Her arm, which was slightly grasped by Stephen Lee, moved slightly.

While Su Chen didn't care, Star Tao raised her chin towards Stephen Lee and looked at Huang Lei.

Who is Stephen Lee?

He already knew that star fruit was an undercover agent, and through the conversation in another car just now, he also knew that Huang

Ray is the only person in the escape group who knows the identity of star fruit.

So he took advantage of the night and slowly touched the gun in his hand.

Then quietly aimed at Huang Lei.

If Fang Jianguo agrees, then this shot will be fired when necessary!

"Ah ah ah! I wipe, I wipe, star fruit has really changed her mind now, she can actually think of killing Huang Lei Lai Yin

What do you mean by hiding your identity?"

"No no no, I think she has fallen into Su Chen's trap, Su Chen is a clown now, you forgot what Su Chen brought up

The second question? People who fight with monsters will eventually become monsters.

"If Stephen Lee killed Huang Lei to preserve star fruit's identity, wouldn't he also become a monster?"

"Just like Jiang Yanan back then, whoever stepped into hell to catch him would end up being assimilated by him.

I'm so afraid, Su Chen's scheming!"

In the picture, the clown nodded.

He turned around, and behind him were all the members of the escape group.

"No problem, you have already begun to learn to use the rules, it doesn't matter, although you didn't betray the undercover, but

Not to mention, you have accepted this game and are ready to play with me...

The clown giggled and looked at Xia Yan.

In this game, the real opponents are actually just him and Xia Yan.

"First, I want you to light up the lawn where we are now with headlights!

"Second, I need you to contact the people of the music festival to project all the pictures we have here on the main stage.

083 on the LED screen. "

"Third, remember, only projection images are allowed, not sounds."

The clown stood on tiptoe and walked in front of Fang Jianguo with strange dance steps.

"Dang Dang Dang Dang!"

"The audience is in place! The game begins!!"

"If you win the game then the "bomb" won't "explode", if you lose, sorry everyone

will die.

"are you ready?"

He seemed extremely excited and happy, as happy as the devil dancing in the rainy night

five minutes later.

With a woman's scream.

"Ah!! Look at you, the main stage!!"

All the young people who were immersed in rock music turned back.

I saw it on the big screen on the main stage.

A scary and eerie clown mask is waving at everyone on the scene.

Faced with this mask, the crowd who should have felt scared suddenly burst into tidal wave of cheers!

Because "it"'s name is Joker.

By this time, everyone can probably guess.

The person under this mask is called Su Chen.

"Ahhh, Su Chen! Su Chen appeared!!"

"Really? Is it him? He actually projected himself on the curtain of the main stage??"

"Fuck, awesome ah ah ah, what does he want to do!?".

189. She is guilty, star fruit is finished!!

"Damn it, awesome ah ah ah, what does he want to do!?"

On the big screen, the clown's mask swayed left and right towards the camera, then slowly backed away.

With him no longer covering the camera with a mask.

More and more people appeared on the screen.

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