Entertaining Children

Chapter 1162: Hu Lu Hu Lu Diao Er

   Chapter 1162

  The nature of the Spring Festival Gala and the New Year’s Eve is different. Generally speaking, the New Year's Eve party only has singing and dancing programs, while the Spring Festival Gala has a much richer variety of programs. There are various programs such as cross talks, quyi and acrobatics, highlighting a happy atmosphere of reunion.

  In addition to the type of program, in many cases, the audience setting of the Spring Festival Gala is different from that of the New Year's Eve Gala. At the New Year’s Eve party, all performers waited in the backstage lounge, and in the spring evening, sometimes a guest seat with a table was set up in the auditorium to allow special audiences such as industry representatives and some big coffees. Of performers sat around the table watching the show.

Xiao Yao participated in CCTV's Spring Festival Gala. On those occasions, Xiao Yao was not qualified to go to the audience table to watch the show, but this time he participated in Yanjing TV's Spring Festival Gala, Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting were both arranged in the live audience. The special guests on the table watched around the table.

  Being able to watch the show live, this pay is naturally much higher than watching TV in the backstage lounge. Although it is possible to be photographed by the camera in the auditorium, it should not be too casual, Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting are even more pleased with this arrangement.

  The programs of Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting are arranged in the middle section, which is about ten o'clock in the air time. After the recording started, the two of them had to wait about two hours before they appeared on the scene.

  Compared with CCTV’s Spring Festival Gala, the specifications of the TV’s Spring Festival Gala are slightly lower and there are not so many rules. In addition, it is not a live broadcast but a recording, so the performers generally feel more relaxed.

  People relax, this time will naturally be better. Both felt that it didn't take long for a staff member to come quietly to inform them that they were ready to play.

  Received the notice from the staff, the two of them did not delay, and immediately quietly left the auditorium and went to the backstage to prepare.

"The Spring Festival is a time to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new. In the performing arts industry, we don't say farewell to the old, but there are always outstanding young people who continue to create their own works for us." The host Gu Ya introduced, " At the end of February, there will be a young director Xiao Yao's film "Donkey Deshui". Next, we will invite the director and actor Xiao Yao of this film and the heroine in the film to bring this film to us. The theme song, "I Want You"!"

   "Wow~ Yanjing TV’s Spring Festival Gala advertises Xiao Yao’s movie, this Xiao Yao is awesome!" There was a round of applause from the audience, and many audience members were surprised in their hearts.

   Even if the TV Spring Festival Gala is a bit lower than the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, it is also a Spring Festival Gala, not a general variety show. It is definitely a rare phenomenon for the audience to advertise a movie at this kind of party.

  While the host Gu Ya was talking about crosswords, Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting walked onto the stage from the backstage channel to prepare for the performance.

The performance of "I Want You" by the two of them this time is no different from usual. There are only two people on the stage, Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting. Xiao Yao is sitting on a chair holding a guitar, and Sun Tingting is also sitting with a guitar standing in front of him. The microphone stands up, and one sits to play guitar accompaniment and one sits to sing.

  The preparation is very simple, and the two are quickly ready. The host standing in the corner of the stage finished the string of words and led the audience to applause and walked off the stage. When the audience returned their attention to the middle of the stage, Xiao Yao plucked the strings of the guitar and started the prelude to the song.

   "I want~ You are by my side..."

  After a short guitar intro, Sun Tingting began to sing.

  Sun Tingting has sung this song many times and is very familiar with it. She is in very good condition today. Whether it is singing or her facial expressions during singing, she can be regarded as impeccable. Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting are familiar enough with each other. It is not the first time to accompany Sun Tingting to this song, nor is it the first time to collaborate on live performances. The cooperation between the two is also quite tacit, so the performance of this song is overall Said the effect is very good.

  When Xiao Yao’s last guitar fingerstyle was over, and the two stood up and bowed to the audience, the audience gave a very warm applause.

   "Thank you, thank you very much for the wonderful performance of the two! Please stay!" Amid the applause of the audience, the host Gu Ya stepped onto the stage again. While thanking the two for their performance, they also stopped them.

  This section was arranged in advance, so Xiao Yao took off his acoustic guitar, and Sun Tingting took off the handheld microphone from the microphone stand, and walked to the front of the stage to stand beside Gu Ya, the host.

  "Today is the first day of the Chinese New Year, please first send your New Year greetings to the audience and the audience in front of the TV!" Gu Ya smiled and waved her hand.

   "Wish you all a happy new year, good health and all the best!" Sun Tingting smiled and bowed first, and said to the handheld microphone. After speaking, he handed the microphone in his hand to Xiao Yao.

"It doesn't seem to be suitable for New Year's greetings right now!" Xiao Yao smiled after receiving the microphone, "Then I would like to say a happy new year to everyone, and I wish all the audience friends all the best in the new year. Love is sweet!"

  "Oh~" Upon hearing the blessings of the two, the audience laughed and gave a round of applause.

"Thank you!" Gu Ya smiled and said to Xiao Yao, "The song just now was sung by Tingting, Xiao Yao is just an accompaniment. We all know that Xiao Yao is not only a director and actor, but also a very Excellent musician, a very professional singer. You are here today, can’t you just accompany Sun Tingting and you’re done? How about you two change and have another song, Xiao Yao, you come to sing, let Tingting accompany you ?"

"Student Sun Tingting sang, I definitely can't help but sing," Xiao Yao smiled, "but the accompaniment is free! The song I want to perform for everyone below does not have a violin soundtrack, as long as she listens to it. All right."

"Then what song did you bring us?" Gu Ya asked, "It won't be the same as when you proposed. She sang "I Want You". You can sing "Girl" to her again. ?"

   "No," Xiao Yao said with a smile, "Today is New Year, I will bring you a more joyful and lively song."

  "Then is this song you want to bring to everyone?" Gu Ya then asked.

  "This time I bring you a new song, the title of the song is "Hu Lu Hu Lu Diao Er"!" Xiao Yao laughed.

   Sun Tingting on the side listened, was a little stunned, and couldn't help but glance at Xiao Yao sideways. Of the two new songs Xiao Yao is about to sing, Sun Tingting only knows one of them. The name of the song Xiao Yao said at this time was exactly the one she didn't know. During the rehearsal yesterday, Xiao Yao sang the song she knew first, but she didn't expect Xiao Yao to sing the song she didn't know before.

  ""Hu Lu Hu Lu Diao Er"? What an interesting song title!" Gu Ya asked with a smile, "Is it the "Hu Lu Hu Lu Diaoer" we often heard from our elders when we were young?"

   "Yes!" Xiao Yao smiled, "But this is not just what the elders said to children, I also said to other little girls when I was young!" Xiao Yao turned his head and glanced at Sun Tingting.

   "Other little girls?" Gu Ya followed Xiao Yao's gaze and glanced at Sun Tingting, then smiled, "I won't ask who it is!"

  "Then would you like to explain to the audience the meaning of this song?" Gu Ya continued with a smile, "Our Yanjing TV covers the whole country, and some audiences may not understand the meaning of this sentence!"

"Well," Xiao Yao nodded with a serious face, "This sentence is in Yanjing dialect. The audience in Yanjing must know what it means, and the audience in the north should also be able to understand it. As for the audience in the south or other people who don't understand it. ~" At this point, Xiao Yao paused deliberately before putting on a smiling face and continuing, "Please pick up your phone and search on the Internet by yourself!"

  "噫~" Some audience hissed below.

  "You~" Gu Ya smiled bitterly.

  "Well, here is Xiao Yao's new song, "Hu Lu Hu Lu Diao Er"!" Gu Ya reluctantly introduced and took Sun Tingting off the stage. The two did not go back to the backstage, but directly sat on the seats of Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting from the front.

  When the host interacted with Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting, the chair, microphone stand and guitar in the middle of the stage had already been taken away by the staff. After the host and Sun Tingting stepped down, Xiao Yao took the microphone and walked back two steps. A group of young female dancers quickly ran onto the stage, one of whom was still carrying a red leather jacket in his hand.

   Xiao Yao walked to the dancer carrying the leather jacket, tucked his hands into the sleeves, put on the jacket, and jumped and said, "Okay! Go!"

   Xiao Yao's voice fell, and a burst of cheerful-sounding prelude music rang.

  "My little princess, my little princess, my little princess, I’m here to warm your happiness~

  Knowing your painful rebellion, knowing your unintentional poison, knowing you~laughing and crying~"

  The prelude was very short. After a short banjo melody and a short drumbeat, Xiao Yao sang and danced with the dancers behind.

Xiao Yao only has a hand-held microphone in his hand, and there is no musical instrument on him, so he can sing and dance. In terms of dance, Xiao Yao doesn’t seem to have much to do with the dance group behind him. Basically, there are no special dance moves. Jumping and jumping on the stage without restraint, running around with joy, seemed very happy.

   "Ah~" Xiao Yao like this, not many people have seen him. Seeing Xiao Yao singing and dancing on the stage with a smile on his face, some younger audience members couldn't help but scream.

  "My little princess, my little princess, my little princess, I’m here to warm your happiness~

  Knowing that you made me give in, knowing that you hurt me and helping me, knowing you~frustrated, come in my arms~"

Although Xiao Yao seems to have no trajectory to follow, he is sprinkling joy everywhere on the stage, but from the perspective of many movements and eye directions, it is easy for the live director and cameraman to find out where Xiao Yao’s focus is when he sings. . When Xiao Yao sang the second part, a scene of Sun Tingting in the audience was quickly cut out on the big screen.

   "Wow~" Seeing Sun Tingting's picture appeared on the big screen at the scene, cheers and screams rang out from the audience.

  The second paragraph of Xiao Yao's second paragraph happened to be the phrase "I love the little princess" again, and the scene of Sun Tingting was cut out on the big screen at the scene, and all the audience knew what it meant.

  Sun Tingting was very happy to hear, but as soon as she saw herself appearing on the big screen at the scene, and then listened to the cheers, she immediately blushed and lowered her head. No matter how elegant and generous she was, she was a little embarrassed at this time.

  "Come on~ Hu Lu, Hu Lu, Hu Lu, Hu Lu, Hu Lu, Hu Lu, Hu Lu, Hu Lu, Hu Lu, Hu Lu, Hu Lu, Hu Lu.

  Come on~ Hu Lu Hu Lu, the girl can’t be scared~

  Come on~Hu Lu, Hu Lu, Hu Lu, Hu Lu, Hu Lu, Hu Lu, Hu Lu, Hu Lu, Hu Lu.

  Come on~ Hu Lu Hu Lu, the girl can’t be scared~"

  When he came to the chorus, Xiao Yao sang, squatting on the stage sideways on one knee, singing with a microphone in one hand, and touching his head in the air with the other. This action of Xiao Yao looked like a little girl who was really squatting in front of him, who was crying, touching his head for comfort.

   Seeing that Xiao Yao actually moved this kind of non-physical performance to the stage, the audience below was applauded and laughed again.

   "My little baby, we are a couple! Love is a thing, it’s so exciting to talk about it! Ahhh~"

  After finishing the "No Object Performance", Xiao Yao stood up and came to a Rap. The speed of this rap is not fast, but the tone is very naive and sounds very joyful. When talking about the last "ahhh~", Xiao Yao deliberately raised his forearm and clenched his fist and pounded it down. The whole scene looks extremely cute and cute. joy.

  "Ha~" Hearing this, some audience members smiled and clapped.

   "My little baby, it's right to my taste! Everyone will hide from you and I will not move, come to accompany you to relieve your boredom~"

  Rap has two paragraphs, the latter paragraph, although there is no "ahhh~", still looks very cute and joyful.

  "My little princess, my little princess, my little princess..."

After   Rap was over, before the audience laughed and applauded again, the song quickly returned to the main song. When they heard "My Little Princess", the audience immediately looked up at the big screen again. Sure enough, at this time, Sun Tingting appeared on the big screen again. Only at this time, Sun Tingting no longer blushed embarrassedly and lowered her head, but covered her mouth, only showing a pair of crescent-shaped eyes with a smile.

  In the second paragraph, the verse, chorus and Rap of the song are repeated one after another. The lyrics and tune are the same as before, and the joyous atmosphere has been spreading from the stage to the entire studio.

  Some ordinary young spectators in the back row couldn't help but stand up from the auditorium, and jumped up with Xiao Yao. Although the guests and audiences who will be photographed in the front row are not as happy as the live audiences behind, they are all happily helping Xiao Yao on the stage to beat his body, following the rhythm of Xiao Yao’s songs. The atmosphere at the scene was completely infected by Xiao Yao's song.

  "My little princess, my little princess, my little princess..."

  It wasn't until the third time that the main song was sung, the song did not change a bit. The soundtrack of the song suddenly became quiet, it seemed that only a very light guitar sound could be heard, Xiao Yao's singing voice also changed from joy to affection, and the atmosphere of the whole scene suddenly changed from joy to tender and affection.

However, this kind of quiet tenderness and affection did not last long. When it came to the second paragraph of the main song, the soundtrack of the song changed back to the joyous noise, and Xiao Yao's singing also returned to that joyful excitement. Pulled back into the joyous atmosphere.

  "Come on~ Hu Lu, Hu Lu, Hu Lu, Hu Lu, Hu Lu, Hu Lu, Hu Lu, Hu Lu, Hu Lu, Hu Lu, Hu Lu, Hu Lu.

  Come on~ Hu Lu Hu Lu, the girl can’t be scared..."

  The ending stage of the song is the chorus that is repeated continuously. Many of the audience in the scene listened to such two-sentence Yanjing dialect, so in the final stage, it became a chorus of some audience and Xiao Yao.

  In the accompaniment of this song, the ending part is recorded with Xiao Yao’s own accompaniment. Seeing someone singing at the scene, Xiao Yao didn't sing altogether. He waved his hands and began to direct the audience.

  "Close!" When he heard the last time, Xiao Yao swung his hands in the middle. The sound of music stopped abruptly, and the audience just stopped.

   "Thank you!" Xiao Yao was very satisfied with the ending, smiled and bowed to the audience.

  "Ah~" The performance ended, and there was a burst of greater applause, which was mixed with cheers and screams from the audience.

  (End of this chapter)

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