Entering The World Of High School DxD

Chapter 71 - The Saintress Meets The Primordial

My name is Asia Argento, and for years I have lived my life as an orphan under the protection of the church. Although life in the orphanage was lonely at times I found myself reading from the Bible and taking its teachings to heart. After some time had passed I decided to become a servant of God and work to bring joy to those who have lost there way.

Even if I was really young when I decided my goal in life I spent most of my free time working to improve myself. Whether it was helping the den mother with her chores around the orphanage, or ȧssisting the church priest during Sunday school. I did everything I could and while I didn't know if what I was doing was serving God I could see that I was helping people even if it was only a little. Then when I was 10 years old I saw an old man stumble into the orphanage church with a deep cut on his arm.

For a moment I stood standing where I was not moving, not because I was scared of blood but because I didn't know what to do. As this was happening I somehow made my way towards the old man who was being ȧssisted by the Church Priest. Confused by my own action I tried to reach out and ȧssist the best I could but before I could an emerald green light surrounded my hands.

When the light touched the old man's wounds before eventually going away along with the old man's wound. Looking at my hand in disbelieve I saw that 2 dark green rings had appeared on my middle fingers, unable to understand what was going on I failed to realize the miracle that just happened.

After that day I was sent to the Vatican where I learned that I was born with a sacred gear a special item crafted by God himself that is only found in a select few individuals. Along with that, I learned of the existence of angels, and devils with that my views of the world started to wreak havoc in my mind. However, it wasn't too long that I began to accept this new found knowledge after remembering the strange new healing powers I had received.

In fact, I was delighted when I realized that I carried with me an item crafted by the Lord himself. With that my conviction to serve the Lord grew, and after leaving the Vatican I became a Nun in the Church near the orphanage I lived in and helped out injured people that came looking for help.

Days passed than months, before eventually years passed. My life was simple I would walk up in the morning do my morning clean up around the church, walk up the little kids, attend classes at school, perform healing for people in need in the afternoon, go out shopping for dinner in the evening, and eventually go to bed nightfall. It was a calm quiet life and I was okay with that, although one thing I found differently compared to before awakening my sacred gear was that the Priests now bowed to me every time I walked into the room.

This was somewhat troublesome since I was never one to care about formalities when pointed my way so I never knew how to respond to them. If the was one problem I would have about this life it would be that I had no friends. Because everyone respected me (much to my pleading to ask them to stop) no one was very willing to act informally around me. Even the little kids I took care of in the morning kept a certain distance from me which cause me a little grief but I never hated any of them because of that.

So for years, I lived my life surrounded by people but sadly none of them were close enough to me that I could confidently call them my friend. Until however, one night where I made my first friend in one of the weirdest yet unforgettable moments of my life.


{Asia 14 years old}


Asia - *Exhausted Exhale**Gasp* I better hurry *Gasp* or I'll miss dinner time.

At the time I expected it to be a quick job but to my surprise I found the store to be full of people and a job that should have taken 10 minutes ended up being 1.5 hours. By the time I stepped out of the store the sun had already set and I had to run back home before curfew. Unfortunately, I forgot to take into account my severe lack of stamina resulting in me taking frequent breaks on my journey home.


Asia - !!!

As I made my way home on one of my breaks I heard a loud crash coming from the alley right next to me followed by the sound of something breaking. My first instinct was to run but before I could I heard the sound of someone in pain. Unable to turn down someone in need a trait I developed over my years as a nun I slowly made my way into the alley.

??? - *Painful Groan* Damn this hurts *Deep Groan*

The closer I got the clearer I could hear the persons voice it was the voice of a boy, and once I got close enough I could see the person's foot sticking out from behind a pile of wooden boxes. Knowing this person was hurt I quickly tried to come and help him but when I saw the state to the boy I froze.

The boy had long brown and grey hair, magenta colored eyes that looked like gems, beautiful white skin, and chiseled facial features. Honestly, he was very handsome but that was not why my body froze up. It was because the boy's body was covered in cuts all over his body and because the boy's entire left arm below his elbow was missing. If not for my repeated experience healing multiple patience I might have fainted.

Unconsciously I took a step back unintentionally kicking over a glass bottle making a loud noise.

??? - Who's there?!?!

Asia - [Is that magic? Oh wait I shouldn't be thinking about that right now!]

Clearing my mind of any random thoughts I looked at the boy's face. He glared at me for a moment which frightened me a little bit, when he saw me the glare on his face disappeared as he slumped his shoulders.

??? - It's just a girl. You should run along it isn't safe being out here at night.

No longer saying another word the boy sat down on the ground again with a loud "thump" as he closed his eyes. At first, I wanted to help him but seeing him ignore me cause me to feel a little awkward since I didn't know what to do. For a while, I was stuck between calling out to him and not calling out to him but as I was wondering what to do the boy's wounds began to catch fire.

Asia - Kyaaa!!

Frightened by the sigh of fire I rustled through my grocery back pulling out a water bottle and dumping half the contents on the boy without thinking.

??? - What are you doing?!?!

Asia - Fire!! Your body caught on fire right now! I...um...I wanted to...um...help...

??? - ...

Asia - I'm sorry l-let me help you dry your clothes.

Raising my hand I activated my sacred gear and used it to not only help heal the boy's wounds but also dry his clothes a convenient function I found out when seeing my patients blood dry up very quickly under my healing magic. Seeing my healing magic at work the boy's looked at it for a moment before once again closing his eyes while fire covered his body once more.

Asia - *Flinch*

??? - Don't splash water on me.

Reaching out for the water bottle again I heard the boy's words and saw him looking at me. It was then that I realized that the fire boosted my healing abilities speeding up the boy's natural regeneration. Or maybe that was the boy's regeneration, to begin with, thinking this my face started to heat up wondering if I did some unnecessary.

A few minutes passed an eventually the fire around the boy's body went away revealing perfectly normal skin. The only place that still had some fire on it was his left arm which to my surprise had already started regrowing. It was then, did the boy open his eye and look at me.

??? - What's your name?

Asia - A-asia...and yours?

Yu - Yu. What are you doing here? You don't look like the type of girl to wonder alleyways at night.

Yu - I see. Just letting you know but even if you didn't help me I would have been fine.

Asia - Um yes I see that.

Looking at the Yu's natural regeneration combined with my healing magic even without my help he would have been fine or at least his life wouldn't be in danger.

Yu - It's fine I'm actually running on fumes mana wise so your magic is actually very helpful right now. If not I might be here for a few hours more. Thanks...

Asia - Your welcome. Can I ask how did you get these injuries?

Yu - No comment.

Asia - Did you get in a fight. Fighting is bad you know.

Yu - Tell that to the other guy. That sword-wielding geezer.

Asia - We should respect our elders, calling them names is rude.

Asia - ...

Yu - Pfft hahaha

Asia - hahaha

I didn't know why he was laughing but when I heard him laugh I also started to laugh. We laughed for a while before eventually looked up at the now fully risen moon while waiting for Yu's arm to regenerate. Even though I knew he would be fine without me I surprisingly didn't want to leave the alley was quiet and cold but for some reason, I didn't feel any of that instead I felt a strange sense of warmth in my ċhėst.

Compared to the time spent with the Priests in the Church who were always respectful and distant to me, Yu the boy I just meet this moment felt closer to me than anyone I've ever known in my life. Little did I know that in the years to pass I would look back on that night as not only the day I meet my first and closest friend but also the man I would hold dear to my heart. Under the light of the moon, two lives once so far apart had come together because of a fateful encounter.

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