 7.5 days passed, at first I thought of heading back home once I was done but felt that would be rude so before leaving Sun Wukong, Yu-Long, and I created another bonfire to barbecue some leftover leviathan meat Yu-Long was hoarding.

Sun Wukong - So when are you going to face off against your Divine Damnation?

Yu - I want to start as soon as possible but I don't know how long it'll take. Plus there are a lot of things that are going to happen pretty soon so I doubt I'll face my Divine Damnation anytime soon.

Sun Wukong - Hm true from what I heard from some of my friend in charge of fate and stuff like that.

Yu - What they say?

Sun Wukong - All they said was that this year was going to be one full of conflict. Many might die.

Yu - Doesn't seem all that different from the present.

Sun Wukong - From your perspective, you might not see a difference because you've been waging war left to right and center these past few years but from what my friends say if things are left as they are right now the planet is screwed.

Yu - I see...

Sun Wukong - You don't seem to care do you?

Yu - Neither do you.

Sun Wukong - Hehehe tooshay.

But it wasn't like that was an outcome I dėsɨrėd, peace was fine and I'd wish for it to stay but eventually, little things called fate and karma will decide to be a b**** and mess with people. If I had the means to help the planet I would help out since I wasn't a huge fan of worldwide genocide.

As for Sun Wukong, if he was like his counterpart in the light novel then he would be on the side that fights to protect the planet no matter the cost. However, looking at Sun Wukong's previous exploits recorded in history and comparing them to the Sun Wukong I got to know these past few months. Continuing my train of though questions started to pop up in my head before I eventually turned towards Sun Wukong

Yu - Old Man, how did you become a buddha what people know from the storybook can't really be true right?

He pondered my question for a moment before eventually responding.

Sun Wukong - When I was still young and reckless I continued to anger the Heavens many times like we've been doing previously. When I tried to rebel against the Heavens I was struck down by the Heavens Divine Punishment and what was left of me was imprisoned by the Buddha under a mountain. It was then that I discovered cultivation and began using it to get stronger before I eventually used my new found strength to escape the mountain.

Yu - [So that's how he discovered cultivation, I thought he found it when he became a buddha turns out I was wrong.]

Sun Wukong - After that, I laid low for a few years and during that time I continued to cultivate before eventually getting a lead on the Buddha Sutra a cultivation method that could help me ascend the Heavens or so I thought.

Yu - And after that, you and your friends "Pigsy" and "Sandy" went on a journey to get them and once you did you achieved Buddhahood.

Sun Wukong - Wrong! I did get help from "Pigsy" and "Sandy" but after we got the Sutra we went our separate ways. I went to cultivate and they went to find ways to atone for their previous sins. During my cultivation I progressed through the 81 parts of the Buddha Sutra and with each part I progressed in I was meet with Divine Punishment. Eventually, after the 81st Divine Punishment, I was dealt with a strike stronger much stronger than Divine Punishment it was Divine Damnation something I would find out until many years later.

Sun Wukong - Well I was at death's door and right when I was going to take my last breath a mysterious glow spread out from my body and healed my wounds. Then without me even realizing it I saw the same Budda who imprisoned me many years ago standing before my damaged body. He told me that for trying to defy the Heavens multiple times I have been given Buddhahood not as a reward for my effort but as punishment. I was to be a servant to the Heavens and would no longer have the will to defy them.

Yu - Sounds like a lot of bull.

Sun Wukong - I thought so too and left without saying a word to the Buddha. After that, I continued to cause trouble in the three realms and I even tried to ascend beyond the Heavens again only to be met with failure every time. Even as time went on my dėsɨrė to cause mischief went away and I went on a journey of reflection and met Indra who I ȧssisted in defending against the evils of the world. Years passed and while my resentment for the Heavens hadn't gone away I have learned to accept my situation. I still like to curse the Heavens and play with Divine Punishment every once and a while but they gave me no boost in power so rather than using it as a way to fight against boredom I rarely tried to anger the heavens.

Yu - ...

Sun Wukong - The reason I decided to help you was that I wanted you to do what I could not. You've already survived a real Divine Damnation one stronger than the one I had and you didn't receive any negative side effects. I see hope in you and believe you can do what I couldn't plus you're a really good kid so I don't have any worries about helping you.

Yu - Hahahaha well hearing that I really can't let myself fail again can't I?

Sun Wukong - No you can't.

Yu - Well then let's seal the deal with a drink.

Sun Wukong - Here here.

Yu - To defying the Heavens

Sun Wukong - To defying the Heavens.

Linking our arms together we each took a drink at the same time. To most people, our actions might have seemed like nothing special but in ancient time our actions would be taken as a form of brotherhood. Since we each thought of each other as good friends and Sun Wukong had a lot of expectation in me and I had no problem fulfilling them we each decided to instinctively use those expectations to become sworn brothers. Others might think that we were doing something ridiculous but to us who knew each other pretty well after being around a lot, we didn't think so.

After that what was originally was supposed to be a small farewell party turned into a 2-day long celebration where Sun Wukong and I eat and drink together to commemorate our newly established brotherhood.


Once the party was over Sun Wukong and Yu-Long left on the morning of the 3rd day having a lot of work to do. I, on the other hand, decided to head back to Haven but before I could I felt a small fluctuation within GOB. Looking inside and taking out the source of the fluctuation. It was a white necklace with a cross on it except the cross was glowing emerald green.

Not even saying a single word I made my way to the nearest teleportation formation and teleported not to Haven but to Rome Italy. Once there I went into [Void Form] and flew through the sky before finding myself in a park. It was already night time when I got here and the place looked empty but with my night vision, I could see someone sitting on one of the park benches with there head down.

Getting out of [Void Form] I made my way in front of that person without making a sound. It was a with blonde hair and green eyes, she wore a nuns outfit, a white veil on her head, and a silver cross necklace could be seen in her hands. Before saying anything I saw that there was a suitcase right beside her feet as well as the fact that she was shivering from the cold night air.

Releasing a short sigh I took off the coat I was wearing and put it over her shoulders. This startled her causing her to look my way only to shooked further once she saw me.

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