Fang Jianguo took a look.

back out.

"Teacher Fang Jianguo, we" Okada Shinichi wanted to comfort Fang Jianguo.

After all, to a certain extent, the murder of this couple is that Fang Jianguo personally sent Su Chen to them.

Although if this is not done, more people may die if the escape group detonates the bombs in the crowd.

But before life, whether it is a person or a group of people.

Fang Jianguo, the commander of the investigation team, has no right to choose who should die and who should not. "Oh, I can understand Lao Fang, he must be feeling very uncomfortable right now, in fact, this is not Su Chen playing tricks on the investigation.

How sad the group made him.In fact, what is even more sad is the consequences of his choice!"

"If they can catch the fugitives before Su Chen enters the railway station square, then the two young lives will be

Don't die. "

"So Fang Jianguo is actually doubting now, he is doubting whether he is suitable to lead the investigation team!"

Fang Jianguo couldn't feel the anxiety of the audience on the screen

Fresh flowers

The only thing he can enjoy now is a feeling of helplessness.

Su Chen's IQ is currently estimated to have exceeded 180, but what makes him more terrifying is his emotional intelligence.

His emotional intelligence is simply unimaginable.

People with high emotional intelligence, they can make the whole world feel comfortable and stress-free for those who come into contact with them.

But if they want, they can also control the emotions of everyone around them, including the emotions of their enemies, so that

They are angry and make them powerless.

"Come with me to smoke a cigarette in front of the train." Fang Jianguo felt several decades older.

Okada Shin nodded.


The two silently passed through a group of agents of the international investigation team and came to the middle of the two carriages of the train.

Where smoking is allowed.

At this moment, the people in the other carriages have been placed under martial law by the international investigation team.

Unless there is something important - no access to the soft sleeper is allowed.

If in real life, once a fatality happens on a train, it must be the same.

Okada Shin- and Fang Jianguo's mentor and apprentice leaned against the door of the moving train.

Fang Jianguo lit a cigarette and took a deep breath.

"I originally thought that the program team sent Xia Tong, so with her IQ, she can compete with Su Chen-, but who knows

Dao, although Xia Tong has a high IQ, when it comes to emotional intelligence, she is still too tender in front of Su Chen. "

"Xia Yan is ok." Okada Xinyi thought about it and said, "Teacher, didn't you say that Xia Yan was on the country road before.

Set a trap and almost get Su Chen arrested?"

"Xia Yan?" Fang Jianguo flicked the soot and smiled bitterly: "She can compare with Su Chen, but it's been a long time.

Neither appeared.

"This Xia Tong, Xia Tong, Fang Jianguo slowly shook his head: "I always feel that she has been hiding things since she first came to the show.

what. "

Speaking of it.

Fang Jianguo was suddenly stunned: "By the way, what about Xia Tong? Didn't she just say, go wash her hands? Why hasn't it been so long?

To see people?"

Okada Shinichi was also taken aback.

158 I am on the side of the people!!

Fang Jianguo found out that Xia Tong was gone.

Immediately pinched Mike on the collar: "Xia Tong, where are you?"

But there was no sound in the headphones.

Fang Jianguo immediately realized the problem.

Although Xia Tong is smart, her emotional intelligence is not enough to match Su Chen,

"Could it be that when she was going to the bathroom, she was held hostage by Su Chen and the others." Okada Shin-heart pounding.

"No, we are three cars away from Su Chen's carriage, and the train is about to leave when Xia Xing goes out.

Shouldn't have met Su Chen. "Fang Jianguo's brain turned rapidly.

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