“Taikoo Li Plaza, Wangfujing Mall, and delicious food

As one place after another appeared.

Fang Jianguo stood in front of the table holding his right arm and waited, thinking.

"Has there been any major events recently?" Xia Yan asked suddenly looking at the names of these places with high traffic.

"With such heavy rain these two days, almost all outdoor activities have been canceled, no, there is an outdoor sound

The festival doesn't seem to have been cancelled, and it's on schedule. "

Okada Shinichi quickly found a poster on the table.

"It's this outdoor grass music festival, which is held almost every year in the rainy season, when young people from all over the country will

Gather here, and after the music festival is over, the ground is a mess, all muddy from being stepped on.

"And when the music festival is held, except for the necessary shielding of the stage, almost all other young people

In the rain, for them, it is a carnival and a wild festival. "Okada Shin-said.

Fang Jianguo and Xia Yan suddenly looked at each other.

"It's here! It should be right! Su Chen should probably choose here!"

at the same time!

The monitoring team on the side of the little bat also made a noise.

"What's wrong?" Fang Jianguo asked with a frown.

"Boss! We have found a total of [-] traces of deleted videos in the background of the surveillance system, and we have basically

It can be determined that Su Chen and the others are in the specific area.

The little bat said excitedly.

"Where is the location?" Fang Jianguo said, "cast it to me on the screen immediately."

With the movement of the little bat's finger, a red circle is formed in the deleted area of ​​the obtained surveillance video, which appears in the

on the projection screen of the conference room.

Fang Jianguo took the poster of the Strawberry Music Festival, pointed to the specific location of the event on the poster, and slowly

raised his head, looking for something on the projection screen

"Shuzhong City, Jincang Lake Park, Taicang International Strawberry Open Air Music Festival!" Xia Yan looked up at the red area on the map

Yu Nian said: "The locations are overlapping, and it is very likely that they choose to meet here."

Puff! Puff!

Almost everyone in the conference room could hear their own heartbeats, whether it was a domestic star inspector,

Or the little plum who just arrived in Shuzhong City last night, Tony and the widow sister.

Everyone's eyes showed a brilliance of excitement.

"Report, the program team received the report and just forwarded a notification that at about one o'clock last night, the car number was ed.

The 395 Roewe car was snatched away at gunpoint, and the "corpse" of the deceased was found this morning.

"And we just found out."

"About two hours ago, this Roewe with the vehicle number of 395 from different places appeared in Shuzhong City, and his travel route and

The destination is highly consistent with the meeting address of the escape group we just judged. "

Hearing this, Fang Jianguo did not hesitate at all.

"Everyone pay attention and prepare to go! Destination, Strawberry Music Festival!! "——

Shuzhong City, Jincang Lake Park.

Four p.m.

With the roar of the music and the bursts of cheers from the crowd.

Before the concert is about to start, the atmosphere of the scene has come to the most **!

Because a large part of these young people know that Su Chen and the others are likely to appear on 5.4 today.

Somewhere in the music festival!

They will come!

They will all come!!

So almost everyone is very excited!

Su Chen is coming! Xia Yan is coming, Huang Lei, Gulina are coming! Tony and Widow Sister, and even Kimura Takuya will come too!

The ticket price of 500 yuan for this concert is crazy!!——

Go have a meal, come back and update~

In addition, I saw the discussions of the readers in the comment area.

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