Entertaining Children

Chapter 1199: Unchanging way of publicity

   Chapter 1199 Unchanging Ways of Propaganda

"Okay, what you say is what you say!" Chen Qiuyue said with a smile, "I heard Teacher Ke said yesterday that you have a lot of freedom in the program these two days. Director Meng said that you are allowed to do whatever you want, even with the students. You can eat out of the base!"

   "I heard that again?" Xiao Yao smiled, "Sister, you have heard so many things!"

   "I just love to inquire, what's the matter?" Chen Qiuyue wrinkled her nose and said, "Don't you know that women are born to gossip?"

   "Oh!" Xiao Yao nodded.

   "You asked your team members to go back to rest, why are you sitting here alone?" Chen Qiuyue said again.

"They have a dormitory, so you can go back to rest. I don't have a dormitory, so I can't go back to the hotel? I have to come at night!" Xiao Yao said, "You didn't come back then. I was alone in the observation room. People talked to me, deserted, so I stayed here to watch the rehearsal of the newcomers from other groups."

   "Know your opponent's situation?" Chen Qiuyue smiled, "Also say you don't care!"

"Regardless of whether they are good or not, I will never call my group of people to rehearse. Knowing their situation will not have any impact on our group's performance." Xiao Yao pointed to the stage, "Yes. Curious, bored and nowhere to go, so stay and have a look."

   "Okay, then I am also curious and boring, I will watch with you!" Chen Qiuyue raised her arms and leaned back on the seat back.

  "Are you not going to other people's rehearsal room?" Xiao Yao said.

"Going to the rehearsal room to watch them rehearse is not something that the program group requires us to do. Besides, there are already cultural and technical seniors who are doing it." Chen Qiuyue said, "I think it is a good choice to sit here and watch them rehearsal secretly. Anyway, it is not without Lens and material." After speaking, Chen Qiuyue pointed to the camera facing them in the corner.

   "Okay!" Xiao Yao glanced in the direction that Chen Qiuyue pointed, and nodded.

  The two stopped chatting, and carefully watched the rehearsal of the new actors and actresses on the stage. However, the two are not silent. After the rehearsal of each group, the two will still comment and exchange some opinions on the performance of the newcomer actors in the rehearsal.

  The six groups of dress rehearsals are carried out separately. When the stage rehearsals for all six groups were completed, it was not early, and it was almost time for dinner.

  This time for dinner, Xiao Yao didn't go to the student restaurant again, but Ke Jun and the three of them had dinner together. After dinner, it's time to prepare for the official recording of the big exam.

  The big assessment is a stage performance, there are live audiences, it can also be regarded as a public performance. However, unlike the group idol training program the year before, this program did not have a separate stage for public performances, but was conducted in the studio of the filming base.

  The live audience of the performance was drawn from the online audience who voted for these new actors on Qiqu. Therefore, these audiences are basically fans of these new actors. Since you are a fan, you will naturally need some support. So even though the performance was held in the studio of the filming base, the program team had an entrance ceremony.

  When the new actors and actresses walked through the red carpet in uniform groups, the fans on the outside of the red carpet were very enthusiastic, cheering and screaming one after another. The newcomers and actors were also very happy. Some even gave an impromptu performance on the red carpet at the request of the fans.

  Because the performance is a big assessment, it is not only Ke Jun and other three recruits and new actors who participated, but also the professional teachers of the program group also watched and scored on the spot. Under the arrangement of the program group, these professional teachers walked the red carpet like the rookie actors.

  The scene of the teachers walking on the red carpet is different from those of the rookie actors. Although outside the red carpet are fans of the newcomer actors, not the teachers of these teachers, when the professional teachers walked on the red carpet, the enthusiasm of the fans outside the red carpet was no less than when the newcomer actors left. However, these fans are not shouting the names of new actors or professional teachers, but yelling "Thank you teacher", "Teacher has worked hard" and so on. Such shouts also made the teachers very happy.

  In addition to the above two groups, there are two more groups who want to walk on the red carpet. One group is the three star recruiters Ke Jun, Jin Wenbo and Chen Qiuyue, and the other group is the six directors of this stage play.

Since Xiao Yao’s popularity and popularity is too far from that of the other five full-time or behind-the-scenes directors, under the strong suggestion and request of Xiao Yao himself, the program team finally arranged these two groups of people together and led by three recruiters. Walk the red carpet with the six directors.

There are three celebrity hosts Ke Jun, Jin Wenbo and Chen Qiuyue together with the actors. There are more voices calling out the names of these three in the fans. Relatively speaking, the difference in reputation between Xiao Yao and the other five directors reflected on the scene can be seen. It's not so obvious.

Ke Jun, Jin Wenbo, and Chen Qiuyue will host on the stage. There are also tasks of commenting and collusion. Xiao Yao’s identity is different from the three of them, and the tasks are also different. So after entering the studio, he broke up with the three of them and went. I went to the lounge of my group of newcomers and actors, stayed with my group members, watched them make styles, and helped them cheer by the way.

  This stage performance Xiao Yao is the director and does not participate in the performance, so he does not have to wait in the lounge with the new actors and actresses, but is arranged as a star audience in the auditorium. In other words, Xiao Yao didn't always stay with these new actors and actresses.

  Almost eight o’clock, a staff member knocked on the door of the lounge of Xiao Yao’s group of new actors and actresses, and came in and said to Xiao Yao: “Mr. Xiao, the director asked me to inform you and I’m ready to appear!”

   "Okay, I'm coming right away!" Xiao Yao stood up and nodded to the staff member, and said to the six new actors and actresses in the group, "I'm leaving, you guys come on!"

   "Director, if we perform well this time and achieve good results, such as winning the first place, are there any rewards?" Wang Jiayi asked.

   "What kind of reward do you want?" Xiao Yao smiled, "Is it OK to reward each of you with a big pack of snacks?"

  "Hate, you know that I am a physique prone to gain weight, and I still get snacks as a reward!" Wang Jiayi said.

   "Jiayi wants to ask, if we perform well, are there any chances to act with you or act under your hands, that is, to play a role in the play where you are the director?" Lin Kaijie said.

"My film and television project will also be auditioned in public." Xiao Yao smiled, "In the long run, as long as you have been acting as actors, no matter whether your performance is good or not, you will have the opportunity to enter my crew. But from Looking at it in the near future, I think you should have no chance for at least six months."

   "Why?" Wang Jiayi asked, "Are you not going to film in the next six months?"

"On the contrary, I will start a new drama soon." Xiao Yao said, "However, first, I will not be a director this time, but an actor. Second, this project was established very early, and the crew is already preparing. In China, the casting audition will begin soon. Unless you perform very poorly this time, you will be eliminated from the show tomorrow, otherwise you should not be able to keep up with the casting audition for this TV drama project."

   "Ah~" Wang Jiayi exclaimed in disappointment.

"Well, there will always be a chance in the future. You should focus on the performance tonight!" Xiao Yao smiled, "Don't anyone among you tell me that you are going to mess up this performance. Let I have been eliminated, so I can catch my crew audition! Such a person will never have a chance in the future!"

   "No, director!" All six said, "This time the rehearsal is so hard, we must do well!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Yao nodded, "But if you really get the first place, there will be rewards! The rewards are not uncommon. I have done this in other shows before. My movie will premiere in a few days. At that time, I will help you ask for leave from Director Meng and invite you to attend the film premiere."

   "Really?" The six happily said, "Thank you Director!"

   "Okay, come on! Have a good performance!" Xiao Yao shook a fist at them, and followed the staff to the waiting area at the passageway.

  According to the process, after Ke Jun and the other three came out and finished the opening remarks, they introduced the six directors this time as special guest audiences. When Xiao Yao came to the waiting area at the entrance of the backstage passage, the three Ke Jun and the other five directors were already here, just waiting for Xiao Yao to come.

   "Sorry, I'm late!" When Xiao Yao arrived, he leaned slightly to apologize to everyone.

   "It's the newcomers and actors in your group who are dragging you and don't want you to go, right?" a stage director laughed.

  These five directors are mainly doing behind-the-scenes work. I know that Xiao Yao, a star and idol director who combines singers, actors, directors, and various identities in front and behind the scenes, is different from them in the eyes of newcomers. Before they came to this show, they knew that Xiao Yao was among the six directors this time, and they were fully prepared for this. They didn't mind at this time, but were in the mood to tease Xiao Yao.

   "It's okay, the recorded program, the time is not so deadly!" Ke Jun smiled and waved his hand.

   "Mr. Ke, everyone is here, let's start!" the staff on the side reminded.

   "Okay!" Ke Jun nodded, adjusting his expression and breathing slightly.

  At the studio, the lights above and behind the stage changed, and the audience cheered loudly. With the sound of majestic and atmospheric music, a background wall behind the stage slowly rose. Ke Jun, Jin Wenbo and Chen Qiuyue walked out from behind the background wall and stood on the stage. Seeing the three people appear, the cheers of the audience became louder.

The sound of the music stopped and the voice of the audience fell down. Ke Jun, who was standing in the middle of the three, first said: "Thank you all for coming to the stage performance of "The Character of an Actor". I am the recruiter Ke Jun! "

   "I am the actor recruiter Clementine!"

   "I am the actor recruiter Chen Qiuyue!"

  Chen Wenbo and Chen Qiuyue continued.

  "In the past two short days, our new actors have gone through casting, auditions, script reading, rehearsals, and today we will bring their work to everyone!" Ke Jun introduced.

  "Here, we would like to thank the six directors who guided our new actors and actresses to rehearse these six stage plays!" Jin Wenbo said.

   "They also came to the scene today, let us invite them out with warm applause!" Chen Qiuyue finally pointed to the rear.

   "Wow~" There was a warm applause on the scene.

  In the applause of the audience, the three hosts retreated to the side of the stage, and the six directors walked onto the stage from the back together.

   "Is that Xiao Yao?" Someone in the audience questioned.

  Since the live audience was selected from voting netizens, the program group did not need to rely on Xiao Yao’s popularity to sell tickets, so the news that Xiao Yao is one of the directors of the stage play was not announced in advance. Although Xiao Yao walked through the red carpet before, not all the audiences stood outside the red carpet to support, and not everyone saw Xiao Yao. Secondly, even if they saw Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao was with Ke Jun and others. When we walked together, some fans thought Xiao Yao was a special guest. They didn't necessarily think that Xiao Yao was one of the stage directors guiding the new actors.

   "Please introduce yourself to the directors first!" Ke Jun waved his hand to the six people.

  "Hello everyone, I am..." A director took the microphone and introduced himself. At the same time, his huge photos and some representative works were also shown on the big screen behind.

   "Hello everyone, this is Xiao Yao!" Xiao Yao said last.



   "Xiao Yao!"

   "Xiao Yao!"

  When the previous directors introduced themselves, there was only a round of applause. When they arrived at Xiao Yao, there was an exclamation, then a scream, and then the blockbuster audience shouted Xiao Yao’s name in unison.

   But this is also no way. When walking on the red carpet before, Xiao Yao already tried his best to "hid" himself among the three Ke Jun. At this time, when the director was introduced, Xiao Yao could no longer "hid". Fortunately, the other five directors were mentally prepared for this situation, and still smiled and didn't seem to care.

   "I want to ask, Xiao Yao, why are you here?" Ke Jun said to Xiao Yao.

   "Ms. Ke means, why did you get into the director's team?" Chen Qiuyue continued, "Aren't you supposed to stand here as a celebrity senior like me and the Wenbo senior?"

   "Because I am a director!" Xiao Yao smiled.

   "Animation director? I know you have made an animated film called "Wali". I like it very much!" Clementine said.

  "In fact, it's not just animation movies!" Xiao Yao laughed, "The first time I became a director, I made a live-action short film called "Tuner"!"

  "Directed and acted by himself, and won an award at a famous foreign short film festival." Ke Jun added.

   "So powerful?" Jin Wenbo and Chen Qiuyue both surprised.

  Chen Wenbo and Chen Qiuyue’s surprise was pretended, but some of the directors next to them were really surprised. This short film is a work five years ago, and it was four years ago that it won the award. It is a long time ago, and the influence of the short film is still relatively small, so some of these directors really don’t know Xiao Yao’s director. His works have won awards abroad.

"Then the year before last I co-directed a live action film feature film with others, which was released last year." Xiao Yao continued, "Then last year I directed a movie "Donkey Gets Water", which is now in theaters! Please support me!"

"Insert a word, I just said that it is currently in theaters, and I told the audience who watched the show when it was broadcast." Xiao Yao said again, "My movie will be released on the 28th of this month, so please The audience friends at the scene should also go to the theater to support more!” As he said, Xiao Yao bowed to the audience at the scene.

   "Oh oh~" The audience cheered.

  "So the reason why you are here is because you have a movie to be released?" Ke Jun laughed, "You only show up every time a new movie has to be released. The way you advertise and promote is really the same!"

  (End of this chapter)

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