Hand sacrifice, I wipe, they are not much better than the previous panel of experts!"

"What's even more terrifying is that Su Chen didn't even bother to shoot at them. He just sent Jiang Yanan to get it done.

The death group is already so terrifying, so what if the others grow up?"

Another corner of Rain Lane.

Su Chenan sat quietly on a step, watching the rain falling from the sky.

Xia Po sat beside him. "It's almost time, Jiang Yanan should have done it, we have other things to do, let's go first." Su

Chen suddenly opened his mouth.

"Are you really not going to eliminate me?" Xia Yan asked again.

"If you are Xia Tong now, then I will definitely eliminate you, but you are Xia Yan." Su Chen put away the gun in his hand

Said: "If I eliminate you, there will be no one on the investigative team who can pose a threat to me.

"Wait!" Xia Yan stood up, her beautiful eyes fixed on Su Chen's body: "You don't conform to the rules, if you are

A real fugitive, and I'm a real investigation team, then you will definitely kill me, you won't have such a big influence

threat. "

Su Chen's body paused, then turned around and smiled: "You are right, but only need a reasonable reason,

I can let you go.

Xia Yan asked curiously, "What's the reason?"

Su Chen - walking - said: "A fugitive fell in love with the female police officer who was chasing him, this vulgar plot, full of

The reason to let you go once. Should be enough. "

"But there's only one chance, and you've used it.

"Next time, don't fall into my hands."

Xia Yan stayed for a while, watching Su Chen's back slowly disappearing into the rain, she didn't know what to say for a while!

He clearly knew that he was just talking casually and making an excuse.

But Xia Yan just felt that there was a deer in her chest that was constantly bumping, and she was a little nervous and moved.

[-] kilometers from Shuzhong City-

on a high-speed train.

Fang Jianguo sat quietly opposite Stephen Lee.

Although the sacrifice of the thirteen international team agents made Fang feel uncomfortable, he had to admit that he was a little happy.

Appreciate Stephen Lee's current expression.

Because of the shocked and bewildered expression on his face, Fatty Fang even found it very enjoyable.

"I know that your international team is different from our group of trash." Fang Jianguo said coldly: "But don't forget

Now, the person who made you lose a lot is just a waste who was ravaged and feared by Su Chen, a person transferred from us

It's just the trash that the investigation team defected from. "

"Of course, we call him a little different from yours. We don't call him trash, but call him—monster!"

Looking at Stephen Lee's current expression, many foreign netizens couldn't help but start to curse.


"I already knew how powerful Su Chen was before I went on the show, but after I went on the show, I was still so arrogant.

Now it's our international face, you idiots!!"

"How dare you say that Fang Jianguo and the others are trash? You arrogant bastards!!"

At this time, there are also more sensible foreigners who are more helpless. "Actually, I can understand Stephen Lee, they've actually been very cautious (great), they're not right at all.

Their contempt, when they found out that Su Chen's escape group did not carry a bomb, they dared to pursue it deeply.

I just didn't think there would be gas." Yes, if there is no gas tank, maybe the situation on both sides will be reversed, and Fang Jianguo may be

Think of this layer of danger, but we really don't understand the national conditions!"

"There is nothing to say, I can't say that the international team is arrogant, I can only say that before they caught Su Chen, they were already arrogant.

After showing a sense of superiority in catching Su Chen, there is this-Zhan who was madly slapped in the face by Fatty Fang"

Compared with foreign audiences, the problem of finding their own team is.

Domestic audiences were both shocked and relieved.

"Who would have thought that the first time Fang Jianguo raised his eyebrows on the show was actually his old comrade-in-arms Jiang Yanan helping him complete it.


"Seeing Stephen Lee's expression now, I feel that my soul has been sublimated.

"What kind of concept is this, contempt, downright contempt, for the investigation team, Su Chen will personally go out, but

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