Entertaining Children

Chapter 1125: You pick whatever

  Chapter 1125 You can pick whatever you want

  The next day, the crew started work as usual and went to the filming location of Dahebao Village to continue filming.

  What happened yesterday, there must be no way to hide it from the villagers. However, that day the crew did not encounter villagers to make trouble, only the old village chief who rushed back to the village after hearing the news came to the crew at noon.

   While resting at noon, Xiao Yao chatted with the old village head and told the old village head in detail about what happened yesterday.

  Through conversations with the old village chief, Xiao Yao also learned about Chen Dahan’s specific situation. Similar to Xiao Yao's previous guess, Chen Dahan is a rogue idler in the village, belonging to the type of people who don't accept anything in the village. The old village chief didn't have a good way to deal with this guy, he could only try to keep other people in the village from being instigated by him, and then called on the villagers to try to prevent him from coming to the crew to make trouble.

  Although Chen Dahan's matter has been handed over to the police in Shangguan County, Xiao Yao is no longer worried, but Xiao Yao feels very comfortable with the behavior of the old village chief and the attitude shown in the conversation today. Xiao Yao also thanked him very politely and politely.

In the days after   , Dahan Chen did not appear on the filming location of the crew again. It was Zhou Qing, the internal police officer of the Shangguan County Public Security Brigade, who came to the crew as she said.

When he came back that day, Xiao Yao did not give Zhou Qing the contact information, but the police recorded Xiao Yao’s contact information when making the transcript. Zhou Qing was the police officer in charge of the record, and there was no need for Xiao Yao to be otherwise. Give me the contact information again.

  The night before coming to visit the class, Zhou Qing called ahead as Xiao Yao asked. After Xiao Yao received Zhou Qing's call, he didn't make any special arrangements. He just explained that the two security personnel responsible for the order of the shooting location had something like this, and then arranged a scene to receive him.

  There are not many famous celebrities in the crew. Only Xiao Yao, Sun Tingting and He Ying can be named by Zhou Qing. Despite this, Zhou Qing still seemed very happy and excited. Of course, no matter how happy and excited Zhou Qing was, she still remembered Xiao Yao's request, followed up with the reception of the scene, and did not disturb the filming work of the crew by yelling.

  Xiao Yao took a confidential attitude towards the filming of the film. During the opening ceremony, the media was not invited, and no celebrity fans came to visit the class these days. This is the first time that an outsider has come to the crew to visit the crew, and I can't help but be a little curious about Zhou Qing.

  Executive director Ding Cheng knew Zhou Qing, and knew that Xiao Yao had promised Zhou Qing to come to visit the class, so he introduced several curious crew members. After the people in the crew listened to Ding Cheng's introduction of Zhou Qing's identity and performance in the police station that day, everyone also had a good impression of Zhou Qing. During the break between filming, many crew members took the initiative to greet Zhou Qing and chatted a few words enthusiastically.

  Most of the crew members came over to greet them enthusiastically. This kind of treatment is not something that ordinary fans can enjoy when they go to the crew to visit the crew. Even the general media team may not be able to enjoy it. Even though he has never seen the crew filming or visited the crew, Zhou Qing also knows this and is naturally happier.

   During a brief visit to the class, Zhou Qing took a lot of photos with her mobile phone and also took a group photo with several actors, including Xiao Yao of course. When Zhou Qing asked if he could publish the photos on his social media network, Xiao Yao didn't stop him, but asked to erase the address information at the time of release and help the crew keep the filming location secret.

  People are selfish. Of course, Zhou Qing's release of photos is part of what she wants to show off, but she also doesn't want anyone to come to the crew and enjoy the treatment she enjoys. Xiao Yao had this request, of course Zhou Qing agreed without hesitation, and strictly implemented it.

  Although Zhou Qing strictly implemented Xiao Yao's requirements, after a period of time, people outside the crew still came uninvited at the filming location. Of course, these uninvited guests are not able to find here because of the photos released by Zhou Qing, but the filming location of the crew is not a secret to these people.

  The people who came to the crew were Zhao Rui, Zhu Zitong, Lin Qisan and Nina Aiguli. This film is a project of a young film and television company. They are the bosses of a young film and television company, and they naturally know where the filming location is.

  The four people did not call Xiao Yao in advance like Zhou Qing did. They suddenly appeared on the filming location of the crew one day.

  When the four arrived for shooting, the crew was filming. All four of them were actors. Knowing that the crew was filming, they shouldn’t be bothered casually, so they stood silently on the periphery to watch, until the filming of a scene and the crew entered a short break between shooting before they appeared in front of Xiao Yao. .

   "Why are you here?" Xiao Yao of course felt a little surprised seeing the four people appearing at the shooting location.

   "Let’s visit the class!" Nina Aiguli replied with a smile.

"Visit the ban?" Xiao Yao looked up and found that no assistants were present except for the four of them, and there was no sign of anyone in the crew posting anything, he said, "Are you visiting the ban empty-handed like this? "

"What kind of visiting class? We are here to inspect!" Zhao Rui pretended to be serious. "This is our company's project. We are all the bosses. The money you spend on filming is also our share. Let's see if the money is How do you spend it, do you still have to bring you something?"

"Fuck, I am so concerned about how the money is spent, why didn't you care about it during the preliminary preparations?" Xiao Yao said, "When you filmed "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" back then, my family was still an investor, and I spent some money. When I went to visit the class, I was not so shameless to say that I was going to inspect, and I brought you a drink! I just picked it up, why did I find it?"

   "Stone, you are all here!" Sun Tingting came over and said with a smile.

  The scene just now did not have Xiao Yao's role, but Sun Tingting's role. Xiao Yao was sitting behind the monitor, and when the four arrived, he was near him. Sun Tingting was filming, and she knew it later and came over later.

  "This is the first time I saw Doer wear a cheongsam, it looks so good!" Zhu Zitong praised.

  Sun Tingting smiled, and pointed to Xiao Yao and said, “It was designed by Teacher Lin and Bayi, and made by Sister Minyi and some costumers specially for me. These few of them shot, and they will definitely not be bad to wear.”

   "That also has to be our Duoer who is in good shape!" Xiao Yao said proudly, "Cheongsam can't be controlled by any girl!"

   "But is the split on this side opened a little bit higher?" Nina Ayiguli stared at Sun Tingting for a while, then suddenly whispered.

"It's okay too!" Xiao Yao said, "In fact, it's not too high. To calculate it, it's not as good as the hot pants that you two used to dance "Seve". It's just that because it is a cheongsam, the overall effect is It will make people feel a little high. This is what the role requires, and if it goes low, it doesn’t match the role.”

"No wonder someone came to the crew to make trouble!" Zhao Rui said, "Duo'er wears such a suit and is filming here. Those farmers in the mountains don't have their eyes green! Tell you, we just heard that someone came to the crew to make trouble before. That’s why we came here. We won’t go anymore, and we will stay as bodyguards for you on the crew! You are in charge of filming, and we are in charge of protecting Doer!"

   "Come on?" Xiao Yao said, "How long has that happened? You are going to be bodyguards, why did you go early? When you come over, our place will have been demolished long ago!"

   "We were all busy before, isn't this just vacant?" Lin Qisan smiled, "From today, the security work of your crew will be handed over to us!"

   "You two are still reluctant to be bodyguards," Xiao Yao pointed at Zhu Zitong and Nina and said, "But you took them both as bodyguards? Something happened, it is too late for you to protect them, who can you protect?"

  "Don't talk nonsense with me here, just tell me what's the matter!" Xiao Yao said at last.

"We just have some free time recently. Come and see you." Zhao Rui stopped talking nonsense, and said with a smile, "If you want to talk about things, it is true, but it's not in a hurry. We haven't been together for a long time. , After your crew finishes work, let’s gather for a dinner in the evening and talk slowly when the time comes."

   "Okay!" Xiao Yao nodded, and stopped chatting with them, took them around the crew, and introduced the people in the crew to them.

  These four people are different from the fans of Zhou Qing's kind of expedition. They are shareholders of the company. Although they have no intention of this, they are qualified to put their names in the column of the producer of this movie. And they are all actors and they are in this industry. It is necessary to get to know both the actors in front of the crew or the staff behind the scenes.

   took them around in the crew, and the staff was also ready for the next scene. After the break time was over, the crew went on to film the next scene. Zhao Rui and the four retreated outside the shooting area, watching them filming quietly behind Xiao Yao.

  There is no night scene in today's filming plan. When the sun is about to set, the crew will close.

  When he returned to the crew’s resident hotel in Qingshuihe County, Xiao Yao realized that the four of them did not come empty-handed, and brought gifts to the crew. They only knew the hotel where the crew was stationed. They came to the hotel first, put their things in the hotel, and then went to the filming location empty-handed.

  After distributing the gifts to the people in the crew, the six people left the crew and went to find a restaurant in the county for dinner. These four people came together. Zhao Rui said there was something to talk about. Xiao Yao guessed that it was mostly related to the company's affairs, so he didn't invite anyone else.

  Everyone in the crew knows that the relationship between these six people is unusual. People like He Ying and Lin Jingliang who have a better relationship with Xiao Yao didn't say anything. The others were naturally very interesting and didn't want to get in.

  Qingshuihe County is located in Inner Mongolia. Since it is in Inner Mongolia, of course, we must try the local specialty lamb. The temperature difference between day and night in this place is relatively high. At the end of September, the highest temperature during the day is more than ten degrees, and the lowest temperature at night is as low as about zero degrees. At this temperature, lamb hot pot is naturally an excellent choice.

   "Come and see us so free, how are the things at hand?" After everyone had eaten for a round and their bodies warmed up, Xiao Yao took the initiative to ask Zhao Rui and Lin Qisan.

   "The movie has been finished, and it is now in the late stage." Zhao Rui said, "I came to you today for this matter!"

   "Looking for me? Why are you looking for me?" Xiao Yao asked curiously.

  "This piece of the movie soundtrack..." Zhao Rui said.

"Wait," Lin Qisan interrupted Zhao Rui, "You don't want to find Bayi to make the soundtrack for the movie, do you? No wonder you didn't tell me what you are looking for for Bayi before you come! You Yandian project, ask Bayi to do it. Huh? Bayi is our Shen Opera!"

"What Yandian's Shenxi operas are not all our company's projects? The movie is successful, and all of us are good!" Zhao Rui glared at Lin Qisan, "You really have such a clear distinction. You want Yandian and Shenxi to fight the arena. Huh? The media said that it was looking for news to find topics, and we said that we were joking, and we were fighting over ratings. Can we still have trouble with the quality of the film and the box office? The script of our movie was originally given to us Yandian graduates from August 1st. The static movie that I made, no matter how good or bad it is, has nothing to do with Bayi, so why can't I ask Bayi to participate?"

"What you said is good, but isn't it the right time for you to find me?" Xiao Yao said to Zhao Rui, "I'm filming! You don't want me to film during the day and make the soundtrack for you at night, right? Not to mention that there are night scenes in my movie, even if it didn’t, is it a bit too much for you to call me like this? At the beginning, you urged me to start this project together, saying that you would fully support me in making this movie, and I don’t need me for other things Control it!"

   "Did I ask you to make the soundtrack for our movie?" Zhao Rui said.

"Why not?" Xiao Yao said, "You just said clearly about the soundtrack of the movie. Although I was interrupted by San'er, I can hear these words clearly! Are you challenging my memory? Also, just now San'er said that you wanted to find me to make the soundtrack for the movie, but you didn't say no, you just refuted him that you can't ask me to participate in this! Isn't this an admission?"

"I~" Zhao Rui was speechless for a while, a little speechless, "I was very upset with San'er, and forgot it for a while. Forget it, I won't tell you about this, just talk about business! Regarding the movie soundtrack," Having said that, Zhao Rui glared at Lin Qisan again before continuing, "There is nothing wrong with pure music, but I haven't found any suitable theme songs and episodes yet, so I want to ask you for the copyright of some songs!"

  Xiao Yao’s song, most of the copyright is in his own hands. Xiao Yao partnered with Zhao Rui and others to start a company. Not surprisingly, the copyright of the songs he started was also transferred to the film and television company, but it was still in his own hands. To use their movie, naturally, Xiao Yao still needs to authorize it.

   "Use my song?" Xiao Yao said.

"Yeah!" Zhao Rui nodded, "I know we can find it directly, but she will definitely have to ask you in the end. We just happened to be a little free these two days, thinking about coming to see you filming, I just asked you directly! "

   "I want to use my own movie, it must be no problem!" Xiao Yao said, "Which one did you fancy?"

"We are the theme of youth campus, of course we use campus folk songs. We want your folk songs "You at the same table", "Those flowers", "About the present and the future", "Love in the wind"," Zhao Rui said, " In addition, "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky", "Flying Higher", "Break Up Embraces", "Dream Pursing Heart"..."

   "Wait, these are all seven!" Xiao Yao waved his hand to stop Zhao Rui and said, "Do you want so many songs for a movie?"

"No way!" Zhao Rui said, "These are all alternatives. The editing has not been done yet, and I don't know which ones are needed for the time being, so I will pick some of them first, and wait for the soundtrack to see which one is suitable. . If you agree, I won’t have to bother you when the time comes. I just need to find and sign the contract."

   "Yes, don't count it too!" Xiao Yao said, "All my songs, you can pick whatever you want!"

   "Okay, if you have you, that's it!" Zhao Rui happily patted Xiao Yao on the shoulder.

  Zhao Rui knew that Xiao Yao would certainly not fail to agree, and coming to Xiao Yao was just a cutscene, but Zhao Rui was still very happy to see Xiao Yao so refreshed.

  (End of this chapter)

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