Although he is still some distance away from Su Chen, who has an IQ of 144, only by virtue of him can he lead the second escape group from

As Hou Liang's hands retreated, it could be seen that Huang Lei was definitely not the Huang Lei he used to be.


The effect of growth is obvious though.

But the limits of growth are also great.

Now that their IQ is infinitely close to [-], there may be no way for them to reach their limit.

But what if your IQ exceeds 200?

Is there any way to make Huang Lei truly achieve the ability of IQ 144 through training?

Make Gulina more integrated with Harley Quinn in some ways?

To make Sun Honglei's physical fitness and reaction also have an extremely unscientific improvement to outsiders?

Su Chen's body swayed slightly with the bumps of the RV.

But his eyes were getting brighter.

Human potential is limitless.

In the eyes of normal people, people with an IQ of 180 have no way of guessing.

But in the eyes of Su Chen now, what can't be done now doesn't mean that it won't be possible after the IQ exceeds 200.

law to do it.

This is called hope!!


Completely opposite to Su Chen and the others, on another road.

Fang Jianguo and Hou Liang were still in the car at full speed.


As the [-]WD becomes less and less powerful, it looks like a tired horse, occasionally moving forward

He slammed twice, and then he was deflated again.

"Get out of the car! Run!" Fang Jianguo jumped out of the car with his fat body.

The rain at this moment has washed the mud off his face.

But these two people are not as smart as Su Chen and Xia Yan, and they have no way of knowing whether they are still considered right now.

reached the safe area.

There is only one solution to this problem.

That is to run as hard as you can, run as far as you can, until you know you can't run.

After 15 minutes, Hou Liang could still hold on, but Fang Jianguo sat on the ground.

While panting heavily, he waved at Hou Liang: I can't run anymore, I can't. "

Under the wash of the rain, Fatty Fang's face looked pale.

Hou Liang turned his head and didn't say a word. He grinned his black teeth and grabbed Fatty Fang's left hand.

He carried it on his body, forcibly using his thin body to carry Fatty Fang on his back, crawling forward step by step.

at this time.

The people in the program group finally figured out the path forward based on Fang Jianguo and Hou Liang, the probability of survival, and their

safe area.

Against the background of two people running forward while supporting each other.

In the upper right corner of the live broadcast, two words were typed.


With the appearance of these two words!

Audiences all over the world cheered and jumped for joy!

People high five each other and celebrate!

The program team figured it out, Fang Jianguo survived! He and Hou Liang survived!! Awesome!!

"Thank goodness, good people shouldn't die so soon, even if the nine-star detective is no longer able to confront Su Chen head-on

It was decided, but he is still someone I admire. If the investigation team does not have Fang Jianguo, then they will lose their backbone.

Liang and confidence!

ask for flowers

"My God, I really survived, so if you say that, there is another hidden danger!

"Yes, yes, I know what you want to say, what do you mean, Xia Yan owes Su Chen a life?"

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