Huang Haodong took an unlit cigarette and grabbed the steering wheel with both hands, "The arrest team is now all concentrated in Tokyo port, hum. Tokyo port, one of the five largest ports in Asia - according to my understanding of Su Chen, he thinks that Japan belongs to Japan. The arrest team is too weak, so I already want to leave._"


He looked back at Chen Nian, "Those guys robbed Yamaguchi-gumi of 15.5 billion yen and transferred it to the private account of Swiss Bank."

"One Billion National Currency 3" frowned, "It seems that Su Chen has

Getting ready for the toughest trip to Russia, except this one.I can't figure out what the hell they need so much cash for. "

"Yes." Huang Haodong said: So everyone knows that Su Chen is now adjusting the status of the escape group in a fish farm in Tokyo port, but it depends on who can find these guys. "

"I think..." Chen Nian looked at the straight road silently - yes, and then suddenly said. "I think it might be time to contact Korea, if nothing else, if we don't catch Su Chen at Tokyo port, then their next stop must be the number one port of Jeju Island in Korea. Gwangyang Port! ."

"You mean?" Huang Haodong suddenly raised his mouth, "Why are you so sure that they will go to Gwangyang Port?"

"Because of the route." Chen Nian said: "Every route is opened up. It is extremely dangerous to travel from an unopened route. The escape team only stayed in Japan for one day. To open, it can be said that Su Chen felt that the Japanese arrest team was too weak, but from another point of view, it also showed that they seemed to be in a hurry.

Chen Nian's hand tightly held the pen in his pocket, and he continued, "Because I'm in a hurry, it is absolutely impossible for Su Chen to detour to a big country again. Or take other long-distance flights.

.Because of this. His destination can only be near Gwangyang Port!"


Following the conversation between Huang Haodong and Chen Nian on their way to the port of Tokyo.

. While the audience in Japan took a breath, the entire Koryo country started to get nervous⊥

"Ah, ah, L expects Su Chen and the escape team to feel like opening a room with her boyfriend for the first time. I'm afraid that he won't come. But I'm also afraid that he will mess around! 1 Asi" 1_

"Look, look at how miserable Japan is, where can we find the largest black organization in Asia for Su Chen?

.But I don't have anything. Will he attack ordinary people?"

"What are you afraid of? Huh? I can't say anything else. I'm too much. Korea relies on importing everything, but our artist is -: straight out. If the escape group comes here, I bet it won't be like the 1th country. There are only thirty people who are so shabby!"

"One hundred thousand idols, bloody battle Su Chen!

431. A task card that you can fill in at will! ! (third more)

It is different from the inferiority complex of the whole country in Japan.

The overall feeling of Koryo is that

You must know that inferiority does not mean that you are really weak, but arrogance must be the manifestation of inferiority to the extreme.

A certain viewer in Japan made a light post on Twitter.

"Very well, in fact, it only takes four hours to get to Korea by boat from Tokyo Port."

The audience originally had less than [-] followers, but the number of retweets of this post reached [-] within an hour.

It can be seen how many Japanese countries are said in this sentence

the voice of the crowd.

What's the meaning?

It means, wait, it's only four hours.

What's the use of clamoring now, when Su Chen and his increasingly strong escape group have truly arrived in the country of Goryeo, if you can still shout like this at that time, then it will be considered a real skill!

At this moment, the big country audience smiled, "two

Laughing to see the two countries ripping apart online.. the negotiation can no longer be determined.

We are the abusers, don't panic, don't be afraid

The only thing to watch out for is if Goryeo finishes researching genealogy and suddenly announces to the world

morning is goryeo

Because they really have such a tradition

Just when the famous viewers in Goryeo started to be inexplicably worried.

Japan's troubles are far from over.


There are four camps in total.

Now Jiping has all gathered at the port of Tokyo at the same time.

Huang Haodong and Chen Nian of the investigation team.

The two groups of people in the arrest team, Kyoko and Maori Xiaowujun and others.

Su Chen from the escape group... Xia Yan, Huang Lei and others.

one more

Zhang Dalun, who no one paid attention to.

The sun has now risen above sea level.The waves of the entire Taihai appear sparkling under the sunlight

After Zhang Dalun got off the pier, he frowned and watched a group of people not far away checking all the ships docked in front of the pier one by one.

It's a pity that he has never seen Su Chen's performance in Japan. Otherwise, Zhang Dalun can definitely recognize e

The person with the highest character in the group of investigators is actually Maori Xiao & Wujun.

"Su Chen: 1: I want to find him in a place like this. It's really a bit of a stretch.

He twisted his neck from side to side.There was a penetrating clicking sound.

Then he easily wanted to leave the Australian ship that had arrived in Japan with him.

But at this moment, Zhang Dalun's face changed.

Because the home is near the container in front of him, I don't know when the company is 2.About four men have stood up, and 0 has the posture of walking only with the help of these men. om

Zhang Dalun knew it was going to be bad.

The next moment" he immediately stepped back and tried to drive away in the other direction.

It's a pity next to the container behind him

on the ground.There were a few more long shadows pulled by the rising sun.

"There is also .+:."

At this moment, Zhang Dalun's heart was actually very dissatisfied.

I didn't expect that I just arrived in Japan and I haven't even touched Su Chen's shadow, so I'm going to be taken back!.⊥

"Please cooperate."

These few surrounded the eight miles.Someone who seemed to be the oldest said: "Sorry, we already knew where you were when you left the Australian Maritime Prison. "

"Huh?" What Zhang Dalun didn't expect was. . in the port of Tokyo in Japan

.. the person I met actually spoke - fluent in Mandarin.

"If you want to join the festival, then please abide by the rules of the festival, otherwise you will no longer be detained by the Australian Maritime Prisoner.

The man took off his sunglasses and looked at Zhang Dalun from top to bottom.

Reached out and handed him - a mission card.

Zhang Dalun frowned and took the card.

You must know that what he is best at is not mega-running, nor fighting or playing with IQ.

What Zhang Dalun is best at is mental magic, and before Su Chen, he is also known as this

The most dangerous mind magician in the world.

So when he was blocked by these people who looked like Lianjiazi, Zhang Dalun really had no way to do it.

Unless you give him time, you can let him attack the mental defense of these guys one by one.

But could these people do this?

"Task card?" Come, "Sorry. I can only understand Chinese but not understand, can you translate it.

It's not that he's talking because Zhang Dalun is originally of Chinese descent. L grew up in the West since he was a child. He can speak Mandarin u, but he really doesn't know Chinese characters very well.

Zhang Dalun.. After negotiation and many times of communication, the Australian Maritime Prison allows you to participate in the festival and month of "The Great Escape from the Stars", but the requirements are..."

The man with the sunglasses was not too polite either.

He looked directly into Zhang Dalun's eyes and memorized the contents of the entire task card-

Zhang Dalun's face became more and more embarrassing

After doing it for a long time, he was still wondering why the group of guys who didn't have an Australian prison behind him chased him and escaped because of this time?.?

This man in sunglasses carried it for a long time, but it was actually some details and rules.

Such as can not really hurt people, or cause permanent damage to people, etc.

But it is not without benefits for Zhang Dalun.

"Any elites who want to participate in the festival and fight against the escape team must be approved by the program team and wear a special camera for the festival, otherwise they will be regarded as dangerous. The consequences are at their own risk"

After the man in sunglasses read the rules, he opened the card.

There are Chinese and English bilingual sections and any

"Zhang Dalun. You can choose to join the investigation team and the escape team. You can also act alone. Please fill in the blank of the festival and moon task card.

mission objective_

After watching this mission, Zhang Dalun's originally ugly face gradually became more wonderful.

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