"Mr. Fang!"

"Xia Yan!!" Fang Jianguo immediately sat up straight: "What's the situation on your side now?"

"I was kidnapped by him, but he let me go on the condition that I make a bet with you." Xia Yan's voice.

"What bet?"

Fang Jianguo was taken aback.

"He wants to ask you, do you think Jiang Yanan will win, or the guy from the international team who stays in Shuzhong City will win."

Hearing Xia Yan's voice, Fang Jianguo immediately knew the meaning of Su Chen's words: "You are

"Su Chen said that he knew that you also disliked this group of people from the international team, and he would give you a good bite.

Xia Yan continued in the earphone: "But he won't do it, the one who vented his anger for the investigation team was defecting from the investigation team.

Jiang Yanan is here.

When Fang Jianguo heard the words Jiang Yanan, his pupils shrank.

He kicked Okada Shinichi next to him with his foot, and glanced in the direction of Stephen Lee.

"Su Chen is with you now?"

"He said, let the international investigation team sacrifice half? Or all of them?" Xia Yan did not answer Fang Jian directly

The country's words, but continued to ask.

Fang Jianguo snorted, knowing that Su Chen was definitely by Xia Yan's side.

"Xia Yan, how do you think I should answer.

He motioned to the little bat to bring his laptop over, and then started recording Xia Yan's transmission to him with his left hand on the computer.

own password

In the alley, the sky was dark.

Su Chen was right across from her.

While talking, Xia Yan covered her ears with her hands.

Because the rain was so loud, if she didn't do this, she might not be able to hear Fang Jianguo's voice.

At the same time, with this very concealed movement, her index finger gently tapped a Morse code on the earphone.

While talking to Xia Yan, Fang Jianguo typed the code on the computer.

Different from the several layers of passwords that Su Chen had completed, the password given by Xia Yan was very simple.

It translates to: "Retreat, let them retreat!"

After Okada Shinichi saw this Morse code, he suddenly stood up.

He believes that this section of Xia Yan's 1.9 Morse code is absolutely true, because according to his understanding, perhaps the international team

people are really in danger.

Fang Jianguo blinked at him and said anxiously with his mouth: "Go and inform Stephen Lee! Hurry up!!"

Although the international team is not so lovable, Fang Jianguo also does not want their people to sacrifice too much!

In the rain alley.

Su Chen smiled and watched Xia Yan make small movements, she didn't know her hearing would be so good.

Of course, if his hearing wasn't that good, maybe he really couldn't spot Xia Yan's little movements.

As a person of the same type as Xia Yan, Su Chen knew that since he would do his best to choose to be a fugitive

Then Xia Yan will also do her best to help the investigation team, just like herself.

That's how fun it is.

However, Su Chen did not stop it, because even if Xia Yan passed the news, the group of international who had not suffered any loss

The group, will you really be obedient?.

163. The reason why monsters are called monsters!!

Fang Jianguo on the train - talking to Xia Yan - typing on the computer with one hand.

The characters on the computer screen appeared one after another.

"Go and inform Stephen Lee and tell everyone to retreat."

As soon as Okada Shin saw half of it, he immediately ran and pushed away the soft sleeper carriage where Stephen Lee was.

"What are you doing? This is not the time for your investigative team to be involved in the hunt!"

Operational arrangements of the working group.

Then suddenly interrupted by Okada Shinichi, he gasped.

"Nothing else, I just want you to retreat immediately." Okada Shinichi originally wanted to kindly inform Stephen Lee.

"Retreat?" Stephen Lee seemed to feel as if he had heard a big joke. "Why should I order them to retreat?"

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