After Fang Jianguo stood beside Xia Yan, he regained his commander's aura.

With a smile at the corner of his mouth, he looked at the crowd and said, "Hou Liang is not dead, he just has a secret mission.

Just the body.

"He saved me last night."

The audience looked at the shocked look of the investigation team, and they all smiled unknowingly.

"Pfft hahaha, these guys are getting more and more cute now, they really think there is such a thing as a resurrection card

?Ha ha!"

"Don't blame them, haha, because we are God's perspective, if we are also part of the investigation team, then see

I am afraid that the resurrection of the dead will also doubt whether there will be a resurrection card, haha!"

Xia Yan has been standing in front, she has been waiting for everyone to stop talking.

Only then did he signal the two members to lift the conference table away.

After the conference table was lifted, a red-lacquered coffin with a length of about two meters was exposed below.


Stephen Lee and Chen Nian glanced at each other in shock.

Coffin! It's actually a real 183 coffin!!

"Commander Fang "sacrificed" last night. We will see him off at twelve o'clock tomorrow!"

Xia Yan's clear voice sounded in the conference room.

Then her eyes slowly looked at everyone on the scene.

"Do you understand?"

Seeing Ruo Xia Yan's very meaningful eyes, a few of the crowd who were a little smarter immediately reacted.

Their eyes suddenly lit up!

It is so!

As expected of Xia Yan!-

For a long time, it was Su Chen's obscure group who set us up!

Now, is it finally our turn to take the initiative?

When I saw the coffin, in front of the TV, there were all the people in the live broadcast room of the commentary and the investigation team.

The previous mood was completely different.

The conversation between Su Chen and Jiang Yanan just now is still vivid in his mind.

Fang Jianguo in a box, Schrödinger's cat

"Hey, I was really caught by Su Chenyi's words, will this trick of the investigation team be one of Su Chen's countless endings?


"Before opening the box, Fang Jianguo was in a superposition of death and non-death in the concept of quantum mechanics.

I'll wipe it, no, the investigation team, Fang Jianguo can't enter the coffin!"

"Yes, yes, because Su Chen doesn't need to open the box at all, no matter whether the cat in the box is alive or dead, Su Chen doesn't need to open it at all.

Open the coffin and he just has to think of a way to make the cat die outside the box!!

Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, fellow readers!

208. A gathering of talents, the lively Shuzhong City!!

"Actually, the most terrifying thing is not how strong your opponent is, the most terrifying thing is that every step of yours is calculated by your opponent!

Investigation team, you need a little more refreshment. "

"But I don't think you need to worry too much. After all, Xia Yan is someone who can compete with Su Chen."

"Have you forgotten? Last time, when Su Chen was on a country road, he almost fell into Xia Yan's arrangement.


"Hey! It makes sense, Xia Yan's thinking mode should be very close to Su Chen's, she should, maybe also think of it

Su Chen will assume that Fatty Fang is not dead!".

7 I'm not guessing anymore, I feel like my brain is messed up

After seeing the coffin under the conference table, the entire barrage exploded for a moment.

People watching the live broadcast have not had time to worry about the investigation team.

Then, the screen turned.

Not to mention the mentality of foreign audiences, first of all, the young-generation audiences in Japan and the country were stunned.

An unknown overpass somewhere in Shuzhong City.

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