Along the narrow alley, everyone ran towards the place where the exchange of fire occurred.

At this time, no one can hide their footsteps anymore. Everyone's soles are "three one zero".

They all stepped forward in the muddy rain.

Su Chen followed behind the group while observing the surroundings.


As soon as his footsteps stopped, he dodged and hid in a corner, and then without any hesitation, he grabbed it directly.

The hand of one of the agents.


The others did not stop and continued to run forward.

There were only Su Chen and the agent around the corner.

"How do you know it's me." The agent took off the raincoat on his head and smiled at Su Chen Yanran.

"How do you know that I am among this group of people." Su Chen also - laughs.

"Because it's me, I'll do the same." Xia Yan looked at the back of the group of people running away and said, "You don't

Afraid that I will catch you?"

Su Chen shook his head: "You wanted to arrest me, and you called it out just now." "Then you still choose to mix with this group of people? Do you believe that I won't expose you?" Xia Yan smiled.

"I don't believe in you, but for you, I have no sense of crisis." Su Chen said.

"It's not that I don't want to arrest you, it's just that if I want to arrest you, I will definitely use my ability to arrest you, not just

It's as simple as shouting in the crowd of international agents. "Xia Tong said.

"Fortunately, you didn't shout just now." Su Chen shook his head: "If anything was wrong with you just now, then the first-

You are the one to be eliminated, I am afraid you already know this...

Xia Yan nodded: "Because you have a gun in your hand?"

Su Chen opened his raincoat, revealing a paintball pistol from inside: "Captured from that sniper."

"You know that I have a gun, so you don't dare to arrest me rashly, but prepare to start quietly from behind me, right?

"Cunning enough." Xia Yan pouted:

"Each each other." Su Chen said with a smile.

Although the current situation is very critical, the audience's hearts are already stuffed with dog food.

"God, what kind of fairy love is this, this dialogue, this greasy twist, it's too sweet, I can't stand it

"Obviously there are dangers! But he actually handed over all the command of the escape team to Jiang Yanan. Now, it is that

Is it time for the monster's show?"

in the screen.

Xia Yan said: "Now I was discovered by you, and now you have a gun, I don't, so I am held hostage by you


"Almost." Su Chen said, "I don't like your other personality very much, so I thought about eliminating you now." You can do it. "Xia Yan said.

"I'm a person who follows the rules, and I don't like using guns very much." Su Chen said: "You can contact Fang Jianguo


"Okay." Xia Yan nodded.

"Contact him." Su Chen looked back and said after looking around.

As the sky was getting darker, the whole train car was lit up with lights.

"Boss! Just now Liu Huan called and said that the railway department has made adjustments. We can start from the front.

Get off at the small station where you didn’t stop, and then take the bus back to Shuzhong City!”

The little bat that was "injured" by Jiang Yanan put his leg on the sleeper and said.

"How long will it take to go back by car?"

"About two hours." The little bat said the number of kilometers.

Fang Jianguo frowned.

For some reason, his right eyelid jumped.

The so-called left eye jumps for money, and the right eye jumps for disaster. He already felt that something might be wrong in Shuzhong City.

That guy Stephen Lee has been communicating with Aged from a distance.

He should be participating in directing the arrest of Su Chen.

But Fang Jianguo knew nothing about the specific situation on the international team.

Just then, his earphones rang.

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