"In other words.. I can fill in whatever I want?"

"Theoretically, this is the case. As long as it is within the rules of the festival and the group." The man in sunglasses said lightly.

"if it is like this."

Zhang Dalun's bloodshot eyes glanced at the pen on Mo Ytterbium's chest.

After taking the pen, he scribbled a string of English in the blank space of a very smooth task card.

"My task, hopefully, can be found in Rule 5

completed within 4. "

An unhealthy rosy color appeared on Zhang Dalun's pale cheeks. He handed the task card back to the man in sunglasses.

Mo ytterbium man took the task card and opened it and couldn't help but smile.

"Kill Su Chen, Xia Tong, and become the leader of the escape group?"

Zhang Dalun Yi - spread his hands. He grinned and said, "It's okay within the rules."

"The dream is still there."

Mo Ytterbium smiled and patted Darren Zhang on the shoulder, took a picture of the task card and pressed the send button.

"Put him on

Like the head, notify the studio, find a suitable time.Let the audience meet our new friends. "

"By the way, not a new friend." The man in sunglasses turned to look at the dirty Zhang Dalun. "It's already an old friend."

432. Congratulations to Dalun Zhang!Get the title of [Village Netcom]! ! (fourth more)

After the man in sunglasses finished speaking.

He looked at Zhang Dalun thoughtfully for a few times, then waved his hand.

And several people behind Zhang Dalun also left at the same time.

Zhang Dalun stood there. His face was cloudy for a long time.

It wasn't until he saw Maori Xiaowujun and others from a distance that they seemed to have the urge to come here, then he coughed slightly and walked into a certain container.

It's not that Zhang Dalun recognized Maori Xiaowujun.

But in essence, Zhang Dalun is a real fugitive.

And on Maori Xiaowujun

A kind of inexplicable taste that makes Zhang Dalun very tired.

His purpose is to find Su Chen, and 2 is to have a relationship with the local criminal police in Japan.

Zhang Dalun's body flashed in front of the container, and Maori Xiaowujun just raised his head and glanced in Zhang Dalun's direction.

Although it feels strange.

But he didn't think much about it.

That weird feeling is very similar.

It comes from a natural feeling. Just like a mouse will be pressured when it sees a cat, and a cat will also have emotional changes when it sees a mouse.

"Maybe I've been caught before

Some guy. ".

Maori Xiaowujun knew that his most urgent task now was to make sure that Su Chen and the escape group did not appear on any of the ships here.

As for those little gangsters, it's not the top priority of Maori Xiaowujun for the time being.


One foot brake.

A Hongqi sedan is parked in the parking lot of Tokyo Port.

Huang Haodong and Chen Nian got out of the car.

"Do you have a gun there?"

"Give you."

Chen Nian took out his paintball gun and threw it to Huang Haodong

He is nothing more than a bestselling author.Honestly it's useless to hold a gun.

Might as well give it to Huang Haodong.

"The gathering area is over there, and the arrest team may have swept through half of it. We just need to check from the other side of the gathering area."

"Understood." Chen Nian patted his face vigorously with both hands.

After the shooting, there were obvious handprints on his cheeks.

This is his habit.

Whenever Chen Nian is creating, he feels a little confused in his brain.This is how he wakes himself up

The two raced against time, and after getting off the car, they ran all the way towards the port gathering area.


at the same time.

The arrest team's Mao Xiaowujun and others have also confirmed that Su Chen and the others have not been to the docking area of ​​the port.

So I was worried that Totoko and the others might be in danger during the search of the gathering area.So the same runners came to the gathering area with blood.

The time is now nine forty-five in the morning.

Fourteen hours have passed since the escape team hijacked the Shenzhen Airlines flight and arrived in Japan.

Phew! Breathing started to speed up, ah, Huang Haodong broke up with the arresting team, and then s actually followed behind this group of people and found Su Chen."

"Zheng ah. And now it's like the investigation team and the arresting Xiaopan have started to double-team from both ends at the same time."

"Huh L? Who is this person? It has never appeared before. Why did L specially give him the shot, who is this 1_"

at this time e

The audience in front of the TV suddenly saw a young man on the screen that they had never seen before.

It looked like he was only under thirty years old.

However, his face was morbidly pale and there were very obvious red blood on both sides of his pupils.

It seems to be suffering from insomnia all year round.

Although he looks handsome, he always gives people an uncomfortable feeling.

If you stare at his eyes for a long time, there will even be a sense of fear.

"Who is this guy, he looks Asian. Could it be a key supporting role?"

"Hehe, after watching the star escape for so long, when did you see it for a supporting role. This shows that this person is definitely very important s_but

Did I miss something? I feel strange 1_"

Domestic audiences all felt strange at the same time.

The audience of the North American audience couldn't help covering their mouths!

Because they are all familiar with this sick man in front of them.Isn't this Zhang Dalun, who was called the world's strongest mind magician a few years ago!

"Omg! It's unbelievable! Last time, it wasn't to stop Su Chen from hijacking the plane, so Xia Tong talked to this guy?_"

"Yeah, wasn't he still being held in a maritime prison in Australia at that time?

! But now why!"

"It's scary. And he is actually equipped with a camera, what does this mean. It means that Zhang Dalun has passed the review of the festival and the group_become the first fugitive in this show. And he is also a real fugitive."

"God, the escape group is already a group of monsters and monsters, and now adding this guy, are they going to destroy the whole world?"

"But if a guy like Zhang Dalun with his own character and background: background, if he joins Jijie, he will never join the investigation team. This is impossible in reality!"

Many viewers in North America are now in prime time at nine o'clock in the evening.

It's also the time of day when the most people are watching The Celebrity Escape

The moment Dalun Zhang just appeared on the stage, the live broadcast of the English broadcast station burst into the air.

"This is a real fugitive." The last time he appeared, he turned three innocent citizens of Lundong into real murderers.This man is horrible!".

Just at this time.

On the live TV screen, Zhang Dalun's profile appeared next to his profile.

[Dalun Zhang

The youngest and best mind magician in history, Dangerous Level: Level. l

[Has been held in the Australian Maritime Prison for two years. After confusing the prison guards two days ago, the escape started!]

When they saw this, many viewers slapped their thighs.

"Look, I'll say it's a member of the escape team, little _"

"God. Next, we will observe three minutes of silence for Maori Xiaowujun and others. They are too pitiful. They were originally facing the advanced version of the escape team that had been perfected in China, and now they have encountered another terrifying guy!

But soon the festival group seems to be preparing to be

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