"She wasn't kidnapped, but she didn't reply to messages. Could it be that she also followed Su Chen off the train?"

Okada Shin - just guessed at this.

There was a noisy sound of "zero five three" coming from the earphones

"It's the shape of Xia." Fang Jianguo turned his ears slightly and listened carefully.

"Mr. Fang, I was on the train platform. When I was washing my hands just now, I accidentally saw Su Chen and the others from the window.

train. "Xia Tong's voice came.

"I didn't have time to inform you, so I got off the train." Xia Tong said.

Fang Jianguo and Okada Xin - looked at each other.

Too late to notify us?

Don't even have time to speak? Time is so tight?

After being silent for a while, Fang Jianguo sighed and said, "Xia Yan? Are you Xia Yan?

Then there was a chuckle from the other side: "Mr. Fang, I still haven't deceived you."

"I'm Xia Yan!"

Okada Shinichi said anxiously: "Xia Yan, what are you doing? How can you follow that group of people privately, you know how dangerous it is

Do you?"

And Fang Jianguo's concerns are different from Okada's new concerns.

"When did you wake up, Xia Tong?"

"I woke up just now when she was washing her hands in the mirror." Xia Yan's voice said, "I don't know why, her

Emotions have been very unstable recently. "

"Then I woke up and saw Su Chen and the others outside the window. Before I could inform you, I got off the train first, and went all the way.

follow. "

Xia Yan's voice was very noisy.

There are many tourists mixed with dialect voices coming in from all around, and even black car drivers asking where to go.


"Okay, you follow them, and if you find anything at any time, report it at any time, we can go back to it after about seven hours.

To Shuzhong City!" Fang Jianguo finished.

Xia Yan also replied.

Then between the two cars of the train.

Only Fang Jianguo and Okada Xinyi or two listened to the sound of the rails.

Fang Jianguo lit a cigarette and took a deep breath.

"I originally thought that the program team sent Xia Tong, so with her IQ, she can compete with Su Chen-, but who knows

Dao, although Xia Tong has a high IQ, when it comes to emotional intelligence, she is still too tender in front of Su Chen. "

"Xia Yan is ok." Okada Xinyi thought about it and said, "Teacher, didn't you say that Xia Yan was on the country road before.

Set a trap and almost get Su Chen arrested?"

"Xia Yan?" Fang Jianguo flicked the ash and smiled bitterly: "She is the only one who can be in the same place as Su Chen.

A person on the horizontal plane, but she is different from us. I can foresee that she has some wonderful curiosity about Su Chen.

"This time she woke up and immediately followed Su Chen and the others away, maybe it was really because it was too late, but it was also possible that

Do you want to act alone?"

Okada Shinichi was silent for a while, and saw Fang Jianguo snuffed out the cigarette butt and threw it in the ashtray on the side of the carriage.

"Let's go, go to the sleeper car, I guess the people in the international investigation team are going crazy now." Fang Jianguo was in

Stamped on the ground.

The two pushed open the compartment door and came to the sleeping compartment.

"Mr. Fang Jianguo, your work mistakes resulted in the sacrifice of two passengers and delayed our arrest.

A responsibility, I hope, on your side. "

As soon as I entered the soft sleeper carriage, I saw Stephen Lee sitting on a small chair by the aisle, holding a cigar in his hand.

Kneading brokenly.

Although Fang Jianguo has repeatedly suffered in front of Su Chen, this fat man has never suffered a loss in the face of other people.

"We'll take what we're supposed to do, but if it's a bunch of slackers with no idea who want to grab the credit, then blame him

they are stupid

He walked to the soft sleeper box of the two young couples and looked at the camera and gimbal on the table.

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