Entertaining Children

Chapter 1200: Because of the reward?

  Chapter 1200 Because of rewards?

  "Isn't it a common way to promote works on variety shows?" Xiao Yao shrugged and smiled, "Many stars do this!"

   "Yes, yes." Ke Jun smiled, "I mean, when you don't have a work that needs to be promoted, you should also participate in more programs so that everyone can see you more!"

   "But I want to film and write songs, I am very busy!" Xiao Yao smiled.

   "噫~" Some on-site audience booed.

   "Okay, okay, knowing that you have a lot of skills, it's great!" Ke Jun smiled and said to Xiao Yao, stretched out his hand and said to the six directors, "Thank you for the arrival of the six directors. Please go and sit down in your seats."

  In the applause of the audience, the six directors walked off the stage and sat in the exclusive seats in the front row of the auditorium.

  After the six directors were invited, the three of Ke Jun welcomed the professional teachers. Since this professional teacher group appeared from the first episode of the program, the audience basically knew them, so the teacher group was not arranged to appear on the stage, but they were seated in the audience from the beginning. At this time, Ke Jun didn't give detailed introductions one by one. He just said a general group of professional teachers. Those teachers just got up from their seats and turned around and waved to the audience.

"Tonight, we have a total of six stage plays. Now, the performance has officially started. The first stage play is called "Morning Zero One", and the new actors who brought this stage play are..." After introducing the six people After the director and professional teacher team, he entered the stage of performance. Ke Jun introduced the name and actors of the first performance.

  The first group of rookie actors did not make an appearance under Ke Jun’s introduction. After Ke Jun's introduction, he walked off the stage with Jin Wenbo and Chen Qiuyue to the applause of the audience and sat in their seats.

The lights at the scene dimmed, and the staff of the program team came to quickly set up stage props. When the lights came back on, the stage had changed. The new actors of the first group had appeared on the stage as the characters in the play. , Began the show.

  The order of the formal performance in the evening is different from the order in the afternoon rehearsal. The stage play of Xiao Yao's group was the third rehearsal in the afternoon, and the formal performance in the evening was placed last. After the rehearsal of Xiao Yao's own stage play in the afternoon, Xiao Yao stayed and watched the rehearsals of the next few groups, but the two previous rehearsals had never seen it. However, whether it was seen or not, Xiao Yao watched it very seriously at this time.

  After the performance of the first group, Ke Jun, Jin Wenbo and Chen Qiuyue first made a short comment, and then asked the director and the teachers in the professional teacher group to make some comments.

  But not every director and teacher has to speak and comment. On the directors’ side, the program group did not make any requests, and Ke Jun would not call his name. The directors decide whether to speak or comment on their own. On the professional teacher side, at least one teacher is the representative to speak, and other teachers are free to decide whether to speak or comment depending on the situation.

The duration of each stage play is about 20 minutes, plus the introduction, the disassembly of the props, the comments of a few people after the performance, and the voting by the audience. On average, each stage play takes about half an hour. , So when Xiao Yao played in this group, it was already almost 11 o'clock after 10:30 in the evening.

  Even if this is not the kind of concert with a lively atmosphere, there is no need for the audience to jump and shout with emotions, but watching the stage play depends on the plot, which is also brain-intensive. After watching for two and a half hours, five plays, and the time is relatively late, the audience can't help but feel a little tired.

   Xiao Yao’s group was arranged to perform at the last stage, which in theory was a disadvantage. But in fact, Xiao Yao's team played at this time, but it had an unexpectedly good effect.

At this time, as long as it is a slightly more exciting performance, it can give those who feel tired, even a little sleepy, the audience will feel a sense of energy, but it will magnify the audience’s goodwill for the stage play. Sensitivity.

  When Lin Kaijie, who played Lin Jianjun on the stage, said "stop", Zhou Feng and Wang Jiayi stopped at the same time, there was a burst of laughter in the audience. This burst of laughter caused many on-site audiences who were somewhat distracted to refocus their attention, cheering up and paying attention to the performance on the stage.

  In this way, the next rivalry between Lin Kaijie and Wang Jiayi not only made the audience watch it seriously, but many of the details of the performance were also clearly felt by the audience.

  The next three scenes of mother and son are humorous and warm. Such a scene does not look tired, and it is easy to impress the audience. With the very life-like actions and language, the audience's evaluation of the three performances is much higher.

In the following paragraph, Xiao Yao removed the original role of "Liu Ertie" and changed it to "Liu Ertie" who has passed away. "Liu Haipi" rushed back to deal with the funeral, and learned about his father's situation from the dialogue with his neighbors. . This segment is based on "Liu Haipi" played by Bai Zicheng, supplemented by "Lin Jianjun" played by Lin Kaijie and "Zhao Meilan" played by Zhang Yunlan. Although "Liu Ertie" did not appear on the stage, the audience could clearly feel the image of a stubborn old man from the conversation.

  From this section alone, the performances of several people are very good, and Bai Zicheng's crying scene is especially brilliant.

  At the end, some minor modifications have also been made. Without the role of "Liu Ertie", the final group photo became a group photo of six people from three families. In general, it can still be regarded as a happy ending.

Although the ending of this happy reunion seems to be nothing new, but because the previous scenes are exciting enough, the audience feels a good sense of substitution and can feel the feelings between neighbors in that era, so this ending is not abrupt. , Still looks very good.

  At the end of the performance, when the lights above the stage went out, the audience gave a very warm applause.

  After the lights came back on, the six actors stood in a row at the front of the stage, bowing to the audience. There was a round of applause and cheers on the scene again.

   "Thank you for the wonderful performance of the six people!" Ke Jun first smiled and said, "I think the six people in this group performed very well in this scene!"

   "Thank you!" The six rookie actors thanked them in unison.

   "This is a very warm scene, I really like this scene!" Chen Qiuyue looked in the direction where the six directors were sitting, "So I want to give special thanks to the screenwriter of this scene..."

   "It's over!" shouted many of the first five groups of newcomers who watched the situation in the studio through the screen in the lounge.

  Before and after the directors appeared and before and after each performance, Ke Jun did not introduce who the stage director of the performance was, so the audience did not know which director directed which scene. If Chen Qiuyue now says Xiao Yao's name, the audience will naturally think that the director of this scene is also Xiao Yao. In this way, the new actors and actresses of Xiao Yao's group will undoubtedly get some extra advantages in the votes because of Xiao Yao.

   "Wait!" Ke Jun interrupted Chen Qiuyue and reminded, "According to the rules of the program, we cannot name the people behind the scenes, including the director and screenwriter, until the voting results of the live audience are released."

  Compared to the other five groups, Xiao Yao’s group will definitely gain some additional advantages because of Xiao Yao’s reputation. The program group also considered this point, so this arrangement was made. Although I haven't told the newcomer actors, Ke Jun has executed this very well.

   "Teacher Ke, I love you!" Seeing Ke Jun interrupted Chen Qiuyue, many new actors in the lounge shouted.

  From the plot point of view, the only purely original script is Xiao Yao, and the other five stage plays are adapted from well-known film and television works. In addition, Ke Jun intentionally interrupted and reminded Chen Qiuyue at this time. If you carefully consider it, it is not possible for the audience to guess that the last group is Xiao Yao's works.

  But the audience did not know that this script is a purely original script. This scene is very life-oriented, and life-oriented also means it is very common. When the audience thinks about it, it is not impossible that it is adapted from some period dramas that everyone is not familiar with. Moreover, the background of the time when this scene took place was in the last century, and it does not look like it was written by someone at Xiao Yao's age.

  To say that Ke Jun's blocking of Chen Qiuyue at this time is a counter-effect to remind the audience, not necessarily. Although the other five directors are far from Xiao Yao in terms of fame, the fame of these five directors is also different. The most likely thing that prevents Chen Qiuyue from saying his name is that the name is Xiao Yao, but it is not the only possibility.

Ten thousand steps back, even if the audience guessed that the name Chen Qiuyue was going to say was Xiao Yao and the director of this group was Xiao Yao, but the speculation was just a guess after all. Chen Qiuyue did not say it, and the audience cannot be 100% sure. It will still reduce some impacts and less unfairness.

   "I know, I just want to thank the screenwriter. I didn't plan to say who the screenwriter is!" Chen Qiuyue smiled.

   "I think you guys are very relaxed and feel very real!" Chen Qiuyue turned to the six actors on the stage and said, "Great! Thank you for your performance!"

"I have this feeling too!" Jin Wenbo raised his hands and gestured, "In fact, I am particularly worried that you will use too much force when acting, but you did not! You did not deliberately sensationalize, but you can touch us! The cooperation between the actors is also very good, making people believe in the relationship between your father and daughter, mother and son. Thank you, it is really good!"

   "Thank you, senior!" The six bowed again.

   "Thank you too for the director's guidance over the past two days!" Zhang Yunlan looked in the direction of the director group and said, "The director has taught us a lot in these two days!"

  When it was the turn of the director group and professional teacher group to comment, Xiao Yao did not take the initiative to speak.

  In Xiao Yao's view, this performance is definitely not comparable to the original version of the previous life. However, these are all new actors, with different ages and different experiences, and it is very normal that they are not comparable to the powerful actors and old actors in another show in the previous life. Comparing them with the performances of the first five groups of newcomers, Xiao Yao is already very satisfied.

  If you want to talk about the shortcomings, there must be, but Xiao Yao feels that there is no need to talk about the problems, so you want to praise, Xiao Yao doesn't want to boast, so he just shut up, just smiled and applauded.

After the teachers of the   professional teacher group commented, it was the vote of the audience.

  In this part of the live audience voting, instead of voting for six groups of performances at the same time, there will be a vote after each group of performances. The results of the first five groups of live audience votes have already come out. There are 300 live audiences, and the current highest number of votes is 241 votes, which is won by the group ranked second.

"Now the voting result for the stage play "Minhe Hutong" has come out." After just a minute, Ke Jun got the voting result and stood on the stage to announce, "The audience for this stage play The number of votes is~"

   "Two hundred and eighty-four votes!" Ke Jun paused deliberately before shouting.

   "Oh oh~" The six newcomer actors on the stage raised their arms and cheered, and then hugged each other to celebrate.

   "Wow~" Applause and cheers were also heard from the audience.

   "Now all the performances are over, and all the voting results have come out." Ke Jun turned and looked behind him, "Let’s first invite five groups of new actors from the first five stage plays."

  Amid the applause of the audience, the first five groups of newcomer actors all returned to the stage.

"Now let's take a look at the votes of the six new actors!" Ke Jun looked at the big screen behind him, "Minhe Hutong is the first to get the votes. These six new actors will be in this big assessment. Everyone gets 50 points for the total score! Congratulations!"

  "Wow~" The new actors and actresses on the stage clapped and congratulated Zhang Yunlan and others. The audience also applauded and cheered again.

  "The crew with the second highest number of votes will receive 30 extra points for each newcomer. They are..." Ke Jun changed his method and continued to announce.

According to the program rules, in this big assessment of these six groups of stage performers, the top three cast members of the audience will receive a total score of fifty, thirty and twenty points for each newcomer. The last three groups will receive a total score of 50, 30, and 20. New actors cannot get extra points.

   "Congratulations to your group for winning the first place in the live audience vote." After announcing the results, Ke Jun walked to Zhang Yunlan and asked, "At this time, do you have any thoughts or feelings that you want to say?"

   "Now that the voting result has come out, can we let our director come up and stand with us?" Zhang Yunlan asked.

   "Of course!" Ke Jun smiled, "Then who is the director of your group?"

   "What do you think?" Wang Jiayi leaned in and interjected with a smile.

   Xiao Yao frowned, and without waiting for the audience to speak, he stood up, waved to the audience, and walked quickly onto the stage.

   "Wow~" The audience cheered again.

   "I want to tell the director most now," Zhang Yunlan looked at Xiao Yao and said, "Director, we didn't let you down!"

   "Yes, you are great!" Xiao Yao smiled and nodded, "I will remember to ask for leave for you and prepare movie tickets for you!"

   "Wait, what leave, prepare movie tickets?" Ke Jun asked puzzledly, "Is there something that I don't know about?"

"That's it," Xiao Yao laughed. "My film will premiere in two days. Before the show, I promised them that if they can win the first place in the audience's vote during this performance, I will help. They asked the program team for leave and asked them to attend the premiere of the movie "Donkey Gets Water"!"

   "Is there anything like this?" Ke Jun smiled.

   "Do you think that even the rewards I give to the students are the same, that they are all participating in the premiere of my film?" Xiao Yao looked at Ke Jun and said, "But I have to say that this kind of reward and stimulation is effective!"

   "We are not for your movie premiere!" Wang Jiayi said.

   "Really?" Xiao Yao smiled, "Well, don't go to the premiere of the movie! I don't need to ask the show crew to ask for leave."

   "Huh?" Wang Jiayi was dumbfounded.

   "Don't, director!" Lin Kaijie said immediately, "That's what Jiayi said, she can only represent herself! She doesn't go, we still have to go!"

   "No, director, I didn't mean that!" Wang Jiayi said anxiously, "I want to go too!"

  "Ha~" Seeing the anxious people on the stage, there was a burst of laughter in the audience.

  After teasing Xiao Yao and his team members, Ke Jun invited all the other five directors to the stage, so that they all accepted their respective team members’ thanks and applause from the audience.

  In the third stage, some new actors will be eliminated, but this elimination is not based on the group, but based on the ranking of each person's score. The pre-assessment at this stage and the usual scoring of the teachers have been included in the individual scores of the students. In addition, the results of the additional test and the ranking of the number of votes by netizens and fans on the Internet will also generate the final total score influences.

  The stage play performance of this big assessment is only part of the third stage results. The results of the live audience's vote are only part of the performance of this performance.

  In this big assessment, the professional teacher group will also give scores to the new actors based on the performance of these six stage plays. However, the audience voted for the entire show. Everyone in the top three crews gets the same extra points, while the professional teacher group will score each newcomer in each crew separately and count it into everyone’s In the personal total score, but this score will not be announced in public on the stage.

  It takes time to calculate and count the total score. The additional test at this stage is arranged after tonight’s performance, so tonight’s performance will not announce the list of newcomers who will be eliminated at this stage.

   announced that this stage of the list of new actors to be eliminated is not tonight, so by this time, tonight’s performance will come to an end here.

  (End of this chapter)

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