It's an international team that treats awesome, one Jiang Yanan is enough!!"

"I feel that the escape group is slowly taking shape, but I just don't know what's going on with Huang Lei!"

165. Capture Huang Lei! Early morning action!!

"There should still be their people nearby, but we are a little safer now." Jiang Yanan just looked at

After seeing those sacrificed international teams, he turned his head.

"Let's go. Meet Su Chen at the agreed place, the international team is not a big threat to us for the time being.

.After all, this lesson is enough for them to relax for a while.

Jiang Yanan's mood is very complicated now. Before that, he never thought that one day he would personally confront the investigation team.


Although he may still have feelings for Fang Jianguo, who worked with him before.

But for this group of international groups who suddenly joined the show, although they did it, they were not very happy.

At this time, he finally understood how Su Chen felt before.

It turns out that as long as this guy Su Chen spends all his mind on dealing with the investigation team, then in his current situation, there are still

The strength can completely sacrifice the previous investigation team.

But he didn't!

Every time Su Chen started the investigation team, he thought about it for a long time before starting!

Jiang Yanan didn't really understand what Su Chen had done until he personally dealt with the 12 people in the international team.


"Don't think about it, you are more ruthless than Su Chen, but you are not as good as him, because it is also a sacrifice, but he will give others

Leaving a lesson, and all you leave to others is fear.

Sun Honglei looked at Jiang Yanan's dazed eyes and said, "So he is called a god in the eyes of others, but you are just

Called a monster, that's all.

Hearing Sun Honglei say such a sentence, the audience in front of the TV immediately fell in love with this carefree actor.


"Fuck, Sun Honglei's two sentences are very good!" Although he is playing an extreme murderer with a strong desire for revenge, Sun Honglei is not stupid.

Every time he pays attention to his actions, he sees it in his eyes, so if the growth is fast, the growth of this group of people around Su Chen

It's what really makes people feel shocked and terrified.

Jiang Yanan in the picture was shocked when he heard Sun Honglei's last words.

He had never thought about it before, he was just enjoying the admiration or horror of others

's gaze.

But he never thought about why people would look at him like that.

He never thought about why people like Su Chen and Xia Tong could still live in this society

At the meeting, but he would be locked in that organization.

"So he is called a god in the eyes of others and I am called a monster?"

After Jiang Yanan pondered silently, he suddenly smiled relieved: "Understood, thank you."

He patted Sun Honglei on the shoulder.

If Jiang Yanan's body usually comes into contact with Sun Honglei, then Sun Honglei will definitely avoid it very sensitively, after all

He doesn't really like being touched by sissies.

But unexpectedly, this time Sun Honglei did not avoid it, but accepted it calmly.

In terms of intelligence, Jiang Yanan is several levels stronger than Sun Honglei, and the two are not on the same level at all.

But when it comes to understanding of society and observation of others, Sun Honglei, who is a movie king, must be better than Jiang Yanan.

More than a few grades!

In life, everyone can be a teacher!

At this time, the sky was almost completely dark, and in the dark night, cold raindrops hit everyone in the alley.


Su Chen's figure came from the dark shadow of the alley.

He looked at Jiang Yanan, Sun Honglei, and Huang Bo across the alley.

"how do you feel?"

"Very bad." Jiang Yanan answered truthfully.

"Very good." Su Chen smiled.

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