? "

Fang Jianguo, who was only a dozen soft sleeper boxes away from Okada Shin- and Stephen Lee, wanted to stabilize the situation as much as possible.

"Xia Yan, what you mean is that now Su Chen is by your side, and the command of the escape team is placed on Jiang Yanan.


"Hey! Xia Yan! ? Hello?"

After Xia Yan finished the previous 27 words, she cut off her voice.

Fang Jianguo got up abruptly, and he immediately walked in the direction of Stephen Lee.

In the distance, I heard Stephen Lee questioning Okada Shinichi's voice.

"Are you afraid? Afraid we'll catch them?"

Okada Shinichi replied: "I'm just telling you, I suggest you retreat immediately, Su Chen has already given a hint." Su Chen gave a hint? It's ridiculous, so you still communicate with the fugitive?" Stephen Lee will Take off the earphones

The table asked, "What did he say?"

Fang Jianguo stepped forward and said, "Mr. Stephen Li, I solemnly warn you once again that Su Chen and you

All fugitives we have faced before are different. "

"Also, according to the information I received, this time it is not Su Chen who is leading, but Jiang Yanan! You know Jiang Yanan


Stephen Li was stunned: "What do you mean? That monster with an IQ of 165 who defected?"

Fang Jianguo nodded, he glanced at Stephen Lee's headphones on the table and said, "Perhaps you don't understand, but

I know Jiang Yanan, he is different from Su Chen, Su Chen usually gives you the right to choose, but Jiang Yanan will not!"

"Whether it's you or Chen Nian who is under the command of Shuzhong City, Jiang Yanan will not stay like Su Chen.


Stephen Lee narrowed his eyes, he thought for a moment, and suddenly smiled: "That is to say, now our international investigation

The team is facing the number two of the escape team?"

Fang Jianguo was noncommittal. "You haven't answered my question yet." Stephen Li looked down at Fang Jianguo and asked, "Su Chen has contacted you.

?what did he say?"

Fang Jianguo said: "He asked me, do you want the frontline agents of the international investigation team to be wiped out, or half of them sacrificed?"

Stephen Lee looked at Fang Jianguo, and slowly loosened his frown.

He even looked like a very funny talk show actor.

"You're kidding me? Are you? Fat man?" The muscles on his face couldn't help but twitch: "The number two of a fugitive squad wants to

Destroy my elite troop? Is it possible? Hahaha!"

"How can you be sure that this is not a threat to us when they have no way to escape? If they really have

If you have the strength to wipe out us, will you come to inform you on purpose?"

Not only did Stephen Lee not notify Chen Nian immediately.

Instead, he leaned on the lower bunk of the soft sleeper and raised Erlang's legs.

"Tell me, with Jiang Yanan, what will he do?"

"Do they have time to prepare explosives? Or, Su Chen, Sun Honglei, and Huang Bo have the strength of special forces, they

Can we annihilate the agents we brought in on our own? Huh?"

"How do you know they don't have explosives on them?" Fang Jianguo asked.

"Because there were no traces of explosives in the soft sleeper car they were in before." An international beside Stephen Lee

The foreigner in the group threw the test strip at Fang Jianguo.

"Know what this is? You've been tricked, they don't have any explosives on them!"

Stephen Li pointed to the test strip in the foreigner's hand and said, "This is the trace detection technology for checking explosives: ion

Migration technology.

"Similar to the testing equipment at major airport security checkpoints, it can be tested by the places they have touched.

There are explosives. "

When the audience saw this, they expressed their surprise!

"Put tsk tsk, these foreigners are still a little capable. I said that when I went to the airport before, there was always a security check to take a test.

Wipe the paper on me, it turns out that this thing can also detect explosives?"

"Not only can this thing detect explosives, but some dangerous potions can also be detected."

in the screen.

Stephen Li smiled proudly at Fang Jianguo: "Huang Bo is a fake undercover agent, he lied to you, they don't have time at all.

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