Own a homemade bomb. "

Xia Yan made such a simple analysis before the projector screen.

Immediately arrange the next actions of the investigation team in an orderly manner, whether it is her judgment or her defense.

Fan measures are good, almost all impeccable.

"Sure enough, it is Su Chen's appointed wife. When I think of her current mental age of only 16 years old, I rub it, I feel really love.

It is. ”

"Determine the location of Su Chen, determine the approximate location where Su Chen will meet the second escape group next, and then reverse the reasoning.

The threat that losing Su Chen could pose to the investigation team is terrifying.

"Is it scary? Pretty and cute are over! Xia Yan is really the fan-shaped personality of her two personalities!"

Four twenty-five in the morning.

The rain still didn't stop.

The rainwater accumulated on the ground can already cover the feet and feet.

A flash of lightning flashed from time to time in the sky, and then rumbling thunders spread over the entire city.

In a dilapidated cheap guest house.

The computer that Jiang Yanan is controlling deletes the surveillance video footage that they may be captured.

"There is no way to delete the video footage in the guest house because he did not report to the background of the entire surveillance video system

Su Chen said: "It doesn't matter, the other party deleted their travel route, and we also deleted our stay in the surveillance.

The traces that come down, as for the private monitoring that cannot be uploaded to the background of the system, are not a big threat to us.

"What I'm most worried about now is Huang Lei, we used Huang Bo to test out the first 9 people in the escape group.

There is an undercover agent, I don't know if this undercover agent is activated now. "

Huang Bo said: "According to what you said, if the undercover agent in the second viewing group was activated, wouldn't it be yah?

Gulina is in danger?"

Su Chen thought for a while and shook his head: "Not necessarily, the undercover agent will definitely hide himself, because his purpose is me, not me.

other people. "

"So in this way, the contact information we left at the time played a crucial role."

Su Chen suddenly smiled: "In other words, as long as the undercover agent is activated, then they will definitely find a way to find us.

"The contact information left at the time?"

Sun Honglei was stunned for a moment: "Why don't I know what contact information you left at the time?"

"It's a local area network, it belongs to the local area network between us and the second group, the concept is the same as the dark web, this Liu Wen understands

Yes, so Jiang Yanan?" Su Chen looked at Jiang Yanan.

"Give me the computer, I want to see if they have left me a message."

Jiang Yanan handed the computer to Su Chen.

Then I saw Su Chen entered the network settings in the background of the computer, and I don't know how many network parameters have been changed.

Then posted a website.

The entire screen of this URL is black, with only a very simple dialog on it.

Seeing the four messages that Liu Wen sent in a row at the top of the dialog box, Su Chen slowly touched his own


"Encountered by the investigation team, our location exposed, but all is well."

"We are following the members of the investigation team who arrested us, and it is currently known that your location is in Shuzhong City.

ask for flowers

"It is expected to arrive in Shuzhong City in six hours.

"Quick Link.

After seeing these four messages, Su Chen hesitated and said: "It seems that the investigation team found them, and the two sides carried out

If there is contact, as long as there is contact, then the undercover agent of the second group must have been activated. "

"Really?" Huang Bo frowned tightly.

These days, he has always been recalling, who is the undercover.

But no clue at all.

He suspected the old fox, but he always felt that the old fox Huang Lei was not unusual in his previous performance.

"If the undercover is activated, and everyone else is fine and is converging on our side, then only-

a possibility. "

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