A burst of screams and slogans of men and women! Commission!

"Next, six sub-stages will open at the same time, - a total of six groups of singing guests will sing the entire music festival at the same time!"

Xia Yan, who was standing in front of the RV monitor, nodded slowly: "I know another reason why he chose to be here.

"What?" Okada Shinichi asked.

"It can't be that he wants to separate the six members of the second escape group, and everyone will go to a sub-stage." Chen Nian bit

The writing said: "Su Chen wants to use this method to disperse the second escape group, and then see through the undercover one by one.

Who is it?"

Xia Yan turned her head and glanced deeply at the old age of the so-called world's top detective author. "You're smart?" she said.

"A little clever." Chen Nian didn't look into Xia Yan's eyes...

175. The doubts in my heart are completely solved!!

Xia Yan looked away from Chen Nian's body.

She felt that among all the people in the investigation team, except for herself, the old one was the closest to Su Chen.

Of course, it's only close.

Because if he can really match Su Chen, he will not be killed by Jiang Yanan in the labyrinth alley.

After retracting her gaze, Xia Yan's eyes were fixed on the monitor in front of her.

Fang Jianguo took out a cigarette from his pocket, he just lit it, and suddenly seemed to have decided something.

"Trouble everyone else to avoid it, I have something to tell Xia Yan.

"Okay." Okada Shin- and Chen Nian looked at each other.

When they get out of the surveillance vehicle and go outside to get a little rain and feel the fresh air.

Fang Jianguo said in a deep voice: "Xia Yan, in fact, it was originally planned that only I would know about this matter, but now, I think about it.

Think, since you designed and laid out this action, then you have the right to know. "

Xia Yan: "Huh?"

"Hou Liang is not dead. When he encountered the second escape group, he activated the undercover of the escape group, and the undercover

He killed Wang Baoqiang and Chen Weiting, but left him alive and let Hou Liang be the shadow of the investigation team. "

Fang Jianguo said while looking at Xia Yan's expression.

"You mean?" Xia Yan frowned slightly: 180* Hou Liang did not sacrifice, he was released by the undercover agent of the escape team

? "

"Yes." Fang Jianguo nodded and said, "But I have never wanted to understand that since the other party is an undercover agent, then there is absolutely no

It is necessary to kill Wang Baoqiang and Chen Weiting, and he can make all three of them become shadows. "

"Undercover has principles, if he kills people, then undercover is no longer undercover, he is equivalent to turning himself into

fugitive. "Xia Yan asked directly, "Is it Huang Lei?"

Fang Jianguo: "!!! How do you know?!!"

At this moment, Fang Jianguo's inner world collapsed. "Exclusion method." Xia Yandan smiled and looked at the shocked Fang Jianguo: "Liu Wen, Li Jiayi, star fruit, Gu Lina and Tong Liya

Who among them do you think would be someone who would do such a thing?"

"Huang Lei's role is what Su Chen looked like before he improved himself, and his role is Su Chen with an IQ of 144.

Su Chen, who just entered the escape group. "

Xia Yan said: "Doing this kind of thing is very similar to what Su Chen would have done at that time, so I guessed that it was Huang

Is it hard for Ray?

Fang Jianguo was dumbfounded.

But when you think about it, it really is.

"Then do you think that Huang Lei is undercover, is it credible?"

"Mr. Fang, would you choose to trust Su Chen with an IQ of 144?" Xia Yan asked rhetorically.

"You mean, Huang Lei may also be a fake undercover agent?" Fang Jianguo's doubts not only did not decrease, but instead increased


"Su Chen can judge the secret code to activate the undercover, I am indeed convinced, but Huang Lei can also judge, I am

Totally disbelieving. "Fang Jianguo shook his head continuously after thinking about it.

Xia Yan sighed: "Mr. Fang, you are a nine-star detective, you are always habitually thinking about everything in a complicated way.

miscellaneous.Isn't it simple?"

"If you had told me these things earlier, maybe I would have the upper hand in this fight with Su Chen!

It's a little late. "

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