"Yes! The clown can never die in vain, although it is only a broken mask, but since it is a bet, then

To be absolutely fair, it depends on how Su Chen will deal with Xia Yan when he knows that Fatty Fang is not dead.

It's over!"

In the picture, Fang Jianguo and Hou Liang did not know that they had survived.

Even when it was cold and hungry on a heavy rainy day, the two of them were still struggling to move forward in the mud where the road ahead could not be seen.


Fang Jianguo has an almost paranoid insistence on justice because of his father's death.

In the same way, Hou Liang, under the despair of being captured, has the same paranoia about sin, which must be eradicated.


Therefore, the backs of these two people struggling to survive are particularly moving in the dark night.

At the same time, after the program team typed the word "survival" in the upper right corner of the live broadcast, they also announced that this time was affected by the flood.

The exact number of water deaths and the huge damage suffered.

[- A total of 19809 families lost their parents

[When the investigation team rescued at the scene. Forty-two members of the investigation team, three were not able to get on the bus in time

202. The organization behind Jiang Yanan takes action!!

Look at the line after line of numbers on the TV screen.

The crowd watching the big screen in the middle of the city square in Shuzhong in the heavy rain was still silent.

It's just that this silence is more like a moment of silence.

Countless people have posted on Weibo, only to find that Weibo has started to freeze.

It shows that the backend server of Weibo has reached its limit.

There is nothing else on Weibo's hot search, at least at this time, "Star Escape" directly dominates the list!

The first hot search on Weibo: "Pay tribute to [-] people!"

The second hot search on Weibo: "Su Chen, the clown, Gulina, the clown girl."

The third hot search on Weibo: "Fang Jianguo is not dead!"

One hot search after another was topped up, and the entire Weibo was full of voices of discussion.

"Hello everyone, we are sorry for everyone, I am a member of the music festival scene, and I saw so-and-so finish the work before" [-]

Seven", I always feel a little excited, but as a dragon who doesn't even deserve a name, I finished it myself.

The feeling is really not that good.

"I was there too, my God, all my friends in the tent were crying, they said they felt sorry for themselves.

Team Cha, I'm also sorry for the uncles guarding us in reality, we are sensible! I'm sorry!"


On a famous forum in Wanwan Province.

"It really blows my mind to do this kind of show, we know every day watching a bunch of idiots do elections on TV

To hold a parade and see other people, no matter from any point of view, the variety shows in the mainland have opened us up for [-] years. "

"Damn it, I was scolding people just now, all our variety shows are - some idiots are spoofing shit and shit, and Su Chen is

Slapped us hard in the face, a thumbs up to this guy!"

"The problem is that he hit me in the face, and I still feel so fragrant!!

Foreign Twitter, YouTube, and various forums are also full of silence.

"The Batman Dark Knight movie is my belief, the Joker is my idol, but I just saw the disaster

Loss, I only know what the real consequences of the missing in the original movie are, thank Su Chen, thank you country!"

"[-] people from our country actually went to that music festival, and more than [-] people "died".

It's not an international event anymore, it's a worldwide disaster, it's hard to imagine if this kind of thing really happened in real life,

What a change it will make!"

"Yes, I'm also thinking about this now, the variety show "The Great Escape" has given me countless times

Surprise, next, I am eager to know how the show team will deal with this problem.

"It's scary, I don't think their program team thought that Su Chen's things would get bigger and bigger every time. This time

A direct disaster! And this crime, in my opinion, is simply art!"

"Yes, even the Joker just tied the bomb to two boats and asked Batman who he chose to save, but Su Chen didn't

If he didn't do this, he didn't give Fang Jianguo a chance at all, from the moment the game started, he chose to be God!"

"Noah, Ark, God, Bible stories, this is our Western culture, but it's played like this by this Asian

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