"What's there to worry about?" Luo Chen couldn't help but ask directly at this time.

"I'm worried! Of course, you have to worry, who made you so handsome, so good, and so capable? What I'm worried about is that by then you will become more and more famous, everyone knows your good, will there be many women pounce, and then you see one love one?

"And Sister Mi'er, she didn't know your good before, so she would treat you like that, and then, if one day she knew completely that you were so good and powerful, would she come back to you again?" What would you choose? Hearing

Gedina's question, Luo Chen couldn't help but be stunned: "How to choose?" Don't choose! The past is gone, I will not look back, as the so-called, good horses do not eat the grass of the past, let alone people?

As for the previous question, I can assure you that I am not that kind of person, just like Yang Mier and I during our marriage, even if I did that to me, I didn't do anything to be sorry for her!

Of course, it's different now, with you, you chose to come over, and one by one, after I surrounded me, I think, it's impossible to let you go!

But if other women come over, I don't think I will accept it easily, a few of you are enough, no matter how many vulgar fans, I am not interested. Hearing

Luo Chen's answer, Gedina couldn't help but be happy all of a sudden: "Even if you still have a little conscience, I'm really afraid that you are endless in this regard, without any bottom line, then I will really be sad."

At that time, I don't know if I can stick to it like now, after all, these young ladies are my original best friends, everyone knows the roots, and can get along very well. "

Although I also have a little dispute with Sister Bai Ru, and I also try to rob you with other sisters, I also regard it as a love between sisters."

But let other women join in, I can't accept it, I hope you can understand this husband! . Hearing

Gedina's words, Luo Chen just smiled and said: "What don't you understand, you can stay by my side, I feel that this is a gift from heaven."

So many fans call you the national goddess, and it is all luck to burn high incense to get one, and as a result, all of you are willing to stay with me.

All I can say is that my luck is really explosive, so I never had the luxury of hoping for anything in the future, and it was enough to have you!

Gedina smiled happily: "Hee, husband, you are so good, I know that you are not an abusive person!" Then I'm relieved that I know you can do what you say.

Gedina buried her head in Luo Chen's arms at this time, feeling his temperature, and at the same time her heart was full of happiness and joy.

It's so much fun to be with someone I like.

In any case, although I shared it with other sisters, there were always some time when I could get along with Luo Chen alone.

And Luo Chen is really too strong, and now she feels that it is still good that there are a few sisters to help share the burden.

If she is allowed to deal with it alone, although her heart is sweet, it is estimated that she will be bitter in the end, because she can't resist!

"Of course!" When Luo Chen heard Gedina's words, he naturally swore and said, in fact, he also thought so in his heart.

It is indeed enough for women to have a few of them, too many women, there is no need for this, he is not an emperor, not a stallion, why find so many women?

In fact, he feels that sometimes women are enough, and more is trouble, but now that several of their sisters appear next to him, they are so dead set and so obsessed.

It feels too bad to let him go of one, so let's do it first.

And Luo Chen felt that it was time to focus more time and on his career, and he still had many, many things he wanted to do.

Although the system gave him a task, he still hoped that he could achieve a career.

After all, every man should have ambitions in this aspect, and his ideas are not just in the East, but facing the world.

Push the culture of the East to the whole world!

At the same time, let this world set off some cultural waves and even frenzy! That's what he wants to do the most.

Of course, he is still too weak now, everything has just begun, let's go out step by step.

And on this side, the two people sorted it out, which can be regarded as adjusting the picture at this moment to a normal state.

As a result, it didn't take long for his office to be knocked, and soon he saw Tong Yaya, Jiang Yingxue, and Bai Ru, three big beauties, standing at the door.

One by one, they looked at Luo Chen meaningfully, and at the same time looked at Gedina.

Bai Ru said very directly: "Hey, I said how did Sister Xiaodi feel yesterday?" At

this time, Gedina couldn't help but come over and hold Bai Ru's arm, and said with a grin:

"Hee-hee, what else?" Shuang died, I finally know why sister you became so beautiful yesterday, it turns out that with my husband, it's really good!

Bai Ru gave a look: "Hehe, you understand I understand, everyone understands."

Jiang Yingxue suddenly said unpleasantly: "Hey, you're not right, there are two sisters who haven't tried it!" Is it okay to take care of our feelings? In other words, who will be given the opportunity to work overtime with my husband tonight? "

Jiang Yingxue is angry at this time, she also envies it, she also wants it, so she can't help but come to a wave at this time.

Tong Yaya didn't care so much, and said to herself: "Xiao Xue'er, let's scissors and rock-paper-scissors, one game to determine the winner, win and get the opportunity to stay tonight."

Jiang Yingxue immediately agreed: "Okay, the method is good, then come!" "

It looks naïve, but he gambled on his luck and dignity, and Jiang Yingxue was lucky to win.

Tong Yaya was a little disappointed, but she thought that it would be time for her tomorrow, and it didn't matter.

Let's see what's going on.

The two sisters next to her also have a very good relationship with her, and Bai Ru takes good care of her, at this time, Tong Yaya can't help but want to ask, what is the feeling of the sisters being close to Luo Chen? What other experience can be taught.

But these are very close and private things, and the two sisters didn't say much: "Just say that if you try it yourself tomorrow, you will know, and then you will experience it well!"

Jiang Yingxue on this side was very excited: "Heehee, my husband will accompany you to work overtime tonight!" I also want to become more beautiful like Sister Bai Ru and Xiao Di!

"Husband, do you have magic? Why did the sisters become more radiant after one night?

"Could it be that this is the legendary special sport, the more you exercise, the more beautiful a woman is?"

Hearing Jiang Yingxue's words, Luo Chen couldn't help but cough a little dryly, hiding his small embarrassment.

Bai Ru next to him said with a meaningful face: "Heehee, you will know at night, anyway, get ready, don't look forward to it too much?"

Jiang Yingxue heard it a bit like beating chicken blood: "Okay, okay, I will definitely do my best to make the old man open!"

But at this time, an untimely voice came out: "Uh... Boss, hello sisters-in-law, I came to report to the boss! "


-The author has something to say:

the first more sent, good noon, readers great, the next update at six o'clock in the evening, see you then! Ask for five-star reviews and book reviews! Let me see you, readers!

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