Entertaining Children

Chapter 1123: Still satisfied?

  Chapter 1123 still satisfied?

  "Please wait for me next to that car for a while, I'll go to the office to find a colleague to get the key." Zhou Qing took Xiao Yao and Ding Cheng out of the inquiry room, and pointed to a police lane in the yard.

   "Okay, thank you, trouble you!" Xiao Yao bowed his head to thank you.

   "You're welcome!" Zhou Qing waved his hand and walked quickly to the office.

   "Mr. Xiao, do you call the group to tell them so that they don’t worry!" Ding Cheng asked Xiao Yao while waiting for Zhou Qing to get the key.

   "Well," Xiao Yao nodded, "Old Ding, you can call it, by the way, tell them that this matter is kept secret for the time being, especially not to notify the media and let the police resolve it.

   "Got it!" Ding Cheng nodded and asked Xiao Yao again, "Are you really going to make a fuss about this matter?"

   "I told the Captain Li that, is it fun to lie to the police and even the local government departments?" Xiao Yao looked at Ding Chengdao.

"No," Ding Cheng shook his head, "I mean we can wait for this matter to pass, for example, after our crew has finished, and then we can make the matter public. At that time, the matter has been resolved, and we can also talk about the local government department. Very positively to help us solve the problem, praise them for their high efficiency and so on, then this matter is just a topic and will not affect the image of local people or even government departments."

"Let's talk about it then!" Xiao Yao thought for a while, and said, "Under normal circumstances, I really don't like to make a fuss about this kind of thing. I was bullied by the local gangsters when shooting a scene. I don’t want to search hot for this kind of thing!"

   "Okay!" Ding Cheng nodded, took out his mobile phone and was about to dial, but found that Zhou Qing had already come out, so he stopped his movements and prepared to call again after getting in the car.

   Zhou Qing should be an in-house civilian in the team. When he came out, he not only had an extra car key in his hand, but also an extra handbag on his body. It seemed that they were really planning to send Xiao Yao and they would leave work and go home.

   greeted the two to get into the car, Zhou Qing sat in the driving seat and drove out of the security brigade.

After leaving the security brigade and driving up the road in the county town, Zhou Qing glanced at Xiao Yao who was sitting in the co-pilot's seat. He was about to say something when he heard Ding Cheng in the back seat seem to be making a call. There was silence again.

  Ding Cheng's phone call was not finished yet, Xiao Yao's cell phone rang again.

   Xiao Yao took a look and found that it was a phone call from Shanghai from the head of the legal department of the film and television company.

  Although Xiao Yao is the producer and producer, this film is not an independent film invested by Xiao Yao himself, but a work under the "young" film and television company. Many things are handled by the film and television company.

  When selecting scenes, people from the company’s legal department acted with Xiao Yao. When setting up the scene, there have always been legal staff here who are responsible for handling some contractual agreements and other things. It's just that when the movie was about to start, all preparations were ready. Xiao Yao didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing, so he asked some administrative staff to go back when the movie started.

  Now that this kind of thing happened, Xiao Yao and Ding Cheng went to the Public Security Bureau, obviously they wanted to deal with the police. When it comes to dealing with the police, of course, those in the legal department who study law are more experienced and appropriate. After the crew returned, someone notified the legal department of the company. The person in charge of the legal department called Xiao Yao's cell phone, apparently to inquire about Xiao Yao's details.

  After Xiao Yao answered the phone, there was nothing to conceal, and he told the person in charge of the legal department of the company about what happened and his experience of making notes in the security brigade. Xiao Yao did not refuse the proposal of the person in charge of the legal department to send someone over to follow up on this matter. He just told the other party his thoughts and the results of the negotiation with the police. In fact, there is no need to send someone to stare at this matter, just wait to see the result. However, if someone came to take over, Xiao Yao would feel more relieved and relaxed in his heart. After all, his main task here is filming, not dealing with these off-site things.

   "Xiao Yao, you are worried that Dahan Chen will go to your crew to make trouble again. Isn't your crew going to film in Dahebao Village for a long time?" Zhou Qing finally asked when Xiao Yao and Ding Cheng finished the phone call.

   "We only turned on the camera yesterday, of course, it will take a while to shoot, what's the matter?" Xiao Yao said.

  As one of the investigators of this case, Zhou Qing already knew that Xiao Yao and his crew were filming in Dahebao Village, and many things can be found easily, so there is no need for Xiao Yao to lie or keep secrets in front of her.

   "I will take a shift in a few days, can I visit your crew?" Zhou Qing asked expectantly.

   "Of course!" Xiao Yao nodded, "As long as it doesn't affect our normal shooting, what's wrong with the team? Just tell me before you come!"

   "Great!" Zhou Qing said excitedly, "I haven't seen how the crew makes a movie yet!"

   "So I just wanted to see how the crew makes the film?" Xiao Yao smiled and shook his head, "I thought you were my fan, so I wanted to see me!"

  The distance from Shangguan County to Qingshuihe County is not short, and there are many mountain roads and small roads. It takes nearly two hours to drive one way. Ding Cheng in the back seat closed his eyes and calmed down after making the phone call. Xiao Yao was afraid that Zhou Qing would be too boring to drive alone, so he chatted with her.

   Zhou Qing smiled and deliberately said: "What's so good about you who are so dark? I have watched it for half an afternoon!"

   "Very good, this sentence is like my fan!" Xiao Yao smiled.

   "Are all your fans who love you?" Zhou Qing said with a speechless smile, "You are really a celebrity!"

   "Didn't you just say that I am amazing?" Xiao Yao said.

   "The two adjectives liu and qiqi do not conflict with the same person!" Zhou Qingdao.

   Xiao Yao was about to say something more, when Zhou Qing suddenly braked and stopped the car on the side of the road.

  The vehicle braked suddenly. Ding Cheng in the back seat did not wear a seat belt. He leaned forward abruptly. He opened his eyes a little strangely and asked, "What's the matter?"

  "Thank you for a while, don't get off, just stay in the car!" Zhou Qing glanced at a place, solemnly said to Xiao Yao and Ding Shuo, then opened the door anxiously and got out of the car.

   Xiao Yao looked in the direction Zhou Qing had just looked at, and found that a group of people seemed to be fighting in an alley on the side of the road.

"Although the police shouldn't turn a blind eye to street fights and fights, she is obviously a clerical worker. For this kind of thing, if you pass by them with a siren, won't you scare the group of people apart? Why get out of the car? Go to deal with it?" Xiao Yao, watching Zhou Qing getting off the car, really ran to the group of people, muttering in his heart.

  Zhou Qing got out of the car, Xiao Yao had nothing to do while sitting in the car, so naturally he watched Zhou Qing's situation through the car window. Although there was a certain distance away, the windows were closed again, and I couldn't hear what was said over there, but there was no obstruction in the line of sight, so I could see clearly.

   "Let me go! Are the street gangsters so courageous now? Old Ding, stay in the car and don't get down!" Xiao Yao was startled, and gave Ding Shuo on his behalf, opened the door and ran over.

  In Xiao Yao's expectation, the gangsters who fight on the streets are all characters who can't get on the stage. As soon as Zhou Qing appeared in a police uniform, those people should have scattered and fled. Unexpectedly, after Zhou Qing passed, he didn't know what to say. Not only did the gangsters not escape, they surrounded Zhou Qing instead. .

Zhou Qing's figure and appearance are pretty good. In the eyes of people like Xiao Yao who have seen many beautiful women, he is definitely a big beautiful woman in the eyes of a street gangster in this small county, and she is still wearing a police uniform. Big beauty.

it is summer now. Although the summer in Jin Province is not so hot, it is also in summer after all. Zhou Qing wore a summer police uniform with a short-sleeved shirt on her upper body. A young man with yellow hair didn't know what he said, and grinningly stretched out his hand to grab Zhou Qing's towering chest.

  Although Zhou Qing is a civilian who does not go out to work, after all, he graduated from the police academy. Grappling and fighting in the police academy is a compulsory subject, no matter what the level, it is always learned. Zhou Qing looks very young, and it hasn't been long since she graduated from the police academy. Even if she doesn't show up and does not practice regularly, she still remembers something she has learned. Seeing that Huang Mao stretched out his hand and grabbed the man's wrist with his hand, he was about to twist back.

But Zhou Qing is a civilian policewoman after all, and grappling and fighting is not a subject she is good at. She is not as strong as the yellow-haired young man in front of him. Now, the yellow-haired young man is not restrained, and the other hand is facing Zhou Qing’s face again. Stretched out.

The young people next to    didn't do anything, but Zhou Qing obviously couldn't cope with this yellow-haired youth. Seeing that the yellow-haired young man's hand was about to touch Zhou Qing's face, a hand in the oblique thorn stretched out and grabbed the yellow-haired young man's wrist that stretched out towards Zhou Qing's face.

   "Ah!" The hand that grasped the yellow-haired young man's wrist was very powerful, and the yellow-haired young man couldn't help but yelled.

"Ah! Xiao~" Zhou Qing looked at the owner of that hand and screamed, almost calling out Xiao Yao's name, but fortunately he reacted quickly and swallowed the last word back, just looking at it. He said, "Didn't you let you stay in the car? Why did you get off?"

   "Help you!" Xiao Yao smiled, "Is this a hero to save the United States?"

   "Fuck! Where did the country boy come from? Still a hero to save the United States? Are you looking for death? Let go!" Huang Mao youth shouted after seeing Xiao Yao clearly.

   "Fuck, where's the wild boy, run to the city to run wild!" The young people next to each other also yelled, seemingly about to surround themselves and start their hands.

   "Officer Zhou, are you people so powerful in the city? The police are not afraid." Xiao Yao let go, standing behind Zhou Qing in a little panic.

  The young people saw Xiao Yao hiding behind Zhou Qing, but they didn't do anything to Zhou Qing, but they were still cursing.

   "Okay, stop acting!" Zhou Qing sighed helplessly, and said to Xiao Yao behind him, "Since you are here, please help me!"

"You told me to do it!" Xiao Yao stood in front of Zhou Qing again, then frowned, and asked Zhou Qing back, "But what are you going to do? Take all these people back? I have only one person. And you have to send me back!"

   "Forget it, the person who was beaten by them has run away!" Zhou Qing looked at these people in front of him, and sighed, "It's useless to catch these people back, let's go!"

   "Zhou Qing!" The Huang Mao suddenly shouted, "I don't care who this black boy is, but he lost face in front of so many brothers today. Don't just take him away like this!"

   "I knew it! No wonder no one else did anything to Zhou Qing except for this yellow hair! Am I just being nosy?" Xiao Yao thought to himself, with a lot of **** plots appearing inexplicably in his mind.

   Zhou Qing's face sank, pointing to the yellow hair and said, "Xiao, can you help me discount this yellow hair leg, you can take care of the others, as long as you don't stop it!"

  I only watched the video of Xiao Yao fighting with those Dahebao villagers in the afternoon. Zhou Qing is very confident in Xiao Yao's skill. There were only five or six punks in front of him, and they definitely couldn't compare with the farmers in the dozen or so villages in Dahebao Village. Zhou Qing was not ready to do it himself.

   "Are you serious?" Xiao Yao whispered, "You know who I am, won't you cause me any trouble?"

"Don't worry!" Zhou Qing said, "My house is in this area. I know these guys. Both the police station in the district and I know who they are. This is because they are wrong. I promise not to mess with you. trouble."

   "Good!" Xiao Yao said eagerly.

"But you also keep a little hand," Zhou Qing looked at Xiao Yao's excited expression, remembered his terrifying skill, and then pulled him in a low voice and exhorted, "The most is a broken bone. You must never beat someone to a disability. Up!"

   "Okay!" Xiao Yao pointed at the yellow hair and said, "Are you going to interrupt his left leg or right leg, thigh or calf?"

   "Fuck!" The group of punks saw what Xiao Yao was talking to Zhou Qing in a low voice, thinking that Xiao Yao was scared and was going to watch Zhou Qing's jokes, so they didn't do it right away. Now listening to Xiao Yao's words, a group of people immediately became furious.

   "Left leg! Calf!" Zhou Qing said.

   "Okay!" Xiao Yao promised, with a kick with his right foot, he jumped in front of the yellow-haired young man.

  The young man with yellow hair saw Xiao Yao rush to the front, punched him and hit Xiao Yao. Xiao Yao framed his left arm, and a low whip leg on his right leg swept to the side of the yellow-haired young man's left calf.

   "Ah!" The young yellow-haired man screamed, then fell to the ground, clutching his left leg and screamed.

  The goal of the four or five young people next to him is not Zhou Qing, but only on this black boy. Seeing Xiao Yao rushing out of their encirclement to Huang Mao's front, he immediately turned and rushed towards Xiao Yao's back. After Xiao Yao defeated the young man Huang Mao, a fist and a foot behind him also arrived.

Xiao Yao turned sideways, passed his left fist, grabbed the kicking foot, stretched out his right elbow on the man's thigh, then let go, and the man lay down with his right leg. Screamed on the ground.

  Two people lay on the ground and screamed loudly, making the two or three people who were running slowly behind them stopped in surprise. After the man who was evaded by Xiao Yao with a fist in front of him turned around, he did not rush in front of Xiao Yao again.

  Looking at the few others who stopped and looked at him in astonishment, Xiao Yao raised his right fist and raised it upward. Seeing Xiao Yao's movements, the few people subconsciously stepped back, raising their arms to protect them in front of them.

  "Don't fight anymore?" Xiao Yao looked at them when he saw that those people had no fighting spirit and no interest in taking action.

As soon as he spoke, Xiao Yao suddenly remembered that this line seemed to have been said once today.

  Several puns who were still standing shook their heads.

   "Then we can go?" Xiao Yao asked again.

  This line seems to have been said before, but it was not when fighting, but when talking to Captain Li during the security brigade. The taste was completely different.

   "Hmm!" A few punks nodded quickly.

"The yellow hair is probably a broken calf, and the one next to kill Matt has not broken his thigh. It is probably a fractured bone at most." Xiao Yao walked back to Zhou Qing and pointed to the two people lying on the ground. If I fight, I am not ashamed to hit them again. Is this result satisfactory?"

  (End of this chapter)

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