Current popularity points: 5300 million popularity points. "

Current mission: In the next [-] hours, leave the current area and flee for [-] kilometers.Currently

Completion: 987 kilometers.

Looking at his attributes, Su Chen's gaze shifted to the popularity column.

"5300 million popularity points can be exchanged for 10 attribute points."


Su Chen added all the 10 attribute points to his intelligence.

The original intelligence of 188, now comes 198 in an instant.

It is widely rumored that Xia Yan's IQ is infinitely close to 200, but no one knows the exact number.

But now, Su Chen's IQ has finally reached 198, which is infinitely close to 200.

Since the beginning of the bank robbery, Su Chen's IQ has always been suppressed because of the appearance of Xia Tong and Xia Yan


This way, thanks to his use of his emotional intelligence and the pattern, he has set one trap after another.


Su Chen slowly raised his head.

At a certain moment, there was a deep feeling in his eyes.

It's actually very similar to Xia Yan's eyes.

At the same time, Su Chen suddenly realized that his mentality was somewhat different from before.

He now finally understands why Xia Yan made a bet with the clown in front of him that Fang Jianguo would definitely die without any

of sadness.

It turns out that the IQ is infinitely close to [-].

Human emotions are really suppressed by reason.

If you want to become an accurate, emotionless high-level computer, then you need to constantly improve accordingly.

Emotional intelligence.

Otherwise, when rationality really overwhelms emotions, there will be Xia Tong's inhumane state!

Su Chen's mouth slowly showed a smile: "So it is, I really expect that when my IQ breaks through 200, I will

What's new. ".

201. A total of 19809 families lost their relatives...

Su Chen felt this brand new feeling a little bit.

Very strange.

The closer he gets to an IQ of 200, the more obvious his feeling becomes.

He had been curious before why Xia Tong and Xia Yan were called close to 200 people.

Because the closer you get, the less and less obvious the feeling of being a human is.

In this field, Su Chen even felt that once his IQ exceeded [-], then the following

Definitely not an understanding of the world.

Although I don't know what will happen, Su Chen can be sure that once the IQ exceeds [-],

Then it follows that even the thinking pattern will change accordingly.

The reason why Xia Yan is cuter than Xia Tong is because her emotional intelligence may be much higher than that of Xia Tong, so she has not been rejected.

Reason eats up the joy of being human.

"No wonder she didn't show any sadness when she said Fang Jianguo died.~"

Su Chen smiled slightly.

Then his eyes turned to Igulina.

Suddenly, he thought of a possibility.

and many more!

Before, he always wanted to help the people in the escape group set up characters and characters, in fact, so that they could

get grown.

For now.

The effect of this growth is obvious.

Sun Honglei has been in the play for the longest time, and the deeper he has control over his role.

And Huang Lei is the second person to get the role.

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