Just as he turned around, he saw that Xia Tong had pushed open the car door and ran towards Fang Jianguo's RV!

"Mr. Fang! Don't shoot, he's prepared

Xia Yan just ran to the front of the RV.

Then I heard a gunshot coming from the car.

Xia Yan's body suddenly stopped, and the heavy rain soaked Xia Yan's clothes in an instant...

186. Do not test your God!!

With - a gunshot.

Xia Yan's footsteps stopped abruptly.

Rain dripped down her cheeks, drip-drip.

The audience in front of the TV also seemed to feel their heart skip a beat.

"What's the matter? Is the clown dead, or is Su Chen- dead?"

"Fang Jianguo is such a cautious person, I think he will definitely not shoot, for sure!"

Xia Yan stood in the rain, bowing her head silently: "If you lose, if Teacher Fang Jianguo shoots, you will already lose.

She took a breath and continued to walk to the front of the RV where Su Chen was.

After watching Xia Yan come over, the investigation team on both sides of the RV took the initiative to open the car door.

Xia Yan walked in.

I saw Fang Jianguo pointing a gun at the clown and Gulina inside the carriage.

Harley Quinn and Joker don't have any scars.

They were still sitting across the table, looking at Fatty Fang playfully.

Fang Jianguo's hands trembled slightly.

Emotions are clearly out of control.

Su Chen's teasing and teasing over and over again had forced the fat man's emotions into his own.

But he has a bottom line.

The reason for him to keep this bottom line is the second question that Xia Yan told him before.

"When you stare into the abyss, the abyss also stares at you."

"When you fight monsters, be careful to become a monster yourself.

So, even if he shot at Su Chen.

But this shot only hit the wooden plywood above Su Chen's head.

He will not make himself a criminal.

Even if Fang Jianguo was out of control, he still knew that his duty was to arrest.

rather than judgment.

Xia Yan walked into the RV, and the door of the RV was closed.

When she heard the gunshots just now, she knew that Fang Jianguo would never eliminate Su Chen so recklessly.

Because he will never eliminate Su Chen until he finds out what is behind Su Chen.

[-] lives, even if Fang Jianguo's body is heavy, he can't bear it, he can't bear it.

Shooting is just catharsis, one shot.

Fang Jianguo felt much more comfortable.

But Xia Yan did not mean to be happy.

Whether Su Chenlai and Fang Jianguo had a dialogue or made a deal, with his intelligence and his control of human nature.

Before he says the trade, he will definitely give Zi 2 the absolute upper hand.

This is called negotiation skills.

Small thieves only run away, but big thieves know how to negotiate.

Fang Jianguo's shot may have eased his mood, but in front of Su Chen, he had already lost.

"Mr. Fang." Xia Yan's hair was still wet, but she didn't care: "Your emotions are no longer suitable for negotiation."

Fang Jianguo slowly put down the gun he was holding and looked back at Xia Yan.

Seeing the worry in her eyes, Fatty suddenly woke up.

He put away the gun, took two steps back and leaned on the sofa chair in the car. Although he didn't speak, he was equivalent to him.

The right to negotiate was temporarily handed over to Xia Yan.

Xia Yan walked in front of the clown.

"You are very beautiful." The clown licked his lips: "But, I don't like very smart women."

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