Sun Honglei of Satan Mask, Huang Bo of Evil Rabbit, Jiang Yanan of Viper were arrested

Also, Fang Jianguo, Xia

All the people at the festival are stupid!!

why how

Except for the clown, everyone else seems to be in a low mood.

What is he doing!!

No one, no one can imagine that their own present lives are in the hands of those they admire.

In hand

As the crowd in the distance of the lawn suddenly seemed to be lit up with cheers.

Fang Jianguo stood in front of the RV.

There were five RVs parked beside him, and all the lights were on on the lawn.

In the light of the RV, there were more than [-] people, and everyone was soaking in the rain.

The rain was pattering in front of the headlights, like the grain of vertical stripes of film in the silent era.

The clown stands in the crowd.

He fluttered his curly hair in the rain, like a lunatic full of charisma.

"Is it ironic?"

"You're protecting their lives, but they're cheering for us?"

The clown came to Fang Jianguo.

He beckoned, and Gulina walked over from the car step by step, holding the useless gun in her hand.

They say guns are the most powerful weapons.

But here in Su Chen, guns are never the process of killing people.

Guns are just the result of killing people.

"You know why God chose to flood the whole world that he built with his own hands?"

The clown took the paintball gun, held it in his hand, and turned the gun to Fang Jianguo.

Fang Jianguo didn't know, and he had no way of knowing.

He knew very little about Western culture and had never read the Bible.

When Chen Nian, who was still in the surveillance car, saw this scene, he suddenly said, "It's because of this

There is not one righteous man in the world. This sentence comes from Romans [-]:[-]. "

"What?" Okada Shin-turned blankly.

"Su Chen's answer is that this sentence is long." Chen Nian grew up abroad, and was often brought by his mother to participate in the ginseng when he was young.

Plus various meetings, so I am very familiar with the Bible.

at the same time.

Xia Yan, who was standing in the rain, repeated this sentence at almost the same time: "Because there is no righteous person in this world, even one

None. "

Sure enough, after saying this.

The clown nodded again and again.

He rubbed his palms and laughed: "By the way, there is no righteous person, not one, in the eyes of God, all people in this world are

It is sinful, they can do anything for profit, for sex, they are right and wrong, good and evil are unclear

God couldn't stand it anymore, so he used the flood to destroy the world. "

When the clown said this, his voice stopped, and he pointed to the young people who were watching the silent scene and cheering in the distance.


"I want to kill them, but they are shouting my name, is it right or wrong?"

"They come to the festival, how many people are there for the music, and how many people are here to find a piece of music that can

Use a responsible affair, or wait to pick up some drunk girls to bring back to the tent later? Is this lust?

Does your heart change?"

"There are some rock singers who are on the stage, they are trying to make a name for themselves, and they are trying to make a new word.

Worry, is it a reversal of right and wrong?"

"The businessmen who organized this festival, they rounded up all the people and offered high-priced rental booths

Let those small merchants and hawkers sell a beer for one hundred yuan, and a fruit for one hundred and fifty. Is this a profit?


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