In the early morning of the second day, when Gedina woke up from her sleep and Luo Chen's embrace, the whole person seemed to fall into a pink hue.

Looking back on last night's experience, Gedina is full of sweetness, excitement, and all kinds of curiosity.

Although he has not yet had the most intimate breakthrough with Luo Chen, he has tried everything that should have been tried.

That kind of taste really let her know what is called the taste of the essence of food! Let her taste it and want to taste it again, try it and want to try again.

However, she is really no better than Bai Ru, no matter how she tosses blindly, in the end, it is all herself, explain first.

At this time, Luo Chen couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

Originally, he thought that it didn't matter if he broke the skill, because now he had other confidence, but in fact, the special attributes of this body were already very good.

Just look at these young ladies and sisters, it is completely fine for him to pick 4 of them, and it is estimated that it is no problem to come back 4 more.

So he didn't want to wait any longer, but he wanted to release water, but these young ladies didn't help.

In this way, Luo Chen himself is also a little depressed, since the sky does not let him give up breaking the skill so easily, then continue to wait.

Anyway, this task was basically completed when the TV station finished this assessment.

That's when he'll turn over.

But even so, the two young sisters who had already tried this taste now had all kinds of worship for Luo Chen.

After all, Luo Chen gave them unprecedented happiness, and they felt that they couldn't do without this man.

This is good news for them, bad news, and of course more good news.

Anyway, they love this man to death, and they can't do without it in the future.

Gedina was still enjoying that unique pleasure at this time, and after a night of tossing, even Superwoman should be tired.

Luo Chen was not very tired, but Gedina finished hi and hi, really couldn't bear it, and finally fell asleep directly in Luo Chen's arms.

When she woke up, she remembered everything from last night, and she couldn't help but feel her heart beat faster, and the deer was bumping, lying in Luo Chen's arms and not daring to look at him.

Because yesterday she was so charming, and at the same time she did many things that she felt ashamed of before.

As for what it is, only the two of them know.

However, it quickly brought their relationship closer.

Luo Chen just smiled and didn't say much, he actually knew that Gedina had woken up.

But by this time, this little girl did not have the spiciness before, but became very shy.

Luo Chen knew that this should be the one after the first attempt, and he didn't know how to face it.

Therefore, he did not rush to let her up, but held her very gently, gently rubbed, and let her feel her tenderness.

But waiting like this is not a way, seeing that it is almost office hours, Luo Chen gently rubbed her little head:

"Okay, Xiao Di, we should get up, everyone will arrive in a while, if you see us like this, it's not good."

"Hmm..." Gedina only responded softly at this time, a mosquito-like voice, a little coquettish, a little weak.

Hearing this voice, Luo Chen actually had a feeling that he wanted to turn over and become a werewolf.

And Gedina seemed to feel at once that a certain weapon-like existence had awakened, and it was also very fierce.

Yesterday brought her endless happiness, and at the same time made her love and fear, she quickly sat up, a little afraid and said to Luo Chen:

"Okay, okay, good husband, good brother, I also have to prepare for it, I can't make any more trouble."

You tossed people to death last night, I still have to put on makeup, or go out like this, how can I see people? When

Luo Chen heard the words of the evil man of Gedina suing first, he immediately cried and laughed:

"Hey, you are a bad person, who is tormenting whom?" Didn't you toss yourself to the bottom of your stomach? Hearing

Luo Chen's ridicule, Gedina suddenly slapped him coquettishly, coquettish and moving.

In fact, even if it is plain, Gedina is very good-looking, very resistant to high value, delicate like an elf.

Coupled with a night of entanglement with Luo Chen, the pink on her face has not faded, looking particularly cute and coquettish, Luo Chen directly picked her up.

The feeling of ear curls is very good: "Hehe, this is afraid, there will be fun for you in the future, okay, let you go today." It will take a while for you to know what it means to be really powerful. Hearing

Luo Chen's words, Gedina's little face suddenly turned even redder:

"I know that you are powerful, it is not good, just play people to life and death, if it is true, then it will be worth it?" Husband, I won't explain it in a minute, will I?

Luo Chen smiled: "I'm also curious about how you two behave in the end." But, no matter what, I like it and love you all!

Gedina couldn't help but roll her eyes: "Cut!" You big turnip! I would be happy if you could replace this with yours!

Luo Chen's smile became stronger: "Haha, are you sure you will replace you with you, can you handle it?" At

this time, Luo Chen's bad smile at the corner of his mouth became more obvious.

When Gedina heard these words, her little face suddenly turned white, and the pink on her face faded a lot.

She thought about that terrible weapon, murderous, it was too powerful, and finally thought it was better to forget it.

"Hehe, I'll be kidding, it's good now, it's good that there are other sisters to help."

Gedina swallowed her fragrant jin with some difficulty at this time.

She suddenly did not dare to discuss this issue any further, and quickly changed the topic and said:

"Husband, when will we start filming TV series?" After all, time is running out.

Luo Chen replied: "You don't have to worry about this aspect, when the matter on this side is ready, start immediately."

Xiaoxue, didn't they take a very powerful top shooting team? I learned a little, they also shoot TV series, very handy.

At this time, it really sent me timely rain, I am very confident in this work, I know your acting skills, but there is still room for improvement.

But if I am the director this time, I believe that both of us can have the best performance!

Now among these members of mine, your acting skills are the best, so you have a lot of responsibility! This time, the role must be played well!

We believe that this time, we will definitely be able to make a good start, and even create an unparalleled classic!

Gedina is also looking forward to it: "Hehe, of course I am, I want to help you wholeheartedly, and I also like this role." I like the script very much, as long as I play a couple with you, whatever!

Heehee, I'm so close to you now, I think playing this couple is the true color. At that time, I will have to have more special performances with you!

In fact, I also have a wish, when the time comes, if this couple CP is performed well by us, then we can make it public. Hearing

Gedina's words, Luo Chen said with a smile: "Okay, we will make it public when the water is ready." Hearing

Luo Chen's words, Gedina immediately threw herself into his arms happily.

"But I have one more concern." Gedina couldn't help it at this time, her beautiful eyes flowed, and she said a question that Luo Chen didn't expect.


The author has something to say:

Today's update is over, readers have a good night, and finally ask for a wave of five-star praise! Love you guys!

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