Entertaining Children

Chapter 1166: I fought for it myself

   Chapter 1166 Fight for yourself

  This year's Spring Festival, Xiao Yao gave himself four days off in total. After visiting the homes of Zhao Rui, Zhou Zhihao and others on the third day of the Lunar New Year, Xiao Yao left for Shencheng on the morning of the fourth day of the Lunar New Year.

  According to the previously arranged itinerary, Xiao Yao’s next few jobs are Zhedong Satellite TV’s "Dream Voice", Haiyan Video’s "Instant Audio" and Qiqu’s "Actor's Character". The first two shows were recorded in Hangzhou, not far from Shanghai, so Xiao Yao returned to Shanghai in advance to make preparations.

In terms of time, the closest is the recording of "The Voice of Dreams", but the rules of this show are to specify songs for guests to perform on the day of the recording, and guests are required to create on-site, and there is no way to prepare in advance, so after Xiao Yao returned to Shanghai , Mainly to prepare the opening performance of "Instant Electronic Music".

   "Instant Electronic Music" is an electronic music program. Although Xiao Yao is not a professional electronic musician, he has also produced electronic music works. In terms of music performance alone, Xiao Yao’s several electronic music works are even the best and most well-known on various foreign electronic music charts. His stage name YS can even be called the most famous abroad. Producer of Huaxia Dianyin.

Among all of Xiao Yao’s electronic music works, the song "faded" that he and Gong Chen collaborated with is the best electronic music song on the foreign electronic music charts. It is well-known among electronic music enthusiasts at home and abroad. very high. When the program team first contacted Xiao Yao, it was suggested that Xiao Yao perform Xiao Yao's song at the beginning of the show.

  This song is a collaboration with Gong Chen. To perform live, under normal circumstances, the singer Gong Chen must be added. Unfortunately, the recording time of the first episode of the show happened to conflict with Gong Chen's schedule. Knowing this, the program team of "Dian Yin Now" suggested that a few girls in the 101 women's group should cooperate with Xiao Yao.

The   101 girl group came out of its own program, and now the brokerage contract is also with the brokerage company under the parent company group, which is considered to be its own. Arranging the women's group members to cooperate with Xiao Yao for the opening performance is naturally Haiyan Video's strategy to take advantage of her own people.

  But this is an electronic music show after all, not a girl group show. There are a total of eleven women in the women's group. For the sake of the program's effect, the program group did not ask Xiao Yao to bring all these eleven girls. It only recommended Wei Yunjing, Ai Jun and JoJo, who are more powerful in the group.

  These three people have their own specialties. Ai Jun is in charge of vocal, Wei Yunjing is in charge of dance, and JoJo is in charge of rap. The program team believes that the singer has changed, and the overall feeling of the song should be changed. It is recommended that Xiao Yao make some adaptations of the song, and it is best to add some dances that Wei Yunjing is good at, and the Rap that JoJo is good at.

  Xiao Yao himself feels that when the singer changes, it is meaningless to make a live version similar to the original one. But as far as this song is concerned, Xiao Yao likes this song because he likes the ethereal feeling. Even the singer doesn't want to change, let alone make an adaptation, add some dance and rap.

   was just an opening performance. Xiao Yao had no intention of letting Gong Chen lose the opportunity of a long-time guest of a music program to accommodate himself. He did not want to listen to the adaptation of the program group, so he offered to perform a new work. However, if you want to perform new works, then the musicians and singers who cooperate with each other naturally have to choose them by themselves.

Under the condition of not violating the established rules of the show, Xiao Yao has never been afraid to perform new musical works on the show. To a certain extent, this has even become a habit label of Xiao Yao, and it can cause some topics every time. .

  Should Xiao Yao take three female group members to perform the adapted version of the old song or let Xiao Yao choose someone to perform a new electronic music work? This multiple-choice question is not so difficult for the program group to choose. In the comparison of the effects and topicality of their own people and the program, the program group did not hesitate to choose the latter. After all, it's incidental to praise yourself, and the most basic thing is for the program group to do this program well.

  At the time of this discussion, Xiao Yao’s new electronic music work had not yet been completed, and it was impossible for the music director of the program group to review it. However, Xiao Yao's fame is outstanding. The program group is very confident in Xiao Yao's creative ability, and doesn't care much about it.

  These things were determined years ago. Before the Chinese New Year, Xiao Yao was busy with other things, and did not care about new electronic music works. After returning to Shencheng on the fourth grade, Xiao Yao really started to get busy with this matter.

  Although Xiao Yao’s new works are electronic works, there are also many other instruments in the soundtrack. For live performances, Xiao Yao still needs to find some more musicians. In addition, there is a singing part in this work, which is suitable for female singers to sing. Xiao Yao also needs to find a cooperating female singer.

  It is still during the Spring Festival holiday, but as an entertainer, it is normal to work during the Spring Festival. Cooperating with Xiao Yao and doing the opening performance on Haiyan's program are both very attractive. Xiao Yao estimates that finding someone is not too difficult.

As for musicians, Xiao Yao’s first contact was Sun Tingting. There is a violin in the soundtrack of this new work. Since Sun Tingting returned to China, whenever Xiao Yao needed a violinist, Sun Tingting was naturally the first choice.

  Sun Tingting originally planned to come to Shencheng to join Xiao Yao after the Chinese New Year. Now Xiao Yao needs her help. It’s not a problem to come a few days in advance. As for the other musicians, Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting knew a lot, Xiao Yao looked for a few, and Sun Tingting helped recommend a few, and they were quickly determined.

As for the singer, Xiao Yao thought about it, and first contacted Ai Jun. Ai Jun is a co-singer recommended to her by the show team before, and there should be no problem with the original schedule. But after all, Xiao Yao had refused the recommendation of the program group before, and he didn't know if the agency had arranged any other activities for her during this period of time after the rejection.

  Ai Jun herself didn’t know the previous program recommended her and two other teammates to cooperate with Xiao Yao, but the agency of their women’s group knew about it.

  Received a call from Xiao Yao's studio, and learned that Xiao Yao had asked Ai Jun to cooperate again. Haiyan Entertainment was rather overjoyed. Although the company actually arranged commercial performances for the women's group, compared with Xiao Yao, of course, the opportunity to cooperate with Xiao Yao to do the opening performance on Haiyan Video's new program is even more rare. Haiyan Entertainment didn't let Xiao Yao know about Ai Jun's schedule conflict, so he agreed on the phone on the spot, and then arranged to remove Ai Jun from the business performance.

  On the fifth day of the fifth day, Sun Tingting and other musicians and Ai Jun, the female vocal, all gathered in Xiao Yao's rehearsal room in the recording studio in Shencheng, and began to prepare for the rehearsal.

However, everyone's rehearsal lasted only two days. On the seventh day of the seventh day, Xiao Yao temporarily bid farewell to the entire rehearsal team and went to Hangzhou alone to participate in the recording of the program "The Voice of Dreams" by Zhejiang East TV. .

  "The Voice of Dreams" was not recorded in the studio of Zhejiang East TV Station, but in a recording studio in Hangzhou that specializes in recording such programs.

  In this show, star guests are assigned to perform songs on the spot, and they are adapted and rehearsed on the spot. The recording of the stage performance is in the evening, the announcement of the designated song is at noon, and the time for adaptation and rehearsal is six hours in the afternoon. This means that Xiao Yao, the flying guest, is the same as the four fixed star guests, who will be at the shooting location before noon.

"Hello Xiao Yao, I am your follow-up director Huang Qi." Xiao Yao took the vehicle arranged by the program group from the hotel to the recording studio, and just got off the car at the door, a woman in her thirties greeted him. Greeted. Behind her is a cameraman carrying a camera.

  This is a music-based reality show. In addition to the performance on the stage, behind-the-scenes footage of some guests will be shown in the show. So from the moment Xiao Yao entered the recording studio, he followed the filming crew to shoot.

   "Hello Director Huang!" Xiao Yao smiled and stretched out his hand to shook Huang Qi.

   "Huh? Did you come alone?" Huang Qi asked, rather strangely, when he found that there was no one getting off the car behind Xiao Yao, and the car that picked him up actually drove away.

   "What? Do I have to bring other people?" Xiao Yao asked strangely.

"In our program, the guest teacher is required to adapt the song. This kind of work is rarely done by the guest teacher alone." Huang Qi explained with a smile, "Even Teacher Rong Jun is good at writing songs like this. The singer-songwriter also brought people from his music team, such as his own producer, to help with the adaptation."

   "I don't have a music team, I'm the only one!" Xiao Yao smiled.

"Oh," Huang Qi remembered that Xiao Yao's name was almost all on the behind-the-scenes production list of the Xiao Yao album announced at the Golden Disc Awards that year, smiled and nodded, and said in confusion, "But there is no music team to help. That's all, why don't you even have a personal team member such as an assistant?"

   "My assistant has something at home, and he hasn't come back to work yet!" Xiao Yao smiled, "I can't go out without the assistant, I can do without an assistant."

  After working with the crew of "Donkey Deshui", Pei Minyi has resigned and started her own studio. Xiao Yao's personal studio helped Xiao Yao hire a new personal assistant. When the new personal assistant came home during the Chinese New Year, something happened at home, so he called Xiao Yao for a few days off. Xiao Yao only let others go home on New Year's Eve, so he was allowed to leave. Today’s itinerary was arranged a year ago. Since Xiao Yao has allowed him to leave, he is still in the Spring Festival holiday, and he didn’t want the studio to find someone to replace him temporarily, so he came by himself.

  Actually, Sun Tingting originally wanted to come to Hangzhou with Xiao Yao, and acted as an assistant to Xiao Yao temporarily. But Xiao Yao refused on the grounds that he would never use his wife as an assistant, leaving Sun Tingting in Shencheng to continue rehearsing with the musicians.

  "What a good boss!" Huang Qi smiled, waved her hand and made a please gesture, "Let’s go to see your lounge, which is also your preparation room for song adaptation. Please here!"

   "Okay, thank you." Xiao Yao bent slightly and followed Huang Qi to the lounge.

  On the way to the lounge, Huang Qi thought of another question and asked: "I heard that your assistant is a part-time makeup artist, so you didn't even bring a makeup artist?"

"Yeah." Xiao Yao nodded, "but your show crew should have a makeup artist? It doesn't matter if you don't have one. I can make up and style myself. My performance is not complicated, and I can do it myself. !"

  Because Xiao Yao doesn't like too many people to follow, this new assistant candidate is the same as Pei Minyi, who is also an assistant and a makeup artist. Generally speaking, such a person is hard to find, because it means that a professional makeup artist has to work as an assistant. But the example of Pei Minyi is there, and there is no shortage of professional makeup artists who are willing to be Xiao Yao's assistant.

"That said," Huang Qi smiled bitterly. "Our program team has makeup artists and assistants. If you need it, we can also arrange for someone to help you temporarily. You don't need to do everything yourself. of."

   "Really?" Xiao Yao smiled, "Then can I ask for some arrangers?"

   "That won't work!" Huang Qi said immediately, "Music matters can only be done by you or your team. Our program team will not provide you with any help in this regard."

   "However," Huang Qi paused, then smiled and reminded in a low voice, "The celebrity guests help each other. The program group is not forbidden. If you need help, you can talk to other celebrity tutors."

   "Okay, I remember, thank you!" Xiao Yao smiled and nodded.

While talking, Xiao Yao has already come to his lounge.

  The celebrity guest lounge in this show also functions as an arrangement and creation studio. It is equipped with electronic keyboards, guitars and other musical instruments, which are well arranged.

   "It's great!" Xiao Yao looked around in the lounge, tried the musical instruments inside, and praised with a satisfied smile.

   "You like it!" Huang Qi smiled.

   "Well, are all the other teachers here? Can I go to visit or something now?" Xiao Yao asked, raising his head.

  The program team said that the designated song was announced to the celebrities at 12 noon. Now the time has not arrived, and there is no way to make an adaptation in advance. This lounge is nice, but just staying like this is a bit boring.

   "I'm here, but the director said that your identity must be kept secret, and you cannot meet with the four instructors in advance." Huang Qi said.

"Huh?" Xiao Yao was surprised, and then dissatisfied, "You said just now that I can communicate with other celebrity tutors! This is a confidential identity, you can't meet in advance, how can you communicate? Is it to call them? Don't you just show up?"

   "No!" Huang Qi shook her head, "The director meant that you can't meet with them until the designated song is announced!"

   "Is it wrong?" Xiao Yao asked in confusion, "I also watched the previous episodes. Sometimes flying guests and regular guests sit together to announce the specified songs!"

"You also said that sometimes, not every episode is like that." Huang Qi smiled, "The arrangement of this link in each episode is different. Today, you announced it separately from them. "

"Since each episode is not necessarily, it is not a fixed rule, and it is not impossible to change." Xiao Yao said to Huang Qi, "Do you see how lonely and boring I am sitting here? How about you tell the director , The arrangements for this issue have been changed so that I can meet them in advance?"

  "This~" Huang Qi hesitated.

   "Think about it, I know sister Xueying, I have to go there in advance, and I will definitely be able to contribute something to the show." Xiao Yao said again, "Don't you want to watch the show more?"

   "That's right!" Huang Qi nodded when thinking of Xiao Yao's past performance in various variety shows.

"Even if you don't consider Xiao Yao's personal relationship with Liang Xueying, Xiao Yao himself is a very good variety show, and he is very good at making shows. I don't need such a good condition. I really don't know what the person who developed the program flow in the beginning Think of it?" Huang Qi slandered in her heart, stood on Xiao Yao's side, and said to Xiao Yao, "Wait a minute, I'll discuss it with the director!"

   "Okay, trouble director Huang!" Xiao Yao smiled.

   "Wait a moment, I'll be back soon!" Huang Qi said, and hurriedly pushed the door out.

  Although she has a walkie-talkie and a phone, Huang Qi thinks it is better to talk about this kind of thing in person.

  After a while, Huang Qi came back.

As soon as    entered the door, Huang Qi smiled and said to Xiao Yao: "The director agreed! Those few are eating hot pot in the dream hall now, let's give them a surprise!"

"What?" Xiao Yao jumped up from the chair, "They were eating hot pot in the hall lively, but I was sitting here alone. Isn't this difference in treatment? Fortunately, I fought for it myself. !"

   "Uh~" Huang Qi choked, and explained with a smile, "They eat hot pot, it is an arrangement related to the process of revealing the specified song. Besides, isn't this asking you to go together?"

  (End of this chapter)

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