"Is it like this! ! !"

"It's possible, although this is Xia Yan's speculation, but when I think about it, I think it's possible!" Huang Lei did shoot at Hou Liang that day. When he shot, I saw Hou Liang. The expression is not flustered at all

It was said at the time that it didn't matter whether it would be eliminated because of death. Now listening to Xia Yan's analysis,

It turns out he has a bottom line!'

"Who is Hou Liang? When Huang Lei shot him, he just passed the position of Huang Lei's gun and could be sentenced to death.

Breaking all this can't hit me, so I don't have to resist. "

"Huang Lei is also a chicken thief, he must have wanted to kill Hou Liang, but he probably didn't dare to gamble, so he chose to stay safe.

The one-to-one way!"

"It's the truth, brothers, star fruit is one of the most undercover agents, and that day she was going to fight with Huang Bo to stay!

"Huang Lei probably knew that Star Tao was undercover, but I still felt strange, since Huang Lei was not an undercover agent, he was undercover just now.

What is he nervous about at the music festival?"

"Pfft haha, my old fox has been acting all his life, does he need to explain it to others?"

With the reasoning of Xia Yan and Fang Jianguo, the audience's thoughts were like grass on the wall - they began to fall again.

to this side.

"Why do I feel like I'm watching what Qi Hua said, after the positive side debates, I think the positive side is right, and after the negative side speaks,

I think the opposite is right, damn it!! Where is my brain??"

Just when the audience was shaking their brains frantically, they could not wait to suck out the paste in their brains with a straw.

In the TV screen, Fang Jianguo slapped his thigh fiercely and said, "What about now? You said just now, if

I should have said it earlier, what does this mean?"

Xia Yan said: "The reason why Su Chen chose to do things at the music festival must have many purposes, the first is that most of them

Everyone wears a mask, and the second is because the grass is muddy. If there is a chase, it will be difficult to catch people. "

"Third, six substages. Before you said that, I thought he'd split the second runaway group by

form to determine who is undercover. "

"But what you said just now, I don't want to ignore other factors.

"For example? For example, what factors?" Fang Jianguo asked curiously.

"Since Su Chen has probably already found out who the undercover is through Huang Lei, then his purpose today is not to find out

Undercover. "Xia Yan said in a deep voice: "But brother Su Chen is definitely not a man who will act without any purpose. "" So what was his purpose. "Fang Jianguo's heart sank suddenly.

Xia Yan said: "Have you seen the young people who worship Su Chen crazily in this music festival?"

There was some worry in her eyes.

"Just now when Xu Wei came to power, the whole audience was shouting Su Chen's name. As a fugitive, he was so popular, and as a

You, who protect justice, are not liked by others. '

Xia Yan's voice became more and more uneasy: "Also, do you remember what I said to you before I fell asleep last time?"

Fang Jianguo's scalp felt numb for a while, and his whole body seemed to have been overcharged.

Su Chen's calm eyes flashed in his mind, and he made Okada Shinichi hurt with only ten questions.

An unhappy indifferent voice.

"You said last time that he might plant the seeds of evil next

Fang Jianguo's mouth twitched, his pupils reflected those who were shaking their heads frantically in the surveillance video.

Shouting young people.

"What else, better seeds than them?"

A worried look flashed in Xia Yan's eyes.

"Inform everyone that Su Chen's purpose this time is not just to find out the undercover, the so-called undercover is just a matter of convenience.

That's it!"

She speaks faster and faster!

"This guy's purpose this time is probably the group of young people in front of him!"

"He wants to use his charisma to create a wave!!"

Fang Jianguo listened to Xia Yan's words, his whole body was cold!

In the monitoring screen, because of the rain, the sky darkened earlier, so the night has not completely come.

lawn is illuminated by lights.

Countless young people put on masks one after another, everyone drank wine, sang songs, and made uplifting gestures!

Masks of different characters, young people in strange clothes.

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