"Needless to say? Those who are even more powerful than Jiang Yanan must be highly individualized masters.

Individuals have different advantages. Some people are suitable for investigation groups, while others are suitable for escape groups. "

"Having said that, but why did he join the escape group? Do we, Su Chen, agree?"

"It depends on the individual's ability. After all, if you can't get Su Chen's approval, even if you join the escape group,

It's no use, and now the audience must recognize Su Chen.

The official Weibo of the program group has not made a sound, - it is amazing.

Immediately after the above message was issued, it made persistent efforts and issued three consecutive announcements.

[Because the consequences of the escape team were too bad, countries around the world have already sent invitations to the program team

They hope that the escape group can reach their country. ]

[They also want this show to be the world's first trans-international variety show. ]

[05 But after careful consideration, we believe that we should not interfere with any choice of the guests of the show, and we respect Su

Chen's decision, he will not flee to the world, and we will not interfere and get in touch with him, Su Chen guest proposes for us

We will do our best to arrest him and bring him to justice. ]

If the above content is regarded as a report by the program team on the current situation to the public.

Then the next announcement means that the program team has begun to prepare for things.

[The program team is now announcing the latest news: Brother Hu, a film and television star, lost his hand at his artist company in the early hours of last night."

Manslaughtered "broker" and began to flee.]

[Japanese star artist, Oguri Shun has left the borders of other countries because of his involvement in the underworld. He has now arrived at the sea of ​​my country after smuggling.

shore border. ]

[According to the program team's estimate and their direction of travel, it is estimated that they are preparing to meet with Su Chen's escape team. ]

Seeing this scene, netizens were almost stunned.

"Fuck, there is still this kind of gameplay, is Hu Ge doing it on purpose, hahaha, is the "manslaughter" agent okay?"

"To be fair, there's nothing wrong, the investigation team has already changed a lot, and there are two more people in the escape team, so it's not a big problem.

"Yes, yes, but what I'm most looking forward to is how the group of people behind Jiang Yanan will appear?

What if they chose the escape group?

[Finally, we re-examined the current strength of the escape team seriously, and made an assessment, and put their

The level of danger has been adjusted. ]

[Su Chen, danger level: aaaaaaa. Currently mastering camouflage, acting, hacking, and blasting

Hypnosis, and extremely deep anti-reconnaissance knowledge - the reward amount has been increased from the original 5000 million to 2 million. ]

[Estimated IQ: between 180-200, estimated EQ: above 200. ]

[Huang Lei, danger level: aaaaa, during the last time he faced Hou Liang, he was strategizing and identifying

When I was undercover, I cooperated well with Su Chen, so the danger level was raised by one level a, and the reward amount was increased from the original 600 million

raised to 1 million. ]

[Gu Lina, danger level: aaa, she was finally given a role and position by Su Chen, the clown girl has infinite madness

Crazy possibility, and extremely dangerous, full of potential.But hesitant to understand the situation of Gulina is not clear at present

Therefore, the rating is tentatively set as the four-a level.The reward amount has been increased from 200 million to [-] million. ]

The official Weibo of the program group finally released some strength assessments about the members of the escape group.

It fell silent again.


In the face of questions and petitions from the public, the program team believes that the mysterious group behind Jiang Yanan can fully undertake

The audience's hope.

However, unlike the previous international team's intervention, the program team never disclosed the personal information of these people.

Just mentioned five people.

And what kind of way and form these five people will appear is not mentioned at all.

This mystery also sparked wild speculation among viewers.

"It's obvious that the program team is doing something. Su Chen and the others have made such a big fuss, and the program team only dispatched

These five people. What do they mean?"

"Is it worth thinking? It means that they are very confident in these 5 people and think that once these people join the show

Then it will definitely have a huge impact on the show. '

"I'm afraid it's optimistic, haven't you noticed Su Chen's eyes in the car before? I think through this time

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