Fang Jianguo's lips were slightly open, and his face was full of doubts. He didn't know why Xia Tong said that.

"I'm asking you a question." Xia Yan's eyes did not leave the surveillance CCTV.

While observing the forty-eight monitors, she was having a high-intensity brain-burning conversation with Fang Jianguo.

Not affected at all.

This ability alone has made the audience in front of the TV feel that Lin Wen and Xia Yanbi were the strongest brains before.

It really does look like a meal.

Lin Wen just stared at a dozen or twenty monitors, and his eyes were red and his spirit was highly fatigued.

But the monitor in front of Xia Yan is more than twice that of Lin Wen, but she can still easily inspire Fang Jian

country! !

If she is the only person in the investigation team who can confront Su Chen.

So how terrifying Su Chen must be!

In the picture, Xia Yan asked Fang Jianguo: "How did Su Chen and the second escape group meet at the Strawberry Music Festival?

? "

Fang (dada) Jianguo frowned: "It may be that they agreed on a certain encrypted network communication method in advance.

"Very good." Xia Tong nodded: "Then why can't Su Chen use encrypted network communication to advance

Tell Huang Lei about the undercover code?"

Fang Jianguo thought in a daze: But he told Huang Lei the secret code, is he not afraid that Huang Lei is real?


Xia Yan chuckled and said: "If Huang Lei is really undercover, then Su Chen told him the undercover password, what would happen?

What is the loss? If Huang Lei is not, when Hou Liang made that signal action, then did Huang Lei start?

Judge who is the real undercover beside him? In other words, Huang Lei already knows who is the undercover beside him. "

Fang Jianguo was all over his body, and began to sweat all over his body.

He suddenly looked up at Xia Tong: "You mean, Huang Lei may not be undercover?"

Xia Yan nodded: "This possibility cannot be ruled out."

"If Huang Lei is not an undercover agent, then why did he let Hou Liang go?" Fang Jianguo threw out his last thought.

a doubt.

"Mr. Fang!"

Xia Yan's eyes moved from the monitor to Fang Jianguo's fat face: "Let me repeat Hou Liang's resume.

"Hou Liang, nickname: Monkey, expert in tracking, good at lurking, FBI as tracking guide. He seems to be smiling, but

Actually a cruel man. "" There is a bullet hole on the right side of his ear. The whole body below the neck is scarred.

Traces of torture after the mission was caught. '

"He fought those guys who were [-] times crueler than Su Chen, and he was alive as a result.

After reciting Hou Liang's resume verbatim, Xia Tong said: "Mr. Fang, if Huang Lei is not an undercover agent, then

The only reason he didn't kill Hou Liang was because even with a gun in his hand, he wasn't sure he would kill Hou Liang.

"You know what I mean?"

Fang Jianguo looked at Xia Yan's expression at the moment, he only felt that his breathing was about to stop.

Huang Lei's chubby figure suddenly appeared in front of him.


With Hou Liang's skill, if he is one-on-one with Huang Lei, even if Huang Lei has a gun in his hand, it is hard to say who is alive and who is alive.


So Huang Lei endured and endured, and dared not really start.

Only then did I temporarily decide to pretend to be an undercover agent and let Hou Liang go?

No, it's not that Hou Liang was let go, but that he had to choose to do so.

Otherwise, at the moment Huang Lei fired, if Hou Liang fought back violently, he could even use a certain part of his body.

At the expense of being shot, Huang Lei was eliminated.

Then not only will Huang Lei not be able to come to Shuzhong City, but the rest of the escape group will probably be arrested too!

Fatty Fang had always been suspicious before.

Until now, after Xia Yan's reminder, the doubts in his mind were completely resolved!

The muscles on his face trembled, and he gritted his teeth and said, "This old fox, he really grows fast enough!!

176. He's going to set off a wave of sin!!

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