Entertaining Children

Chapter 1124: Ways to resolve grievances

  Chapter 1124 Ways to resolve grievances

  Although Zhou Qing only watched Xiao Yao's fight video not long ago, and was very confident in Xiao Yao's skill, watching the video on the computer and seeing it on the spot still feel different. Seeing Xiao Yao knocking down two people to the ground so quickly and swiftly in front of him with his own eyes, Zhou Qing was in great shock, so he did not answer Xiao Yao the first time.

   The few gangsters who were still standing next to them were also greatly shocked. As street bullies, fighting is commonplace for them, but they have been around for so long, and they have never seen a face-to-face person who beats people up on the ground with just one shot. What shocked them even more was that they heard Xiao Yao talking about fractures and bone fractures. Judging from the state of the two guys still lying on the ground holding their legs and screaming, they felt that the black boy should not be nonsense. At this time, they were very thankful that they stopped in time after hearing Huang Mao's screams, and did not blindly rush up. Xiao Yao didn't move, and they didn't dare to move anymore.

   "Officer Zhou?" Seeing that Zhou Qing did not respond, Xiao Yao could only remind him again.

   "Ah," Zhou Qing finally reacted and nodded, "Yes, satisfied, let's go!" As he said, he turned and walked quickly to the police car on the side of the road.

   Zhou Qing is gone, Xiao Yao naturally steps to follow.

   Seeing the black boy leaving with Zhou Qing, the few gangsters standing next to him took action, and quickly helped the two guys on the ground to find a place to heal their injuries.

After Zhou Qing and Xiao Yao got on the car, Zhou Qing immediately started the car and continued on the road. However, from Zhou Qing's hands holding the steering wheel tightly, Xiao Yao could see that she was quite excited, and he didn't immediately speak to her.

  Still in the car, Ding Cheng has been paying attention to the situation there, but because of the relationship between the angle of sight and the inability to hear the sound, some situations are not clear, so he curiously asked Xiao Yao. Xiao Yao didn't conceal it, and briefly talked to Ding Cheng about what he had just encountered.

  Slightly calmed down, Zhou Qing turned around and asked Xiao Yao: "Xiao Yao, they really have a broken bone and a broken bone?"

"The yellow hair must have been fractured, because I could feel his leg deformed when I got out of the foot. The long hair at the back was not sure, but I guessed it. Then it was to frighten other people. I don't want to take them all. Lie down on the ground. Fighting is also very tiring!" Xiao Yao said.

   "Why, regret it? Blame me for taking the yellow hair too hard?" Xiao Yao looked at Zhou Qing's expression and asked again.

   "No!" Zhou Qing shook his head, "I have a broken leg. It's fine to stop for a while!"

Huang Mao looks like a small street gangster. Although he should deal with the police a lot, he usually goes to the police station in his jurisdiction. Zhou Qing is a police officer in the county security brigade, or an internal clerical job. It stands to reason that they are two people. There should be a big gap between two people, and there are few intersections, so Xiao Yao is still very interested in the relationship between these two people.

   "It seems that the relationship between you and that Huang Mao is not simple," Xiao Yao smiled, "Are there any stories to listen to? Of course, if you find it inconvenient, just forget it."

  They will be close to a two-hour drive back, and Xiao Yao also wants to find interesting stories to listen to, so as to avoid being too boring on the road. But after all, he and Zhou Qing just met, he doesn't have to listen to other people's privacy, so he added another sentence afterwards.

   "There is nothing inconvenient to say." Zhou Qing shook his head and said, "The yellow hair is called Ma Zhiqiang, and he is about the same age as me. When we were young, our two families were neighbors, so we knew each other."

   "It's another childhood sweetheart story!" Ding Cheng in the back seat interrupted and sighed, "It's all childhood sweethearts, the gap is too big!"

   "What do you mean?" Zhou Qing looked at the rearview mirror blankly.

   "Our director Xiao!" Ding Cheng pointed to Xiao Yao, "He and his girlfriend are childhood sweethearts, and now they are not only lovers, but also filming together!"

   "Oh," Zhou Qing nodded suddenly, "I seem to have seen it on the news before."

"But I don’t have that kind of relationship with Ma Zhiqiang. I have a boyfriend, a classmate I knew when I was in the police academy." Zhou Qing continued, "Although Ma Zhiqiang and I have known each other since we were young, we have never been able to play together since we were young. He didn’t graduate from junior high school before he went out and went. I’ve been studying at school. Later, I went to the police school in the provincial capital. After graduation, I was assigned to the county’s security brigade. Only then did I know that he was still going out.”

"Because he knew I was a policeman, he was arrested several times for committing crimes and was arrested in the police station. His mother always came to my house and begged my parents to let me come forward to help. My parents, due to their previous friendship in the neighborhood, asked me to help him. "Time." Zhou Qing sighed again, "I don't really want to care about him, but I don't want to see the way his mother came to my house to beg our family, so I just saw him get out of the car to stop them. Lest he make a big mess and enter the game again. Then, his mother will get my house to beg me again!"

"He usually sees me walking around me," Zhou Qing suddenly changed his emotions and said with an aggrieved expression, "Who knows what he was going crazy today to surround me and dare Do something to me!"

   "Maybe he doesn't want you to go to the bureau to fish him anymore?" Xiao Yao guessed in his heart, "His mother went to your house and beg your family, it's probably not his own intention!"

  However, Xiao Yao just thought about it in his heart, did not say anything, just nodded and said, "No wonder you told me to discount his legs!"

   "Director Xiao, I want to ask you a question!" Zhou Qing said to Xiao Yao again.

"It's okay to ask questions, can you not call me Director Xiao?" Xiao Yao laughed, "Lao Ding is a member of the crew, so it is okay to call me Director Xiao. You are not from my crew, so you should just call me Xiao Yao. ! I am not used to being called Director Xiao by someone outside the crew."

   "Okay, Xiao Yao," Zhou Qing said, "I know that you are a well-known academic bully, and you know a lot. I want to ask you, is it true that some people are born with bad embryos?"

   "You mean that yellow hair, Ma Zhiqiang?" Xiao Yao smiled.

   "Since I was little, I don't seem to have seen him do a good thing!" Zhou Qing nodded.

"Personal opinion, I don't believe that human nature is inherently good, nor that human nature is inherently evil!" Xiao Yao thought for a while, and said, "Perhaps IQ and talent are inherently different, but in terms of right and wrong, everyone is born. The key to a piece of white paper is the so-called three outlooks formed due to the influence of the acquired growth environment and personal experience."

"It seems so!" Zhou Qing nodded and said, "He has been in a bad family environment since he was a child. His dad has a bad temper, and his parents often quarrel, and sometimes fight. When I was a neighbor, my parents didn't know how to persuade him. Many times, afterwards, persuading was useless, so I simply refused to persuade. He was often beaten by his dad when he was a child. His dad usually doesn’t care about him, but only knows that every time he finishes the exam, he reads his report card. His dad is just a punch!"

"You went to the police academy. There should be psychology courses in the police academy? Is it called "Criminal Psychology" or something?" Xiao Yao said, "Since you know this, you should be very clear why he changed. In that way. Then why did you ask me the question just now? Test me deliberately?"

   "Isn't this boring on the road, just discuss it by the way?" Zhou Qing said embarrassingly, "People say that being a director is very knowledgeable, and I want to see and know."

   "So you are still testing me?" Xiao Yao smiled, "I'm only in my early twenties, so you dare to put the adjective of profound knowledge on my head? How about burying me?"

   "Well, let's listen to music!" Zhou Qing didn't answer, and turned on the car stereo.

  This is a police car, so there are no personal CDs and U disks in the car. What Zhou Qing opened is the FM radio on the car.

Shangguan County is located at the junction of Shanxi Province and Inner Mongolia. It is not an economically developed place. There are not many radio channels that can be received. In addition, they have already left Shangguan County and drove into the mountains. The radio signal is also not so good.

Zhou Qing tuned a few channels, but couldn’t find anything to listen to, so he simply turned off the radio and said to Xiao Yao: “I’m so stupid. With such a talented musician as you, what kind of radio can I listen to? Can't you sing a few songs to me?"

   "No!" Xiao Yao shook his head.

"Why?" Zhou Qing said dissatisfied. "Are you such a big star? I'm sending you home. It takes two hours for a one-way trip and four hours for a round trip. There is hard work without credit, right? Let you sing a few songs. Can’t you listen to me songs?"

"You are the people's police, isn't this what you should do?" Xiao Yao said, "Even if you took the initiative to send me back, but I helped you out just now. I was a thug for you, so it's a reward. Your hard work, right?"

   "You!" Zhou Qing glared at Xiao Yao, then suddenly said, "Do you believe it or not that I arrested you for deliberately hurting others?"

"Hit that yellow hair?" Xiao Yao smiled, "Do you believe it or not that when I went to help you out just now, the phone on my body was on and recorded everything you said? Believe it or not, I told you the policeman to instigate me Put the beating audio on the Internet?"

   "You~" Zhou Qing said in surprise, "Did you really record?"

   "Guess!" Xiao Yao smiled.

   Xiao Yao did not record, and of course he did not believe that Zhou Qing would really turn his face and arrest him for hurting others. It's just that Xiao Yao still thinks talking is more interesting than singing. The two of them quarreled between true and false all the way, and unknowingly came to Qingshuihe County.

  When entering Qingshuihe County, the two people in the car had recovered a relatively good atmosphere of conversation.

When Zhou Qing sent Xiao Yao and Ding Cheng to the door of the hotel where the crew was staying in Qingshuihe County, it was late, and Zhou Qing had to rush back to Shangguan County, so Xiao Yao and Ding Cheng did not invite Zhou after getting off the bus. Qing went in and took a seat. After the trio bid farewell briefly, Zhou Qing drove back to Shangguan County.

  Although Ding Cheng had already called the crew on the road, after entering the hotel, Xiao Yao and Ding Cheng found that most of the crew were still waiting for them in the hotel. Xiao Yao called some of the more core members of the crew to his room, and once again told everyone about the process of going to the police station and the results of the treatment, the crew members were relieved to leave.

   sent away the people in the crew, Xiao Yao was about to take off his makeup and take a bath, when the door of the room was knocked again.

   Xiao Yao went out to open the door and found Sun Tingting standing outside the door carrying a medicine box.

   "This is the crew's medicine kit?" Xiao Yao looked at Sun Tingting, and said nervously, "Are you injured?"

   "You just got hurt!" Sun Tingting glared at Xiao Yao.

  "I~" Xiao Yao said.

"You are indeed injured!" Sun Tingting interrupted Xiao Yao, "I just saw that when those people came to make trouble, you also suffered several blows. You can beat you no matter how hard it is! You know those skin injuries you have. I don’t care, but it’s better to get some medicine to get better sooner."

  No matter how talented Xiao Yao is, he is not a superman. Although the recovery after physical injury is faster than ordinary people, it is not an instant recovery. Applying medicine to the injured area will also have a corresponding effect. Otherwise, Master Liu Zhongwen will not give Xiao Yao some medicine specially.

However, Xiao Yao is a star after all, and he rarely has the opportunity to interact with others. Only in Yanjing’s home and Shencheng’s residence do he always have the medicine prepared by his master Liu Zhongwen for him, and he will bring it with him when he is scheduled to fight with Zhou Zhihao. . There are no difficult action scenes in this movie, and Xiao Yao didn't expect to fight, so he didn't take it with him when he came out to film. Sun Tingting knew his situation, so she came with the crew's medical kit.

   "If you don't tell me, I have forgotten it a little." Xiao Yao immediately smiled, "It's Duoer, you are careful! Sure enough, people who have a wife hurt are happier!"

"Shao Pangzui, who is your wife?" Sun Tingting gave Xiao Yao a blank look. After entering the room, she closed the door with her backhand and said to Xiao Yao, "Take your clothes off. I saw you get a stick on your left arm. Qing should not be young. If you can, you have to beat more than a dozen people alone!"

  Sun Tingting knows that when Xiao Yao confronts those people in the afternoon, he considers the whole crew, and believes that Xiao Yao has the skill and ability to deal with those people alone. It can be imagined that Xiao Yao was injured because of this. At the same time, Sun Tingting was distressed, but it was inevitable that there was still some resentment. In front of outsiders, Sun Tingting pays attention to maintaining Xiao Yao's authority and image, but in private, Sun Tingting can still show her temper and vent her grievances on such matters without any scruples.

Xiao Yao knew that Sun Tingting's grievance was caused by hurting herself because of her hurt. He didn't say any nonsense about "worrying Sun Tingting and the rest of the crew would be hurt by the melee." He just smiled and pointed to his clothes and said, "I look like this. , I have to wash it first, and I can take the medicine after I finish the bath!"

"Okay! Then you can wash it!" Sun Tingting put the medicine kit on the table in the room and said, "I saw it all just now, mainly the arms and legs. There is no injury on the back, and there is no place beyond your reach. After the bath, Paint it yourself!" As he said, he was about to turn around and go out.

  Xiao Yao quickly grabbed Sun Tingting and said with a smile, “I didn’t have any injuries on my back, but the situation was a bit chaotic just now. I am worried about where you are injured. Let me check!”

   "I'm fine, I haven't done anything with anyone. Where can I get hurt?" Sun Tingting said, "What are you checking? Go take a shower!"

   "Don't worry if you don't look at it!" Xiao Yao smiled, "Should we wash together and check each other carefully?"

   "No, rogue!" Sun Tingting immediately understood Xiao Yao's meaning and screamed.

"Hush~" Xiao Yao hurriedly covered Sun Tingting's mouth and whispered, "Although everyone in the crew knows our relationship, it is still very bad for them to hear you calling like this." With that, Xiao said. Yao picked up Sun Tingting and went into the bathroom, and kicked the bathroom door with a kick by the way.

  It didn't take long for a wheezing sound mixed with the sound of water to faintly come out of the bathroom.

  As for how to resolve Sun Tingting’s grievances, Xiao Yao’s method most used is not to apologize, but to make her feel angry.

  (End of this chapter)

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