In the world of Noah's Ark, Su Chen has definitely grown again, and this guy has become more and more terrifying now. "

Just when the audience was talking.

It was three thirty-two in the morning that night.

Xia Yan, who had not slept all night, sat in the empty conference room hall.

Although she looked a little tired, but just by looking at her eyes, she knew that Xia Yan was thinking and thinking quickly.

in simulation.

dong dong dong!

late at night.

The door of the conference room] was suddenly knocked.

Xia Yan was startled, but then a trace of joy appeared on her face.

It's been so night.

Su Chen and the others just had a big accident, so the escape team also needs to adjust and settle in a short time.

The reason why the investigation team did not continue to pursue under the arrangement of Xia Yan.

Another big reason is that Xia Yan knows that no matter what she does, she needs to be relaxed.

But everyone has rested.

Who is knocking on the door now?

After one bad news after another, the worst has been reached.

Then there must be nothing but good news.


As the door of the conference room was pushed open.

Two shivering men came in from outside, supporting each other.

"Summer we are still alive

Fang Jianguo raised his eyelids and glanced tiredly at this woman who made him feel both respect and fear.

"Mr. Fang?"

The first time Xia Yan saw Fang Jianguo and Hou Liang, she had already guessed what was going on.


After thinking about it clearly, Xia Yan's heart sank again.

Although she is also very fortunate that Fang Jianguo is still alive.

Sometimes you think the worst has happened, but in fact, the real result may be worse than you think

even worse.

"Fang Jianguo is not dead, but the clown is dead."

"According to this, the shot that hit the clown's mask should actually knock me out."

520 Xia Yan frowned: "If the news that Fang Jianguo is still alive is known to Su Chen, or to Gu Lina, then

Then, I'm afraid it's revenge for the clown!

Even so, it is a very fortunate thing that Fang Jianguo came back alive.

Seeing that Xia Yan was looking at him in the wrong way, Fang Jianguo leaned on the chair in the conference room: "What? You

You mean, I'm dead?"

Xia Yan nodded: "Mr. Fang, you really should be dead, because of your death, the clown also died, such as

If you don't die, then the Joker will surely come back to life.

Fang Jianguo was stunned as he listened to Xia Yan telling everything from start to finish.

"I understand what you mean."

Fatty Fang smiled and said, "Fang Jianguo is dead. Next, the investigation team should hold my funeral, right?

"And you think, with Harley's vengeance, she's bound to come and make trouble at my funeral?"

Xia Yan nodded: "This is what I just thought, if the clown girl doesn't come to your funeral to make trouble, then it means Gu Li

Na wasn't really into the character, after all the Joker died because of you. "

"But if Gulina has really become one with the character, then on the day of your funeral, the escape team will definitely arrive

on site.

"Your death is an opportunity."

Xia Yan looked at Fang Jianguo who was covered in mud and said solemnly.

The update is on, it's a little late today, but I'll hurry up and write faster!

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