Thanks for your hard work.

In front of the entire conference table, the atmosphere was very quiet.

It has to be said that with the investigation team on the scene, a full 2 people, including more than 3000 foreigners

was swallowed by the flood.

The consequences of this incident make everyone feel ashamed!

More importantly, they lost their spiritual leader, Fang Jianguo.

Fang Jianguo is the most well-known person in the investigation team after Okada Shinichi.

At the same time, his character, his past, and his way of dealing with sin have all been deeply affected.

Investigate all of the team.

Not only domestic stars, but also international stars who have only been in contact with them for two days have been caught by Fang Jianguo's people.

Convinced by the product.

Xia Yan looked at the silent crowd and said, "In this man-made disaster, what we said was a complete mess and a complete defeat.

Also, we also lost our former commander, Mr. Fang Jianguo. "

"His heroic spirit will live forever!"

After Xia Yan finished saying this, everyone in the investigation team looked at Jianguo greasy above the meeting table with red eyes.

's photo, repeated in his loudest voice!

"It will last forever!"

"He used his life to save 140 people who insulted him, didn't understand him, and even laughed at him


"But Mr. Fang Jianguo was still at the most dangerous juncture and decided to trade his own life for one more chance to live.

"This spirit will advance and retreat with the rest of us!"

After finishing speaking, Xia Yan looked at everyone, stretched out her hands and patted in front of her.

Then the door of the conference room was pushed open by Hou Liang.

Seeing Hou Liang's first time, Chen He, the acting captain of the star investigation team, widened his eyes in horror, and at the same time as him

Xu Tongtong's eyes widened.

"Hou Liang! Hou Liang is not dead?"

"No, didn't the previous conductor Fang say before going to the festival that Hou Liang and Wang Baoqiang had already finished their work?"

"As a commander, Commander Fang shouldn't lie to us, right? He said that Hou Liang is dead, so it should be true, but

"Could it be that in our investigation team, apart from the star who only has one life, Hou Liang and the others have two lives?"

"Nonsense, no one has two lives, it should have a resurrection card, the other party has an undercover card, maybe Hou Liang has a resurrection

A person who had been officially declared dead suddenly appeared in front of the members of the investigation team again.

This shock has already made everyone feel a little exaggerated.

The next moment, the door of the conference room creaked with a crisp sound.

Then a fat man, with his right hand tied, walked in from the door.

Familiar greasy, familiar bald strands of hair.

And a familiar smile.


The rest of the investigative team were dumbfounded.

"Director Fang??"

As Fang Jianguo walked in, the door to the conference room was slammed shut.

Fang Jianguo came to Xia Yan's side and bowed deeply to everyone: "Thank you for your concern, Su and I

The battle of the morning is not over!

As this sentence was said, the people of the investigation team collectively fry.

"Commander Fang!! Commander Fang spoke, which means he is not dead yet! My God, when he came in just now, I was already

He was already a corpse, he just came here to meet us, but he actually spoke!!"

"According to the rules of the show, as long as you can speak, it means you are not dead yet!"

"Does the command of our investigation team really have two lives?"

Seeing Fang Jianguo appear, the exaggerated idea that the members of the investigation team had just denied themselves couldn't help but-

times came to mind.


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