Su Chen's eyes were very rational.

"-It must have been the undercover agent who deliberately led other people to come to us."

"It's a trap, but it's also an opportunity."

"Really? Why did I only see the trap, but not the opportunity? What opportunity?" asked Sun Honglei.

"You can eradicate undercover agents without leaving any chance of trouble." Su Chen grabbed the towel beside the bed and continued to wipe his wetness

Twisted hair.

"For one day undercover, the rest of the second group will be in danger for one more day." "Have you heard a story?" Su Chen suddenly laughed.

"What story?" Jiang Yanan frowned.

"The story of a hunter who stepped on his trap." Su Chen quickly typed a line on the keyboard with both hands.

And sent to the second escape group.

"Received, after arriving in Shuzhong City, I will inform you of the meeting place.

With the crisp enter key sound.

The message was sent successfully, and the unread status is displayed in the dialog box.

172. That's a place for revelry and wanton!!

"The rain is getting bigger and bigger." Gu Lina sat in the car, watching the rainwater the size of soybeans slapped on the window.

Huang Lei was driving the car, and the wipers on the windshield were too late to wipe off the rainwater that fell in front of the car.

Especially driving at night.

The road condition is very poor.

Tracking the vehicle in the front row in this situation is a nightmare.

Fortunately, in the rain, all the vehicles are moving very slowly.

In this way, everyone is slow, and they can't drive fast, which invisibly reduces the difficulty of tracking for Huang Lei.

"I received it. Brother Su Cheng replied. He said that when we arrived in Shuzhong City, he would find a place with me.

Let's meet!"-

Liu Wen, who was sitting straight in the back row of the car seat, said in surprise.

A strangeness flashed in Huang Lei's eyes. He took time to look back at the fugitives in the back row, but did not speak.

"Seven Seven Zero"

Huang Lei drove for a full 11 hours because of the rain, which was originally five to six hundred kilometers away.

It was also like this, when they arrived in Shuzhong City, they found out why Su Chen and the others were not in Xiang Yunxia.

City is gone.

The expressway to Ningxia was blocked by the flood on the side of the mountain, and the entire municipal department was rushing to rest.

It is now 2 am on day 10.

The second death group finally came to the same city as Su Chen.

"Liu asked, have you received the news? Where did Su Chen decide to meet us?" Huang Lei asked.

After driving all night, the dark circles under his eyes were already obvious.

"I received it, Su Chengge asked us if we were sure if anyone was following, or if anyone knew that we had come to Shuzhong.


Huang Lei said: "I think the investigation team has definitely guessed that we are back in Shuzhong City, but they should

Shouldn't know our exact location.The vehicle of the investigation team in front has also been lost. "

He hesitated and said: "You reply to him, not sure if anyone is watching us, let him be careful when picking places

a little. "

About 15 minutes later, the people in the second escape group received a message from Su Chen and the specific meeting place.


[Jincang Lake Park, Shuzhong City, at 4:[-] p.m. at the Strawberry Music Festival. ]

"Strawberry Music Festival scene? Rainy day?" Gu Lina and Dapeng had previously made a movie about rock music

She is no stranger to music festivals.

"Outdoor music festivals are all young people." Star Tao woke up at some point, she opened her eyes and said.

at the same time!

Five-star hotel conference room.

Okada Shinichi made photos one after another of the areas with the most traffic in the recent period of time that he had counted and placed them in the photos.

On the table……

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