Entertaining Children

Chapter 1161: TV Spring Festival Gala

   Chapter 1161 Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala

  The episode of "Wild Kitchen" has only one meal. After the meal is finished, the recording of this episode is over.

  Xiao Yao basically doesn’t make promises indiscriminately, let alone what he said in the show. After the recording of the show and before returning home, Xiao Yao deliberately went to the guide sand cart and talked to him about collecting traditional Jino music and helping him record an album. However, Xiao Yao didn't plan to follow up the whole process personally. After talking with Sand Che, he also made it clear that he would send another person from his studio to take charge of this matter.

  Although Xiao Yao is a good music producer, what Sand Cart lacks is funds, resources and channels. It is not necessary for Xiao Yao to sit in the position of recording engineer. Naturally, he has no opinion on Xiao Yao’s arrangement.

  After recording "Wild Kitchen", it is not a few days before the Chinese New Year. Xiao Yao did not return to Shencheng, but flew directly back to Yanjing. On the one hand, it is preparing for the New Year, on the other hand it is preparing for the Spring Festival Gala of Yanjing TV.

  As the Spring Festival approaches, several films scheduled for the Spring Festival have begun their final promotion. A few days before the New Year, several competitive films in the Spring Festival began to hold premieres and click-to-show activities. Xiao Yao received many invitations for these activities, but none of them agreed.

  Local TV’s Spring Festival Gala is basically recorded and broadcast. The Spring Festival Gala of Yanjing Satellite TV was broadcast on the evening of New Year’s Day. The night of the Lunar New Year’s Day was a live broadcast of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. Due to the repetition of some performers, the recording time of the Spring Festival Gala on Yanjing Satellite TV was arranged on the 29th of New Year Night.

  To participate in the Spring Festival Gala of Yanjing TV this time, Xiao Yao will participate in three performances in total. After Xiao Yao came back from Yunnan Province, there were not a few days before the recording of the Spring Festival Gala on Yanjing Satellite TV. Rehearsal and rehearsal were not particularly abundant at this time. Xiao Yao naturally had no interest in supporting other movies.

As early as half a month before the Chinese New Year, several local satellite TVs each disclosed their guest performers and program lists for the Spring Festival Gala. Everyone knows that although Xiao Yao will not be on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala this year, he will participate in Yanjing TV. The Spring Festival Gala, and there are still three shows, so Xiao Yao declined the premiere of those Spring Festival films on the grounds of preparing for Yanjing TV Spring Festival Gala. This is a more reasonable reason, and it did not arouse too many people’s dissatisfaction. .

  When it comes to the Spring Festival Gala, the biggest brand is naturally CCTV. However, with more and more CCTV Spring Festival Gala in recent years, local satellite TV's Spring Festival Gala has also begun to attract more and more attention. After the programs of the Spring Festival Gala of various local satellite TVs have been released one after another, the program list of the Spring Festival Gala of Yanjing TV this year is regarded as the most topical and most eye-catching among the local satellite TVs.

  This year's Yanjing TV Spring Festival Gala program is so attractive, in large part because Xiao Yao's name appears on it.

  First of all, many netizens are wondering why Xiao Yao chose to go to Yanjing TV’s Spring Festival Gala.

  Although Yanjing Satellite TV has always been one of China’s strongest four or five local satellite TVs, it has never been the number one. On the whole, Xiangnan Satellite TV is the leader of the local satellite TV, followed by Zhejiang East Satellite TV and Donghai Satellite TV, and then Sunan Satellite TV. Since Xiao Yao became famous, he has also cooperated most with Xiangnan Satellite TV. And probably because he has been living in Shanghai for the past few years. He has a lot of cooperation with Donghai Satellite TV, Zhedong Satellite TV, and Sunan Satellite TV. It is precisely because he has the least cooperation with Yanjing Satellite TV.

  Xiao Yao participated in the New Year's Eve party of local satellite TV many times. CCTV also participated in the Spring Festival Gala more than once, but it was the first time that Xiao Yao participated in the Spring Festival Gala of local satellite TV. Why did the first time to participate in the Spring Festival Gala of a local satellite TV choose Yanjing TV, which is the weakest and the least cooperative among the five local TVs? Is it just because home is in Yanjing, it is convenient to go home for the New Year? But the local TV’s Spring Festival Gala was recorded and broadcast in advance, and not a live broadcast on the first day of the New Year. After recording, it’s okay to fly back to Yanjing for the New Year. People can't buy a ticket to go home during the Spring Festival. Is it possible that people like Xiao Yao can't buy a ticket to go home?

  Secondly, the point discussed by netizens is the content of this Spring Festival Gala program on Yanjing TV. In this program list, the other stars' programs are all program types, program names, and performers. The information is clearly written, and the explanation is clear. Only in Xiao Yao's case, the situation is a little different.

  Xiao Yao’s name appeared three times in the program. One of them was considered normal. The song: "I Want You", singing: Sun Tingting, guitar accompaniment: Xiao Yao, the explanation is also very clear, the two programs below this unusual program are introduced, the type of program is written with songs, singing The name in the column is Xiao Yao's name, but the place where the name of the song should be after the two words of song is blank, and there is nothing at all.

  The absence of a song’s name is a mistake by the Yanjing TV staff. Did you forget to name it? If it’s another star, some people may think so, but when they see that the singer is Xiao Yao, netizens who know Xiao Yao a little are inclined to another possibility, that is, Xiao Yao wants to sing on Yanjing TV’s Spring Evening. New song.

  Every program information on the program list is numbered in front of it. Although the information of two consecutive programs is exactly the same, the previous program numbers are different, so netizens also think that these two exactly the same program information is the same as the blank space in the song name, which is not a technical error. So, this means that Xiao Yao not only wants to sing a new song on Yanjing TV Spring Festival Evening, but also has to sing two new songs in succession.

  Although Xiao Yao used to throw new songs out in various shows and performances, he has never sang two new songs in succession in a program or a performance before. (Xiao Yao sang two tea-picking girls' songs in "Wild Kitchen", but when the program came out, let alone broadcast it, Xiao Yao hadn't even recorded the show.)

Therefore, after the announcement of Yanjing Satellite TV’s Spring Festival Gala program, "Xiao Yao is determined to participate in Yanjing Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala", "Xiao Yao will sing new songs at Yanjing Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala", and "Xiao Yao will sing two songs at Yanjing Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala." "New songs" have become a hot topic discussed by netizens on the Internet, and the audience's expectations for this year's Yanjing TV Spring Festival Gala also suddenly surpassed that of several other satellite TVs.

  The discussion on the Internet about Xiao Yao participating in the Yanjing TV Spring Festival Gala and singing a new song is very lively. Many people are wondering what kind of new song Xiao Yao will come up with. Generally speaking, this kind of speculation is meaningless, but since the two new songs are in front of Sun Tingting’s "I Want You", many people speculate that the two new songs Xiao Yao is going to sing may be the movie "Donkey Deshui" "Interlude and ending song.

  The film "Donkey Deshui" has held a fixed-file press conference, released a trailer, and has begun pre-promotion. Many people know that this film is written and directed by Xiao Yao and also participated in the performance. When the official version of Sun Tingting’s "I Want You" was released, the MV that was launched at the same time not only included the introduction of the movie theme song at the beginning, but also many movie scenes in the middle, which looked like a trailer. It completely connects this song with the movie.

   Judging from Xiao Yao’s usual “unscrupulous” behavior in propaganda, it seems not surprising that he sang movie episodes and ending songs on the TV Spring Festival Evening and turned the TV Spring Festival Gala into his movie promotion platform.

  Of course, no matter how reasonable the guess seems, in the absence of evidence, the guess can only be a guess. Netizens can only speculate that media reporters, especially gossip entertainment reporters, have taken action.

  However, Xiao Yao seemed determined to keep it secret. Once Xiao Yao made up his mind to keep it secret, the all-pervasive paparazzi seemed to have no choice.

On the Yanjing TV station, many of the staff of the Spring Festival Gala program did not know what Xiao Yao was going to sing on the Spring Festival Evening. It is said that only a few directors of the program group knew, and all of them agreed to Xiao Yao. To keep it secret, it is almost impossible for gossip reporters to get words out of their mouths.

  On Xiao Yao's side, as the Chinese New Year was approaching, the paparazzi reporters caught Xiao Yao's whereabouts by squatting in the Xiao family, who was guarding Yanjing, and then learned about Xiao Yao's rehearsal location. However, Xiao Yao's rehearsal location was in Qijia's studio, and paparazzi reporters couldn't get in at all. The Qijia Studio has both a music department and a film and television department. There are many types of people who come and go. Even if some non-studio stars or musicians come and go, they cannot judge whether it is related to Xiao Yao, and naturally they cannot find Xiao Yao. Clues to the new song.

  The only person who needs to keep the show confidential is Xiao Yao. Yanjing Satellite TV’s Spring Festival Gala, whether it is a star participating in the show or Yanjing Satellite TV, needs media coverage and publicity. Therefore, during the rehearsal of the party, media reporters are allowed to enter the venue to report on the rehearsal. This is also the last opportunity for media reporters to dig Xiao Yao's new songs.

What made the paparazzi reporters and even the media reporters speechless was that they finally waited for the Yanjing Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala rehearsal. When it was Xiao Yao’s turn to rehearse, the program team did a clearing rehearsal and actually kept Xiao Yao’s two songs until the end of the rehearsal. At the last minute.

Of course, because it is a recorded program, after the Spring Festival Gala is recorded, some news can always be dug up from the audience who participated in the recording, but at this time, it is estimated that some audiences have posted the information they can reveal on the Internet. The entertainment reporter’s There is no point in breaking the news.

  Like the entertainment reporters who were kept outside the rehearsal site, Sun Tingting at the rehearsal site was also uncomfortable.

  The two songs Xiao Yao sang on Yanjing TV Spring Evening did not require Sun Tingting to participate. During the previous rehearsal, while the two rehearsing "I Want You" together, Sun Tingting only heard one new song he was going to sing on Yanjing TV Spring Festival Evening, and the other song was never heard. Sun Tingting thought that he could always hear it during the rehearsal, and didn't want to disrupt Xiao Yao's rehearsal plan, so she didn't make any requests, and just waited for the rehearsal to listen.

What Sun Tingting didn’t expect was that after rehearsing the song "I Want You" in the studio of Yanjing TV, she sat in the auditorium of the studio and only saw Xiao Yao rehearsing the song she had heard. . Before the rehearsal of another song, Xiao Yao deliberately ran over to ask her to go back or wait for him in the actor's lounge, and refused to let her watch the rehearsal of another song.

  Of course, Sun Tingting is definitely different from those entertainment reporters. As a person close to Xiao Yao, her understanding of Xiao Yao is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Xiao Yao had let her watch the rehearsal of one of the songs, but she didn't let her another one, and she was the only one invited by Xiao Yao during the two rehearsals. Sun Tingting had guessed Xiao Yao's purpose somewhat. So even though Sun Tingting appeared to be reluctant to leave the studio, she felt more joy and expectation in her heart.

  Although Xiao Yao was cleared from the rehearsal, the media reporters did not leave, almost all of them were waiting outside the rehearsal studio. On the one hand, there are other celebrities rehearsing after Xiao Yao, and those celebrities’ rehearsals can be taken in and short-term video reports. On the other hand, media reporters also want to try to find out whether they can inquire about some of Xiao Yao’s program from the staff who came out halfway, or can hear Xiao Yao sing during the rehearsal while the staff opens the door when they enter and exit. Two sentences are good.

When Sun Tingting opened the door of the rehearsal studio alone and came out, the media reporters waiting outside were quite surprised. They were invited out after watching the rehearsal of the song "I Want You" that Sun Tingting collaborated with Xiao Yao. At that time, Sun Tingting did not come out. Obviously, they stayed inside to watch Xiao Yao's rehearsal and waited for Xiao Yao to leave together. At this time, Sun Tingting came out alone, and the staff immediately closed the door again. There was no intention to let them in, which meant that Xiao Yao's rehearsal hadn't ended yet. Then why did Sun Tingting suddenly come out alone?

  So, several media reporters approached Sun Tingting and raised questions.

  Sun Tingting responded to the reporters’ questions very cooperatively, telling them that Xiao Yao’s rehearsal should be kept secret, and she couldn’t even watch it. Xiao Yao was kicked out.

I heard that even as a girlfriend, no, it should be his fiancee Sun Tingting, who was kicked out by Xiao Yao. A group of reporters felt that Xiao Yao was so independent, and the grievances that Xiao Yao turned away from him unconsciously dissipated. A lot.

  Xiao Yao's program, the rehearsal time is generally not very long. When Sun Tingting came out, Xiao Yao had only one song left to rehearse. It is estimated that it would not take long. So Sun Tingting did not go home by herself. She waited for Xiao Yao in the lounge for a while, and waited until Xiao Yao finished the rehearsal. Only then left with him.

  It means that everyone has curiosity. Although he was obedient during the rehearsal, the curiosity about Xiao Yao's other song will not dissipate so easily.

  On the way back with Xiao Yao, Sun Tingting wanted to ask Xiao Yao about another song several times, but she abruptly endured it, but from time to time she threw Xiao Yao a blank eye.

   Xiao Yao knew Sun Tingting’s psychology, and he didn't care about the white eyes Sun Tingting threw from time to time. Instead, he looked back with a smile.

  Sun Tingting looked at her with a deep hatred, and finally couldn't help but grab Xiao Yao's arm and took a bite. Seeing Xiao Yao's eyes widened and gasping, Sun Tingting felt a little more comfortable.

  In view of Sun Tingting's performance, Xiao Yao didn't dare to stay with Sun Tingting any longer, and drove Sun Tingting back home, and then decided not to meet with Sun Tingting for the time being.

  Fortunately, the Yanjing TV Spring Festival Gala's rehearsal was the day before the official recording, so Xiao Yao's situation of temporarily hiding from meeting with Sun Tingting didn't need to last too long.

  The next afternoon, the two appeared on Yanjing TV station together again to record the Spring Festival Gala of Yanjing TV.

  (End of this chapter)

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