After he finished speaking, he dragged the clown girl beside him into his arms.

Harley Quinn laughed "ah".

He looked at Xia Yan: "A woman's duty is not to be smart, but to obey.

The clown girl smiled unconcernedly.

All his eyes were provocative.

The audience was actually a little surprised when they saw this.

"Su Chen completely brought out the charm of the clown, but Gu Lina is still a little bit worse, she is not Brother Honglei.

But fortunately, there is still room for improvement, at least this look feels a little interesting. "

"It's just the beginning, although Gu Lina's emotions are there, but her sense of substitution is not as strong as Su Chen's.

Now that she has the upper hand, she is held in Su Chen's arms, but in terms of momentum, it is still weak to Xia, who is standing beautifully.


Xia Yan tidied her hair back a little, pulled out the chair and sat opposite the clown.

"Dam, right? Jincang Lake Dam, just checked, since yesterday, the water level has been high, if the dam

If the embankment bursts, then the water floods the mountains, and we all have to die. "

"That's the condition for you to sit here and negotiate with us, right?"

Follow Xia Yan's words.

At this moment, Fatty Fang, who was sitting behind her, finally changed his expression!

He has been thinking about what Su Chen meant by "it's raining really hard", and now he understands.

Just at the moment he reacted.

Fang Jianguo immediately stood up, opened the car door, and walked to the open lawn outside the car.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

This time, it wasn't just the heart that was beating, the temples were beating, the arteries in the neck were beating - drum after drum.

"Mad! That's what a madman can do."

"He wanted to imitate God and drown the world with a flood, drowning the entire music festival. He turned the music festival into a

In his own world, he really regards himself as a god here!"

0. Fresh

He looked up at the night sky, and in the night sky, there was no moon and no stars.

"Am I really that bad? Not only can I not touch Su Chen's mind, but even a personality he temporarily set up,

I can't even figure it out.

"No!" Fang Jianguo felt the cold rain falling on his face and suddenly opened his eyes.

"Su Chen's plan is flawed.

Thinking of this, he immediately pushed open the car door, and as soon as he entered the car door, he heard the clown laughing hysterically: "You

Hahahahahahaha. "

Xia Yan's expression was flat: "You can't do this, if you do, it's a foul."

"Yes." The Joker wiped away the tears from his eyes and said, "Yes, we were supposed to meet for the first time, so I didn't

I didn't know there was another personality thing in you. "

"Don't worry, I won't call her out," said the clown.

"Because whether it is you or she, I have already figured it out, my world has been formed, you can only accept me

the rules of the game, otherwise the

The clown picked up the disposable cup on the table.

"Like the top of this table"

He slowly poured the water in the cup onto the table, and the water flowed to the table little by little, slowly dripping from all over the place.

"I will destroy this place."

As the water was poured out, the clown squeezed the paper cup in his hand into a ball and threw it in front of Xia Yan.

Fang Jianguo closed the car door and came to Su Chen: "You can't destroy this place, your plan is flawed."

"Is it?"

"For us to accept your rules of the game, the first thing is that you have to have the ability to destroy the dam, but you

Are you capable of that?"

Fang Jianguo stood opposite Su Chen with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"The dam is the most important place for people's livelihood, and it is protected by special organs. How are you going to destroy the dam?"

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