A boy's voice suddenly appeared, and a group of young ladies looked over with murderous faces.

Chen Feng really felt cold around him at this time, as if a sword light and shadow passed through his body silently.

Chen Feng suddenly looked a little stiff and asked, "Uh... Am I not here at the right time?

"What do you say?" Bai Ru said with a cold face.

Chen Feng smiled facelessly: "Haha, Sister Bai don't want to be like this, now I am also the eldest little brother, that is also your little brother!" That and that... I also brought my girlfriend to save me some face.

And I'm here for the boss to help! The boss save me, these little sisters are terrible! Seeing

Chen Feng's funny look, Luo Chen couldn't help but hold his forehead, and couldn't help but turn his head and say to Mi Fei who came behind Chen Feng:

"That Mi Fei, it's time, take good care of your men, what are they?"

But you're all here, let's arrange things for today. Chen Feng, you stay here, and then... Xiao Ru, a few of you go and accompany Mi Fei.

In fact, when Chen Feng brought his girlfriend over, he didn't think so much in his heart, just wanted to come and see this newly promoted boss and idol.

At the same time, it is also to implement the recent things and work.

But he didn't expect that a group of goddesses were all here, and one by one they seemed to be close to Luo Chen!

The terrible thing is that Bai Ru is also here, and it seems that he doesn't care.

You must know that Bai Ru has a very high status in the Beijing circle, who in this circle will not be the name of the eldest princess of the Bai family?

This thorny iceberg rose has always been the object of chasing countless family members, and it is also the strongest one to be eligible to compete!

However, Bai Ru is an iceberg beauty to everyone, refusing to be thousands of miles away, and has never heard of getting close to anyone.

So when Bai Ru released the news that he was already with Luo Chen, he would let so many people break their glasses!

Moreover, Chen Feng is also quite familiar with Bai Ru, so he knows the temperament and ability of this eldest sister too well.

Seeing so many women circling around Luo Chen, and Bai Ru next to him, Chen Feng couldn't help but pinch the sweat for his boss.

After seeing a group of women leave, Chen Feng quickly grabbed Luo Chen and asked in a low voice:

"I'll go, boss, you don't want to die?" Aren't you with Sister Bai Ru? How dare you be unclear with other women?

Although you are very powerful, it is normal to have a few more women, but that is Princess Bai Ru! O Great Witch! How dare you fry your hair? You don't want to live, brother?! Hearing

Chen Feng's words, Luo Chen was stunned for a moment, and then said to him angrily:

"Why is everything fuss about you? What is there to worry about, Bai Ru knows it, and she allows it.

And your brother and I are so powerful, even your Bai sister can't resist me alone, can't find some sisters to help?" Hearing

Luo Chen's words, Chen Feng was completely shocked.

He swallowed his throat with some difficulty and asked, "My brother, what kind of power are you talking about?"

Luo Chen smiled confidently, and said meaningfully: "Your brother and I are powerful everywhere!" I want to go..."

"Well, I'm looking for you today, not to let you watch my gossip, I'll look at the ratings of "Hundred Family Forum" yesterday, almost, we can prepare for the next program!"

And there is new news from above, this time our assessment will be more stringent, and it has also added new requirements to us, the task is very heavy..." Chen

Feng originally wanted to continue gossiping, after all, Luo Chen's performance this time was really too ruthless.

How did you let such an unapproachable big princess bow down? What a royal wife!

Chen Feng really wanted to learn and study, but Luo Chen's topic shifted, which instantly made Chen Feng's attention change:

"What? What's going on? Boss, didn't you destroy the Zhou family? Why is anyone still bothering you?

Luo Chen couldn't help but say at this time: "Maybe it's precisely because my previous approach to the Zhou family was too radical, which caused some backlash above."

It is also to warn me not to do anything too lawless, not to go too far

.... So, lately let's keep a low profile, after all, we are not to make enemies, I do this to kill chickens and monkeys, so that those who want to have ideas about me, converge a little!

I have no intention of being an enemy of anyone, but I am not afraid to be an enemy of anyone!

But now that the above instructions have come down, just follow it, this time the difficulty is not small, and the conditions given have become more harsh.

Chen Feng couldn't help but worship Luo Chen even more at this time:

"Boss, you are really a god man!" In this entertainment industry, you can make the above notice, and specially give you a warning, it is estimated that you are the only one, right?

When Luo Chen heard his words, he couldn't help but roll his eyes: "Do you think this is a good thing?"

Chen Feng suddenly laughed dryly: "That's really not, anyway, now we are in a lot of trouble, by the way, boss, what are the instructions and requirements above?" Say it and listen?

At this time, Luo Chen rubbed his brows and said, "There are several requirements above, and today Elder Zhao received the news and then relayed it to me."

First, our educational programs are indeed wonderful and recognized above, but they need us to do a set of educational programs with national participation, which can encourage everyone to accumulate knowledge and learn knowledge. So we also have to create a new variety show in a targeted manner....

Second, given that we used to be the first station of variety entertainment, it gave me a more difficult task. It is said that many old singers have been forgotten, and some classic old songs should have their unique value.

So they hope that we can create a variety show, not too many traffic stars, try to let the older generation of senior singers come to participate, highlight their style, but also bring new charm to the discourse music scene....

Third, the whole people's livelihood news program, positive, get some favorite news of the people....

Fourth, TV dramas that reflect the new love concept of young people in the new era, require no blood, no car accidents, abortions and other cliché plots..." Hearing

this series of so-called requirements and regulations, Chen Feng said with some difficulty:

"Boss, are you an unknown prophet, or did you take special care of you?" Can this be called trouble and embarrassment? Isn't that something you planned earlier?

These rules seem to others to be troublesome, difficult to solve, but for you it is true... It's a breeze! Chen

Feng said this completely because the classic plans that Luo Chen showed him before were all very in line with these requirements!

The most terrible thing is that the variety show that Luo Chen focuses on developing has such a show, which is a new variety show that they are about to break out now!

Chen Feng concluded with his professional level that once this show is done, it can set off a storm!


The author has something to say:

There is one more at ten o'clock in the evening, see you at that time, all readers are great, trouble continue five-star praise and book reviews Ha, thank you for your support!

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