Entertaining Children

Chapter 1198: Bored

   Chapter 1198

   "Believe that you are the role you want to play? It's that simple?" Ding Yuyang asked, "Why can't I learn it?"

   "It's easy to say, but not easy to do." Xiao Yao said, "This requires a very strong sense of belief."

   "Sense of faith?" Ding Yuyang repeated.

"It's a new vocabulary for you?" Xiao Yao said, "Belief has two meanings: one is the creator's confidence and grasp of the role creation of the actor, that is, do you have the confidence and grasp to perform this role well? The other is whether the actor sincerely believes in the role played."

   "Still believe in the role played? Isn't that the same again?" Ding Yuyang said, "Is it possible to play well in this way?"

"Believing in the role played is not the same thing as believing that oneself is the role played!" Xiao Yao said, "Believing that the role played is only shaping the actor's second self, and believing that oneself is the role played is not the same thing. Overlap the actor's first self and second self?"

  "The first self and the second self? Do they overlap?" Ding Yuyang showed a confused expression on his face, "What are the first self and the second self?"

"Everyone has a first self and a second self." Xiao Yao said, "The first self is the id, the life form of a natural person. The second self is the rational "me", an ideology, and is in the process of growing up. The self-rational knowledge formed is a carrier that carries various cultures, thoughts, and ideologies."

   "I don't understand!" Ding Yuyang shook his head in confusion.

"Let's put it this way," Xiao Yao said, "what people spontaneously want to do is not necessarily the same as what other people expect you to do. For example, if you are hungry, you must want to eat when you see food. right?"

   "Of course!" Ding Yuyang nodded.

"But actually, as a socialized person, you can't ignore everything and eat it when you see it." Xiao Yao said, "If the food is at the counter, then you know that it is a commodity and you have to pay for it. After you have paid, others will eat it for you. If the food is in the hands of others and others are eating, you will know that it is other people’s food, not yours, and you can’t grab it and eat it.

  So, in simple terms, the first self is your nature as a natural person, and the second self is a code of behavior for you as a socialized person. This code of conduct not only comes from legal and moral constraints, but also from your cognition, your thoughts, and your ideology. Is that clear? "

   "Understood!" Ding Yuyang nodded again.

"This is for ordinary people." Xiao Yao continued, "For an actor's performance, the first self is the original self, and the second self is naturally the "self" of the role played. It is determined by the role’s thought and spirit. The self formed by the soul.

What the actor pursues is the coincidence of the first self and the second self, allowing the first self to act according to the second self’s behavioral logic and emotional logic, turning himself into the role that he wants to play, with the “self” of the role State to perform. At that moment, "I" is no longer the actor himself, but the living role. This state is the so-called "playing". "

   "In the play?" Ding Yuyang repeated.

   "Do you find it difficult to enter the play?" Xiao Yao asked.

   "Difficult!" Ding Yuyang nodded.

"It's very difficult!" Xiao Yao nodded, and then said, "Why is it difficult to "become into a play"? It is because it is difficult to achieve the overlap between the first self and the second self pursued by an actor. Why is it difficult to achieve it? My first self is always different from the second self formed by the character. For example, you are Ding Yuyang, not Zhou Jianyu, your mother is not called Zhao Meilan, your brother is not called Zhou Chenxi, you did not live in the nineties, etc. Wait, it's not like you said that I am Zhou Jianyu, you really become Zhou Jianyu's."

   "Then what should I do?" Ding Yuyang asked, "How can I believe that I am Zhou Jianyu, and how can I turn myself into Zhou Jianyu?"

   "I have already said it!" Xiao Yao said, "a sense of faith, believe! Believe in the role, shape the second self, let the first self and the second self overlap and enter the play!"

   "How can I do it specifically?" Ding Yuyang said, "It still sounds a little imaginary."

   "Some people are born with a strong sense of faith, which is the so-called talent for acting." Xiao Yao said, "But even if the talent is worse, it can be obtained through hard training the day after tomorrow."

   "How to train?" Ding Yuyang asked.

   "You should have learned "liberating nature" in acting class before and did training such as "animal simulation", right?" Xiao Yao asked.

  "Learned!" Ding Yuyang nodded.

"Those are!" Xiao Yao said, "What is liberating nature? It is to restore our character to a perfect round state, as close as possible to the perfect character, so that we can be as credulous as children. No matter what kind of acting The character believes in my heart that I am that character. Why do animal simulations? Because this is the most effective way to liberate your nature. If you can believe in your heart that you are a dog, a cat, or a tiger, then What can't you believe in other roles in the future?"

   "I have heard from the teacher, and I have done it." Ding Yuyang said, "But my performance is very poor and I am not doing very well!"

  "Liberating nature and animal simulation are not physique classes. Doing well is the next thing," Xiao Yao said. "The important thing is whether you enhance your sense of belief from these trainings."

   "Oh, but the effect doesn't seem to be very obvious!" Ding Yuyang said.

   "Then keep working hard!" Xiao Yao said.

"However, there are different genres and different methods for acting. The previously mentioned excavation of the prescribed situation is also one." Xiao Yao said again, "To put it bluntly, it is to let your first self create a second self, an actor. You are creating a character. The more details of the character you create, the more specific and vivid it will be for you. When your second self is sufficiently perfect, then in this process of creation, the first self and the second self It will blend together naturally."

   "So I should write a biography like Zhou Feng?" Ding Yuyang asked.

   "Actress, on the one hand, rely on talent, on the other hand, on the other hand, hard work, on the other hand, you also need to find the right method!" Xiao Yao said, "Everyone is different, and the suitable method may not be the same, you can experience it yourself!"

   "I see, thank you teacher!" Ding Yuyang bowed.

   "Why isn't it a senior?" Xiao Yao smiled.

   "Director, how did you look like a senior? Obviously you are a teacher who teaches acting!" Wang Jiayi said, "From now on, we will call you teacher!"

"Come on," Xiao Yao said with a smile, "The ones I just said were taught by the teachers in the school. Except Zhou Feng and Ding Yuyang, you must have learned all four of you. I know. What kind of teacher is in front of you?"

   "Even if it was taught by a previous teacher, you can say it again now, we have benefited a lot!" Zhang Yunlan said seriously.

   "That's it!" Xiao Yao waved his hand, "Class time is over, then rehearse!"

   "Teacher, I need some time to explore the prescribed situation!" Zhou Feng raised his hand.

   "Me too!" Ding Yuyang also said.

   "Well, then we are now in the middle of Lin Qiuyang and Lin Jianjun!" Xiao Yao said to Wang Jiayi and Lin Kaijie, "You two will start with Zhou Chenxi leaving to buy buns!"

   "Good!" Wang Jiayi and Lin Kaijie nodded together.

  Xiao Yao's long talk is somewhat effective. By noon, Zhou Feng and Ding Yuyang's performance in rehearsal was much better than before. Under Xiao Yao's continuous adjustment and guidance, they had basically achieved the effect required by Xiao Yao.

  After lunch, Xiao Yao gave the six people a break of about an hour, and then resumed rehearsal at one o'clock in the afternoon. At about three in the afternoon, when it was time for Xiao Yao's group of formal field rehearsals, the whole group went to the stage of the studio and rehearsed on the stage with formal props.

  During the on-site rehearsal, there were not only more exquisite props and on-site stage, but all six people also put on costumes and put on the makeup of the characters. With more realistic scenes and more in line with the character's image, the performance of the six people in the field rehearsal is much better than in the rehearsal room.

   "Good performance!" After the rehearsal, Xiao Yao smiled and clapped his hands, "Better than in the rehearsal room!"

   "Thank you Director!" The six people said in unison.

   "I look forward to your performance at night!" Xiao Yao smiled.

   "You will not be disappointed!" Wang Jiayi said.

   "That's good!" Xiao Yao said, "Disband!"

   "Huh?" The six people were surprised.

  The six people all know that the on-site rehearsal time for each crew on stage is limited. However, they all thought they would go back to the rehearsal room to rehearse after the rehearsal, but they didn't expect Xiao Yao to call out directly to dismiss.

   "What's wrong?" Xiao Yao asked.

   "Director, shall we go back to the rehearsal room and continue to practice?" Zhang Yunlan asked.

   "I'm already very good, I don't practice anymore!" Xiao Yao smiled.

   "Then there are a few hours left, what are we going to do?" Wang Jiayi asked.

   "Free activities, why do you love," Xiao Yao said, "but my personal suggestion is to rest and sleep."

   "Rest? Sleep?" Wang Jiayi asked, "Director, are you serious?"

"Of course it is true!" Xiao Yao said, "The way you are now is basically the best effect you can achieve, and it is good enough for you. You have all rehearsed at high intensity. For such a long time, I don’t think continuing to rehearse is a good choice. I think what you have to do now is not to continue rehearsing, but to keep your character in a good state and at the same time develop your energy to cope with the formal performance at night.

   "Hmm!" Zhang Yunlan nodded, "Then let's listen to the director!"

   "Director, we are all going to rest, then why are you going?" Wang Jiayi asked again.

"Stay here to watch the rehearsal of other groups," Xiao Yao smiled, "check out the enemy situation! But you don't need to think about this, no matter how the other groups perform, I won't tell you! You just need to perform yours well. Just a scene!"

   "Okay!" The six nodded, "Director, see you tonight!"

   "Goodbye!" Xiao Yao waved his hand, found a corner of the auditorium in the studio and sat down.

As the props were being disassembled on the stage, after the six new actors in Xiao Yao’s group left, the new actors in other groups did not immediately appear until the props of Xiao Yao’s group were removed on the stage, and another stage play was removed. After the props are installed, a group of newcomers, actors and directors will enter the venue.

"Hey! I'm taking a peek here!" Xiao Yao watched the group of rehearsals on the stage and was slapped on the shoulder. Then a voice came from behind. Ears.

   Xiao Yao looked back and found that it was Chen Qiuyue, smiled and waved for a moment, and whispered, "Hello, Senior Sister!"

  Chen Qiuyue smiled, walked to the front, and sat down on the seat next to Xiao Yao.

   "Senior Sister came very early!" Xiao Yao smiled, "Are they here, Teacher Ke and Wenbo seniors?"

  According to the script of the program group, the three resident guests Ke Jun and Jin Wenbo Chen Qiuyue have no filming tasks this afternoon. They will not be required to come forward until the official performance of the big assessment in the evening.

"Here are all here, the three of us came together." Chen Qiuyue smiled, "Ms. Ke is confirming the process and collusion of the big exam tonight with Director Meng and the others. Brother Wenbo went to the rehearsal room to see those juniors who were rehearsing We went."

   "Then why didn't you go?" Xiao Yao asked, "Why did you come here?"

"It’s good if you have Teacher Ke for the verification process and cross-words. We are not professional hosts. We will say what words to us. When Teacher Ke and Director Meng confirm them, we will get familiar with each other in advance, and then follow the script. "Hand card reading is fine." Chen Qiuyue said, "As for Brother Wenbo, we were originally doing this kind of things separately. There are six groups of people and six rehearsal rooms. We share the work. He will look at a few. Let me see a few. The first thing I went to was your rehearsal room, but when I went there, no one was found!

  I saw that there was no one in the rehearsal room. I thought that your group happened to be rehearsing here, but when I came in, I realized that it was not your group in the rehearsal. I asked the staff to find out that your group was the last one, and the rehearsal was over. Originally I thought it was a miss on the road and wanted to go back to your rehearsal room, but a staff member told me that you did not go back to the rehearsal room. You asked the newcomer actors of your group to go back to the dormitory to rest. You stay here alone to watch other Group rehearsal. "

   "Speaking of this, I haven't talked about you yet!" Chen Qiuyue looked at Xiao Yao and said, "Why did you let all the newcomer actors in your group go back to rest? No rehearsal?"

   "The rehearsal has been completed, and the effect of the rehearsal is also very good, why can't they be allowed to rest?" Xiao Yao asked rhetorically.

   "Is the rehearsal ready?" Chen Qiuyue said, "The script that I got only yesterday, the total rehearsal time is less than 24 hours, how good can it be? Are you a little too confident?"

"Thank you Sister for your concern!" Xiao Yao smiled, "But if the effect is good, you will know if you watch it at night! Besides, it's just a variety show, do you need to be so careful? I'm a flying guest of a program, really Wait twenty-four hours with them? They’re tired, and I’m tired, it’s almost enough!"

   "You don't need to be so concerned? It's almost enough?" Chen Qiuyue smiled, "Why does someone start recording only in the afternoon, but they came early in the morning?"

   "I said, that's because I was bored!" Xiao Yao said, "What did I do yesterday morning and afternoon, you don't know!"

   "Okay," Chen Qiuyue said, "but why did I hear that a certain flying guest gave someone an acting class during rehearsal this morning? Someone clearly said that he was just a director and not a class!"

   "That's too boring, by the way!" Xiao Yao smiled.

   "Will you be bored during rehearsal?" Chen Qiuyue smiled.

   "Can't it?" Xiao Yao said.

  (End of this chapter)

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