Entertaining Children

Chapter 1167: All my songs

  Chapter 1167 It's All My Songs

   Xiao Yao followed Huang Qi out of the lounge and walked to the hall where other guests gathered.

  Not long after leaving, Xiao Yao smelled the scent of food.

   "It smells so good!" Xiao Yao sniffed and urged Huang Qi excitedly, "Go!"

  In this program, several resident guests gathered together to announce the designated songs. The place where the designated songs are announced is a hall called the Dream Hall. It is the largest space in the recording studio except the stage studio. Today's noon hot pot banquet is also arranged in this place.

  There is no door installed in the Dream Hall, and the wall next to the entrance and exit is a wooden hollow partition. People standing outside can see the inside from the hollow.

   Xiao Yao came to the outside of the Dream Hall, and did not rush in. First, he looked inside from the hollow of the partition, and found that a group of people were eating hot pot inside.

   "Why didn't you go in?" Huang Qi asked in a low voice.

  "Thinking about how to meet them!" Xiao Yao replied with a smile.

   "What do you want to do?" Huang Qi asked.

  "This~" Xiao Yao thought for a while, and asked, "Are their hot pot garnishes ready? Would you like to serve me some dishes, I will pretend to be a waiter and serve them?"

   "Originally, they were all listed, but there are some spares. You can also give them one more set!" A voice sounded behind Xiao Yao.

   Xiao Yao and Huang Qi looked back and found a middle-aged man standing behind them.

   "Director Xu, hello!" Xiao Yao greeted with a smile and lowered his head.

  This middle-aged man is the chief director of the show and his name is Xu Tao. When discussing and inviting Xiao Yao to participate in the program, he also personally communicated with Xiao Yao. Xiao Yao met him and knew him.

  "Welcome you to join this show." Xu Tao smiled and shook hands with Xiao Yao, "I'm sorry, I got caught up just now, so I couldn't pick you up personally!"

   "Don't be so polite." Xiao Yao smiled.

  "The previous arrangement was not very good!" Xu Tao continued, "But fortunately, you have an idea. Let's follow your idea!"

   "Xiao Cui, you go to the kitchen and get another side dish." Xu Tao turned to a staff member behind him.

   "You can play freely for a while, and we will make appropriate editing later!" Xu Tao turned around and said to Xiao Yao.

   "Okay!" Xiao Yao nodded with a smile.

  In order to avoid being accidentally discovered by people in the hall, Xiao Yao and others retreated to the solid wall behind the hollow partition. Not long after waiting, a staff member came back with a plate of sliced ​​lamb.

   "Brother camera, can you lend me a hat to wear?" Xiao Yao said to the camera brother with a baseball cap behind him.

  Camera brother nodded and took off his hat. Xiao Yao put on the baseball cap, lowered the brim of the hat, then took the plate and walked into the hall with his head down.

   "Oh, there are food!" Liang Xueying, who saw someone come in with the food and holding the chopsticks, smiled, "The show crew is so magnificent!"

   Xiao Yao put the plate on the table, crossed his hands in front of him, bowed slightly and said: "How do you think the taste, teachers? Do you need to add more?"

   "No need, these are enough, it tastes good, the show team is interested!" a middle-aged woman with a very temperament laughed.

   "Huh?" Liang Xueying showed a strange expression, put down her chopsticks, and bent over to look at the face of the food delivery staff in front of her.

   "You took my hat off!" Liang Xueying suddenly pointed to Xiao Yao and said loudly.

  "This?" The person next to him looked strangely at the "staff" standing aside with his head down, then looked at Liang Xueying, and asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

   "Well, Xiao Yao, give me this trick again!" Liang Xueying patted the table and stood up, "Should I do it myself?"

  "Xiao Yao?" Everyone looked at Xiao Yao in unison.

   "Hello teachers!" Xiao Yao smiled and took off his hat, bowed and greeted everyone on the table, "I am Xiao Yao!"

   "Wow, Xiao Yao!" The people at the table saw Xiao Yao's appearance clearly, and then they reacted, "Are you the mysterious teacher today?"

   "Well, it's me!" Xiao Yao smiled and nodded.

  "Welcome!" Several people walked out of their seats and greeted Xiao Yao or shook hands or hugs.

  In this hot pot banquet, four resident celebrity tutors surrounded the table for half. Among the four celebrity mentors, apart from Liang Xueying, whom Xiao Yao knows, there are three remaining two men and one woman, who are all very well-known Chinese singers.

  The eldest one is a female singer named Lian Yiling. She is over fifty this year, but she has maintained a good shape and voice. Lian Yiling was born on Hong Kong Island, and her ancestral home is Zhejiang Province in the Mainland. She has developed well on Hong Kong Island, Treasure Island and Mainland China since her debut for decades. She speaks Mandarin very well, and she is a rare generation from Hong Kong Island without a particular accent. Female singer.

  The two male singers are both 36 and 7 years old. One of the male singers named Ling Chengjie is a Singaporean. He made his debut on Treasure Island. He is famous for his singing skills and has good creative ability. Another person named Rong Jun, from Shencheng, made his debut as an original singer at the age of 18. So far, all the songs have been composed by himself, most of which are lyrics by himself, and he has also written many songs for other singers. Xiao Yao Previously the most famous music talent in the mainland music scene for his creative talents.

  The two male singers are now properly first-line singers. Lian Yiling made her debut for decades and was once a smash hit. Xiao Yao knew about them even though she had not personally contacted them before.

  Similarly, as one of the most popular and well-known musicians of the younger generation in the Chinese music scene, of course these few also know Xiao Yao, and everyone is very enthusiastic about Xiao Yao’s arrival.

"Sit down and eat with us!" After Xiao Yao finished greeting everyone one by one, the oldest Lian Yiling waved her hand, said hello to Xiao Yao, and turned her head to talk to the camera crew next to her. Can you give Xiao Yao a place?"

  The staff had made preparations a long time ago, and immediately brought a chair to Xiao Yao, and gave him a pair of chopsticks and a dipping sauce for hot pot.

   "Thank you Sister Sandy!" Xiao Yao smiled and thanked him, and sat down.

  Although Lian Yiling’s age is a bit older than Xiao Yao’s parents, in this show, everyone is a mentor, and any name other than a teacher is not appropriate. Lian Yiling is a native of Hong Kong Island and is accustomed to calling her English name. Her English name is Sandy and Xiao Yao's sister Sandy, which not only shows respect but also appears close.

  Lian Yiling was also satisfied with Xiao Yao's name, and continued to say to Xiao Yao with a smile: "I have heard of you a long time ago, and I finally saw the real person today!"

   "Then what was your previous impression of me?" Xiao Yao asked with a smile, "I was not disappointed when I saw you today?"

"No!" Lian Yiling smiled and shook her head. "I heard that you are a particularly talented and outstanding young man. This can be seen from your previous works. I feel like seeing you today. You are indeed an eccentric ghost horse guy, and you even pretended to be a staff member of the program group. If Xueying hadn't found out, we would have been concealed by you."

  Speaking of this, Lian Yiling turned to Liang Xueying beside her and said, "You are still better!"

"I have cooperated with him more often, and I am more familiar with his voice. I can hear it as soon as he opens his mouth." Liang Xueying smiled, "Also, it's not the first time this guy has played such tricks. I was fooled by him in other shows!"

   "No wonder what you said just now, you gave me this trick again!" Ling Chengjie smiled.

"I'm here to rub your hot pot!" Xiao Yao picked up a piece of mutton and put it in his mouth, and said to Liang Xueying, "Last time you lied to the staff, you didn't find out. If it wasn't for your hot pot, you I thought you could see through this time?"

   "Oh, do you mean you let me discover it on purpose?" Liang Xueying smiled and said to Xiao Yao.

   "Of course, I am a professional..." Xiao Yao nodded with a smile.

  "Warn you!" Liang Xueying changed her face, interrupted Xiao Yao, and pointed at him, "This is a music show. You are not allowed to mention that you are an actor!"

   "Haha~" The others laughed at Liang Xueying's desperate look.

  "Just not mentioning actors, Xiao Yao is also top among the younger generation as a musician." Rong Jun said on the side, "I know that Xiao Yao has two songs that are particularly popular recently. Have you heard them?"

   "I have heard it, and there is no official version yet! The two live songs have begun to dominate the music website." The others smiled and nodded.

   "The two songs are so popular, there is also a certain reason for the recent Chinese New Year, which took advantage of some days!" Xiao Yao smiled modestly and waved his hand.

"Speaking of it, according to Chinese tradition, it is considered Chinese New Year before the fifteenth, and it is still in the New Year." Xiao Yao suddenly stood up again and said to the four resident guests, "The four teachers are all me. Seniors, I’m here to extend my respects to you all in your old age! I wish you all a good New Year and all the best!"

   "Wish the same, happy new year, happy new year!" The four instructors were surprised and smiled in return.

"Xiao Yao," after Xiao Yao sat down again, Liang Xueying looked at him again, "you also said that this is still in the New Year, and you said that we are all your predecessors, so you just give us New Year greetings. Didn’t you say to bring us a meeting gift or something?"

   "Yeah!" Lian Yiling and others turned to look at Xiao Yao, smiling and agreeing.

"Ah? Cough!" Xiao Yao choked and looked at Liang Xueying, "You also said, you are all seniors. According to the Chinese tradition, my juniors give you seniors New Year greetings. You seniors shouldn't give me red envelopes. New year's money? Why do you want me as a junior to give a meeting gift?"

   "Ha!" Ling Chengjie and the other three resident celebrity tutors laughed again, and Lian Yiling even more laughed, "This guy reacted so fast!"

"Bah!" Liang Xueying didn't take this set, and said to Xiao Yao, "How old are you? These are people who are about to get married..." At this point, Liang Xueying suddenly turned, "Yes, not yet Congratulations in person. When will the wedding be held, remember to post me a post!"

   "Huh?" Xiao Yao was stunned, and replied helplessly, "The date is still undecided, at least for the second half of the year. I will remember to post you a post at that time!"

  The other three did not know Liang Xueying and Xiao Yao as well, nor did they invite congratulations in person. They just followed Liang Xueying to congratulate him.

After making a fuss, Liang Xueying picked up what she had said before and continued: "Where did you go? Yes! You are about to get married. Are you embarrassed to ask your elders for money? Besides, we are seniors, not elders. , To ask for money for the new year is to ask the elders, how come we are still asking for money? Are you embarrassed?"

   "Well, I agree! That's the truth!" Lian Yiling and the others laughed and echoed Liang Xueying.

   "Well, what you said makes sense!" Xiao Yao smiled, "I don't need the New Year's money. I am really prepared for this New Year's greetings party!"

   "Really?" Liang Xueying asked unexpectedly.

  She originally only wanted to win Xiao Yao verbally once, but she didn't expect Xiao Yao to bring a meeting gift at all. She didn't expect Xiao Yao to actually have a gift.

   "Of course it is true!" Xiao Yao nodded with a smile.

   "It's in the lounge?" Liang Xueying looked around and found that Xiao Yao didn't look like there were four gifts hidden on him, so she guessed, "What is it? How about asking someone to bring it for you?"

   "What are you taking?" Xiao Yao smiled, "My meeting ceremony is not a real thing, it is a song. I brought a song for you all!"

  "Did you write a new song for us alone?" Liang Xueying said in surprise.

  Even Yiling and the other three also showed very surprised expressions.

   "No!" Xiao Yao shook his head and said, "Four of you, either you are very talented creators, or you have your own very good creative team. How dare I be such a foolish team!"

  Although Xiao Yao has been receiving requests for songs over the years, this does not include the three present here. Except for Liang Xueying, Xiao Yao can't guarantee that the songs he wrote will be appreciated by others. Of course, what's more important is that Xiao Yao didn't write four new songs at all, all of which were made up temporarily nonsense.

   "Then what do you mean?" Liang Xueying asked suspiciously.

"Why do you think the show team asked me to come and eat hot pot with you?" Xiao Yao smiled, "This show, the show team is going to play something different, so all of your four resident tutors should be included in this show. They are all adapted to my mysterious teacher's song! Is this the equivalent of me giving you a song?"

   "That's it!" The four cried out in a daze, and a little surprised.

   "Next, is to announce the links of your designated songs for this program." Xiao Yao continued with a smile, "Today, my original author will announce to you one by one."

   "I'll go!" Standing outside the hall listening to the movement inside the show's chief director Xu Tao and Xiao Yao's co-director Huang Qi glanced at each other, "This guy really dare to say it!"

"First of all, Sister Xueying," Xiao Yao said to Liang Xueying, "As I said earlier, I have two songs that are quite popular recently. Sister Xueying, your designated songs in this issue are the two that I have been relatively popular recently. One. The song you are going to sing tonight is, "Hu Lu Hu Lu Diao Er"!"

   "Huh?" Liang Xueying showed a frightened expression, "I have heard your song, it is not my style at all! Not to mention, it is the gourd scoop in the rap..."

   "Hu Lu Hu Lu, the girl can't be scared!" Xiao Yao smiled and continued.

   "Yes," Liang Xueying said, "This is the sentence, I can't even say it, let alone rap!"

   "Although you are from Sichuan Province, haven't you been living in Yanjing for a long time? Haven't you even learned such a Yanjing dialect?" Xiao Yao asked with a smile.

   "Where I live, I can't hear this authentic Yanjing dialect at all!" Liang Xueying exclaimed with a wry smile.

   "There is no way!" Xiao Yao said, "This is the arrangement of the program group, anyway, your designated song is this one!"

   "God!" Liang Xueying screamed, covering her face.

"Good, good! This song is good! I am looking forward to it!" Compared to Liang Xueying's aching face, the other three resident tutors laughed very happily after hearing Xiao Yao's words, and Ling Chengjie smiled directly to Liang Xueying. .

  "Don't be proud!" Liang Xueying stared at Ling Chengjie next to him, "In this case, your designated song is not easy to go anywhere!"

   "Huh? No?" Ling Chengjie's smile solidified.

   "Ms. CJ, your designated song is another song that I have become popular recently." Xiao Yao smiled and said to Ling Chengjie, ""Grandma's Talk", it shouldn't be difficult to guess, isn't it?"

"Huh?" Ling Chengjie was also dumbfounded, and began to count, "The question of not rap, the soundtrack of that song has three strings and drums! Although there are a few instruments I know, but such an unpopular traditional instrument, I am one of them. No, I'm not familiar with any one! This song happens to be a very local and very old song. If it is replaced with a modern instrument, it will lose that taste. How can I adapt it?"

"Also, there is a childish Rap in that song. I heard that you are looking for two voice actors to do live accompaniment. I only have six hours. Where can I find someone like that?" Ling Chengjie grabbed his hair. Tao.

   "Those two are voice actors from a dubbing studio in Yanjing, I didn't bring them to Hangzhou." Xiao Yao continued to show his hands and smiled, "This is the song designated by the program group for you. You can figure it out!"

   "God!" Ling Chengjie also wailed in pain.

   "Ha!" Liang Xueying on the side smiled, "I told you to laugh at me just now!"

  This time, Rong Jun and even Yiling did not laugh, but looked at Xiao Yao nervously.

  The two recent hot songs of Xiao Yao are finished, Rong Jun didn’t have a clue to guess his own song. He couldn’t help but took the initiative to take Xiao Yao’s arm and asked carefully: "Then what is my designated song?"

  (End of this chapter)

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