Entering The World Of High School DxD

Chapter 72 - Reunion Under The Moon

10 minutes past since I started helping Yu-san recover and while the wounds on his body had disappeared while his arm had only regenerated up to his wrist. It was going so well at first but after reaching this point did the healing begin to slow down. The bleeding stopped a long time ago and the only thing left was a stump but even so, I still felt worried.

Asia - ...Why has it stopped working?

Yu - Probably has something to do with the high-level hexes cast on me.

Not expecting Yu-san to reply to my question I flinched until I realized what he said.

Asia - What do you mean by hexes.

Yu - Currently my body has been cursed with high-level hexes cast by really strong mages. Because of that my high-speed regeneration is being halted due to its interference normally this wouldn't be a problem but with the amount I have right now it is causing me some form of difficulty. Concentrate your mana onto your eyes and look at my wounds after that you'll get a better glimpse of what I'm talking about.

Following his instructions, I did what he told me and looked at his wound more closely. Once I did I saw countless cells trying to multiply and create more cells but as this happened a thick black mist surrounded the new cells killing this preventing any other cells from being formed. This was happening at an inhuman level of speed since from what I learned in school it shouldn't be possible to see cells divide as fast as I was currently witnessing.

Seeing this I wanted to comment about the black mist but as I continued watching I saw a different light blue mist make contact with the black mist as if they were fighting. As they fought the light blue mist was pushing the black mist away from the new cells slowly allowing the new cells to create more cells. Then for the next few minutes, both sides were pushing each other until eventually, I saw the black mist get overtaken by the light blue mist expelling it out of Yu-san's body in the form of white vapor.

Yu - *satisfied sigh* that's better.

Asia - ...Um...What just happened?

Yu - I was expelling the hexes from my body with my mana. Now I shouldn't have much difficulty now.

Then as if to justify his words Yu-san's wrist caught on fire before taking the form of a hand and once the fire dispersed a normal human had was left behind. Shocked by Yu-san's miraculous healing I was unable to move just sat there awestruck about this sudden development. It was only until after I saw Yu-san stand up did I come back to my sense and also stand up in a hurry.

Asia - I um... seeing as you could heal that fast without my help I can see I did something unreasonable and I'm sorry!

At the end of my words, I was going to bow but before I could I felt something hit my forehead. When I saw what had happened I saw that Yu-san had flicked my forehead with his finger.

Hearing that I only cut his recovery time in half rather than feeling glad that I helped him I instead felt depressed knowing that my work wasn't necessary.


Asia - Ow~!

Holding my forehead that just received a surprise finger flick my eyes began to water as I looked at Yu-san who still had his hand in a finger flick ready position.

Yu - I'm just joking, no matter, if your ȧssistance was useful or not, doesn't deny the fact that you tried to help me. So thank you I appreciate it...... also don't know if you noticed it but I don't think groceries should be scattered on the floor.

Asia - Huh?

Lost in a trance from the warm feeling I got from the first part of Yu-san's words I immediately focused on my surroundings once I heard the second part. When I did I saw that the groceries I just bought were scattered on the floor. It had even started to rain earlier and some rainwater still remains on the floor creating a puddle where my groceries just happened to be resting.

Asia - Ah! No~!

Yu - Hm while you look like the girl that does everything diligently it seems that you have a clumsy forgetful side huh?

Yu - Well since you helped me I might as well return the favor come on.

Taking my hand Yu-san jumped into the air with me following right behind him, and before I could even understand what happened I found that we had arrived in a 24-hour food market. Going through the aisles he quickly picked out the same items I got previously, and within moment bought everything and handed the products to me.

When he wanted to give me the bag I wanted to reject but he said it was his way of repaying me for my help and I could only accept it reluctantly when I saw that he wasn't going to accept my refusal. After that, he said he would take me home and asked where I lived and once he knew just like how we arrived at the market he jumped from roof to roof with me in tow until we were standing in front of the orphanage gate.

Yu - Is this the place?

Asia - Yes thank you for bringing me home.

Yu - It's fine but let me tell you something, Asia. Be careful of who you choose to help, from what I can tell you are someone who can't help themselves when they see someone get hurt. I honestly think this is a nice trait to have but it can also lead to you being taken advantage of. I'm not telling you to change yourself but to at least be cautious but, hey I'm just someone you meet a few hours ago it's fine if you don't listen to me...Goodbye.

Finishing what he had to say Yu-san was about to turn around but when I heard him say goodbye I felt a sense of willingness in my heart and without thinking reached out and grabbed the sleeve of his jacket.

Asia - Will this be the last time we see each other?

To my question, Yu-san stopped for a moment as if pondering what to say before turning around and writing strange runes made of mana out of thin air. Once he was done writing he pushed the runes towards me and they entered my silver cross necklace.

Leaving those words behind Yu-san left disappearing into the night's sky. I felt a little sad seeing him leave but I knew I couldn't stop him so all I could do was look at cross hanging on my neck while remembering the words he said.


Time went on after that and eventually, a year passed. During that year nothing changed in my life on the surface but deep down I was beginning to feel a little depressed. Seeing everyone around me act formally while also keeping their distance from me the lonely feeling in my heart grew. The way everyone never treated me normally began to cause discomfort in my daily life and there were times where I was tempted to call Yu-san just to get someone to talk to, but in the end, I chose not to.

Even though I didn't have any proof I felt that Yu-san was not normal he was probably someone with a position in power and me calling him would distract him from his duties something I didn't want. So in order to keep myself busy, I lost myself in my work still remembering the words Yu-san left for me, but I couldn't understand what he meant. Eventually, as time passed I started to think that Yu-san and I would never meet again until that one day that changed my life.


It was a normal Saturday morning that day, I had just gone out to water the plants the priest had been planting these past few months when I smelled the faint scent of iron. Following the scent, I arrived near the front gate of the orphanage and saw a badly injured devil.

For a moment I thought it was Yu-san but after getting a good look I saw that this devil looked nothing like Yu-san but even so I still took immediate action and began to heal the injured devil. Unlike others, I never had any prejudice towards devils and such they were all living beings and felt it was wrong to discriminate them. So as I was healing the devil I wanted to communicate with him but before I could I heard a loud scream behind me.

It was a group of church nuns and they were looking at me with pale faces muttering things like a demon, devil, witch, and such. At that moment the devil I had just finished healing ran away without a word leaving me alone. Drawn by the loud scream more and more, people started to gather and the nuns began telling everyone that I was a witch for healing a devil.

Baffled by the sudden development I stood there unable to defend myself. After that I was imprisoned and sent to the Vatican, there I was given a trail about what would happen to me. Originally the ruling was death but adding all the contributions I had over the years lightened the sentence to being excommunicated from the church.

Feeling some numbness in my feet I sat on one of the parks benches, I was tired and hungry but had no plans of moving from where I was. Instead, I held onto the cross hanging around my neck and prayed to God in the hopes that he would bestow upon me an answer but all that I received was silence.

Asia - ......Yu-san

Whether it was done unconsciously or consciously I called out Yu-san's name. Even though we only knew each other for around an hour I felt drawn to him. As for why I felt that way even I couldn't understand and I tried to make sense of why I felt that way. Lost in thought I didn't know how much time passed and it was when I felt something cover my body did I return to reality. Looking up to see what happened I saw the boy who I meet one year ago.

Asia - Yu-san?!


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