Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

With the whistle of the train, the doors of each compartment opened, Fang Jianguo, Little Bat and others stepped out of the compartment.

Of course with them came out, Steve Lee from the international team and some of the others who got on the train


"The vehicle has been contacted, you can arrive at Shuzhong City in about three hours, the train can't stay for too long,

Avoid affecting other trains. "A staff member of the railway department said standing in front of Fang Jianguo.

"Thank you, hard work." Fang Jianguo nodded.

He looked back at Stephen Lee: "Want to be together?"

Steve Lee looked up from the daze: "Can I get up?"

"Since our goals are the same, why can't we take a car?" Fang Jianguo sighed: (cidg) "What do you mean?

It was only the second person from the group that he faced, and Su Chen was the most terrifying person among them.

"Could it be that just being the No. [-] person made you down?"

Stephen Lee shook his head: "I was just thinking, maybe I'm not fit to be a commander, I'm just doing my best


Fang Jianguo stopped the hand that came to the car door, then he turned around and saw Stephen Li straightening his back: "I think

It's better to give all the command to you, and the rest of us perform our duties, which is also a good way.

The little bat looked at Stephen Lee, and then looked back at Fatty Fang.

A smile appeared on his face, and he even said happily: "That is to say, the international team will be integrated from now on.

Investigation team?"

"Just cooperate with you." Stephen Lee said, "I didn't say integration, just cooperation.

Fang Jianguo nodded, and a smile appeared in the corner of his eyes: "When Xia Yan comes back, our strength may not be comparable to that of us.

Su Chen and the others are weak.

Countless audiences saw Stephen Lee's stubborn defense and couldn't help but smile.

"This guy, even if he admits defeat, does he want face like that?"

"These are great. From now on, there will be no international team or investigation team.

Commander Fang Jianguo, our Fatty Fang has been upgraded! Hahaha. "

"It can be predicted and judged that until Su Chen gets off the train ahead of schedule, Stephen Lee, who already knows his mistakes and can be corrected, and the reborn

Okada Shinichi, the only Xia Yan who can compete with Su Chen, the nine-star detective Fang Jianguo, and Su Guo's former intelligence executive.

Executive Vikdowski, tsk tsk tsk, the strongest investigation team was formed. "

"Actually, each of them is very good, but they always feel that they are not cohesive!"

"Hopefully this - Jiang Yanan's slap in the face can wake everyone up and wake them up again, and then

Twist into a rope!"

"To be honest, I didn't feel any danger when the international team first appeared, but now they are as

If it can be really intimately integrated, this power will probably cause some pressure on Su Chen."

"By the way! And Hou Liang! FBI's tracking group instructor, I haven't seen him for a long time, what is he doing!"

Jiangyuan Town.

Hou Liang sat in the shadows, his eyes fixed on the second floor of a residential building.

He has been staring for two days.

He knew that Huang Lei and Gulina were hiding in that room.

He leaned back - waded on the tree trunk behind him.

Then I heard a noise coming from the earphones, and Fang Jianguo's voice sounded.

"Monkey, have the members of the investigation team sent to join you?"

"I've seen it." Hou Liang replied in a hoarse voice.

"Okay, at twelve o'clock tonight, arrest on time, don't eliminate anyone, because there may be a real undercover inside." Fang Jianguo said in the headset.

"Understood." Hou Liang bared his teeth and glanced at the current time.

Now time: 22:13:54.

166. Long time no see, Gulina!!

Hou Liang had been staring at Huang Lei for two days.

As an FBI tracking group instructor.

Maybe it's not enough to follow Su Chen, but it's relatively simple and easy to follow Huang Lei and the others.

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