Bow and arrow came out of the house.

The bowstring is drawn, but there are no arrows on it.

There is a pot of arrow clusters in the back of the wardrobe.

"After waiting for so long, someone finally brought a gun here." The bedroom door was pulled open, and Huang Lei with a stubborn face walked out of it.


"Don't think about it. With Liu Wen here, are there any cameras in this residential building?" Huang Lei laughed and the old fox-


Just at this time.

Hou Liang put the gun in his hand gently on the ground.

Then he slowly took off the vest on his body and patted his body, indicating that he was not carrying any other guns.

After doing this, he slowly raised his hands!

167. Wang Baoqiang, Chen Weiting finished!!

This is what Fang Jianguo told him to communicate with the undercover agent.

Although Hou Liang was still deprived of his sight, his behavior was very calm.

It's not the first time he's been in a tiger's den.

Even if he was kidnapped, he didn't panic at all.

As Hou Liang took off his clothes, he raised his hands.

The hearts of the audience were lifted, not only domestically, but even the hearts of melon eaters around the world.


"What Hou Liang is doing now is the secret code for the undercover investigation team!"

"Who is undercover?"

Along with the escaped team members in the picture, they walked out of the bedroom one by one.

Everyone's eyes stayed on one person after another, thinking and guessing.

But the rest of the Lost Squad walked out one by one.

"[-]" programming genius Liu Wen, psychology genius Li Jiayi, and Tong Liya walked out of the two bedrooms.

After seeing Hou Liang, everyone's eyes didn't change too much.

"This undercover is really competent! I can't see it, I guess the undercover has practiced countless times in his heart.

It should be the reaction you should have when you arrive at the code.""

"I rub, why do I feel so like Yaya, you look at her eyes seem a little erratic

"Damn, where do you see the erratic? I think it should be star fruit, because according to Fang Jianguo's conjecture, it is

If someone found the ID card, then the star fruit was hidden on the second floor at that time, and she was most likely. "


As ten seconds passed.

Liu Wen and Tong Liya stepped forward and seized all the guns in the hands of Wang Baoqiang, Chen Weiting, and Hou Liang.

"There should be people below. The gun rang just now, and they should be rushing up immediately." Huang Lei took one of them

Gun said.

"It's okay, we have a hostage in our hands, even if the people below come up, it doesn't matter." Star fruit held the homemade bow in his hand.

Arrow down.

Although this thing has a certain lethality, its power is not strong after all.

Still a paintball gun.

"Go in." Gu Lina also held a gun in her hand and tapped at the back of Hou Liang's neck.

Hou Liang didn't speak, his eyes were moving on the faces of everyone in the escape group.

In the end, his eyes locked on Huang Lei's body.

Without speaking, he quietly walked into the bedroom inside.

The layout of the bedroom is very simple. The two put together beds seem to be where Huang Lei and Liu Wen usually live.


"Where is the original person in this house?" Hou Liang asked Huang Lei.

"There was no one in this room." Huang Lei pushed him: "You have a lot of questions, ask one more word, and I'll take care of it.

eliminated you.

At this time, Liu Wen looked at the computer screen in his bedroom and said, "Brother Huang Lei, the people downstairs have already rushed up."

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