Then flashed to the front of Hou Liang!

"Don't move!" Hou Liang grabbed Chen Weiting's belt violently.

Then under the moonlight, there was a thin fishing line tied to the door handle of the wooden door, and the other-

His head was tied inside the wooden door.

After Chen Weiting saw this thread, his heart tightened.

It seems that the other party has been prepared for a long time, this line should be a kind of self-made alarm.

As long as someone touches the wooden doorknob without authorization, everyone in the house will be alerted.

At the same time, it also proved that what Hou Liang said was not wrong.

Huang Lei, the old fox, and the rest of the escape group should be in this room.

Otherwise it is impossible to be so careful.

Hou Liang gestured, Chen Weiting gently grabbed the thin fishing line, and then the other end was used by Hou Liang.

With cut short.

As the wooden door on the second floor was pushed open.

Still no sound.

"I rub it, it's awesome, this guy Hou Liang doesn't know if he is professional or not, but it's still possible to break in with his hands.


"Isn't this an upright teaching thief to open the door?"

"Brother? You're not stupid? I gave you the wire, go and try to open the door? Everyone knows that guns can kill people,

But why do you have to have a gun?" "Don't be arguing! I'm nervous, I think the old fox Huang Lei should still be on guard, after all, he is so close to Su Chen.

long time. "

As the wooden door was gently pushed open.

The layout and structure of the house appeared in front of Hou Liang, Wang Baoqiang and others.

ask for flowers

The living room was empty, no one was there.

The other end of the thin fishing line that Chen Weiting was holding was tied to a vase.

If someone breaks the fishing line, the sound of the vase falling to the ground will wake everyone up.

Hou Liang stepped forward gently, straightened the vase, and then took out the gun from his waist.

He could clearly hear the sound of sleeping breathing from the bedrooms on both sides of the house.

Wang Baoqiang and Chen Weiting walked on one side, while Hou Liang walked on the other side.

The rubber shoes slowly stepped on the wooden floor, and every step was challenging the psychological limit of all the audience.

"Huang Lei!! Gu Lina!! Star peach!! Tong Liya!!"

"I wipe, you guys hurry up, my repressed heart is about to stop beating! You bastards!! Catch or catch

If you don't give me a treat!!"

at this time.

A click.

The originally pitch-dark house seemed to be suddenly struck by lightning.

"Flashlight?" Hou Liang frowned: "Not good!"

Because in the dark night, whether it is Wang Baoqiang or Chen Weiting, almost everyone keeps their eyes open as much as possible.


As a result, the sudden flash of light suddenly completely deprived the sight of the three people in the house.

"Bang bang bang!" Chen Weiting subconsciously shot directly!

Although his eyes were open, he couldn't see anything because of the flash of light just now.

"Don't move!" - a cold female voice.

Familiar audiences can hear the owner of this voice.

"Wow! Gu Lina! I haven't seen you for so many days, I miss you!"

"Damn it! Damn it! The old fox can do this combo! It's quite a little Su Chen's style, and Gu Lina can also do it now.

Do you stand alone!!

"The flash in the dark is showing my face! What the hell!"


An old cabinet in the living room was pushed open, and Gulina and star fruit were each holding it - a homemade product made by Zhang a long time ago

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